My Go Learning project - YAR (Yet Another http Router)

polaris · · 571 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m learning Go, and one of the pieces of advice I&#39;ve seen about writing web applications was to write your own web framework to learn what the standard library has to offer. I&#39;ve started with the first bit which is HTTP routing. This was also a nice opportunity to learn about benchmarking in Go. I&#39;d be keen to here some comments on what could be improved.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Darxide-: <pre><pre><code> panic(&#34;cannot insert the same path twice&#34;) </code></pre> <p>You shouldn&#39;t panic on everything!</p></pre>dirty_owl: <pre><p>Why not call it YAHR ?</p></pre>synepis: <pre><p>Because I toyed with the idea of having a pirate for a logo for it :) </p></pre>ZeroCool2u: <pre><p>Priorities. </p></pre>doatech: <pre><p>Sweet! Was it hard? I just started to learn go, when you started to tackle this challange?</p></pre>synepis: <pre><p>It took a while to figure out all the various approaches and see what works best, but the coding didn&#39;t take too long. However, if you&#39;re just starting out I wouldn&#39;t suggest this as a first project because it doesn&#39;t really exercise all the fun parts of Go (e.g. channels and go routines). I&#39;ll leave it for someone more experienced to chime in on this.</p></pre>not-yet-implemented: <pre><p>I&#39;m fairly new to the go programming language but still understand your documentation and examples. Pretty nice, keep it up.</p></pre>

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