The minimum structure of a web application

xuanbao · · 554 次点击    
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<p>Im trying to learn how to build a web application. I am still researching, but I was just wondering if someone could check to see if my understanding is correct.</p> <p>So far this is my understanding of the main parts to building a web application. Yet I just feel there is so much more (e.g. load balancing) to building a web applcation, so aswell as whats listed below if you could suggest anything else that is needed to build a web application it would be greatly appreciated:</p> <p>Hosting</p> <blockquote> <p>Amazon AWS</p> </blockquote> <p>Server side</p> <blockquote> <p>Go</p> <p>Learn net/http, which will help you choose a go web framework</p> </blockquote> <p>Front End</p> <blockquote> <p>Javascript templating library - React</p> </blockquote> <p>Tools</p> <blockquote> <p>Version control - Git</p> <p>Text Editor </p> </blockquote> <p>Furthermore I have no understanding how the front end technologies interacts with the serve side technologies. So again any help on this would be greatly appreciated aswell.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>iends: <pre><p>You can build a web application locally with just Go. Focus on learning one thing at a time. If you try to learn full stack development and DevOps all at once you are going to get very discouraged very quickly. </p> <p>Start with learning how to build traditionally multi page apps with Go (using net/http) first. </p></pre>edsionmax: <pre><blockquote> <p>You can build a web application locally with just Go</p> </blockquote> <p>You see even this I am not sure what you mean. Does &#34;locally&#34; imply that you would otherwise build a web app <em>remotely</em>?</p> <blockquote> <p>traditionally multi page apps</p> </blockquote> <p>What other apps are there? and presumably they are more complicated?</p></pre>nameless912: <pre><p>Okay so basically, here&#39;s what you need to know:</p> <p>Fundamentally, there&#39;s nothing that makes your computer different than a compute node on AWS other than the fact that the AWS one has a static IP address and DNS pointing to it. If you run <code>ListenAndServe(&#34;:8080&#34;, nil)</code> on your own machine, you&#39;ll be able to type <code>localhost:8080</code> into your web browser and see your web server running.</p> <p>In terms of where to start, it really depends on what you want to do: if you&#39;re interested more in the front end, learn that first. If you&#39;re interested in the back end, learn that first. On a very basic level, here&#39;s how the two interact:</p> <p>The front end is usually your HTML/JS/CSS code. It&#39;s loaded as a static asset (i.e. from some address, like <code>localhost:8080/index.html</code>), and parsed by the browser. Usually, you&#39;ll have some Javascript code in your front end which makes calls to your back end using what&#39;s called REST (stands for &#34;<strong>RE</strong>presentational <strong>S</strong>tate <strong>T</strong>ransfer), which basically boils down to calling specially-formulated URL&#39;s (web addresses) to pull down and push up information from/to the back end.</p> <p>Your back end usually interacts with your data store (for example, a database, but could also just be a regular old file if you&#39;re just getting started), and potentially does some transformation on that information.</p> <p>For example, let&#39;s say I have a form on my website for people to input a story about programming. I would set up a page with a text form and a button and store that in <code>index.html</code>. Then I would write some CSS &#34;styles&#34; (rules on what to style and how to style it) and store that in <code>styles.css</code>. Then I would write a Javascript file (<code>script.js</code>) that sets up an event listener to the button so that when someone pushes the button, we use AJAX (another technology that provides a Javascript API to talk to web servers) to push the text in the text box to a special URL called <code>&lt;domain&gt;/story/</code> using what&#39;s called a &#34;POST&#34; call. your backend would accept that URL and push the data into a file. Finally, I would have some server (not necessarily your application server [the one that hosts the <code>/story/</code> endpoint], but it can be) serve the <em>static assets</em>, i.e. <code>index.html</code>, <code>styles.css</code>, and <code>script.js</code>. That&#39;s the web server/endpoint presented to your user; they shouldn&#39;t have to care about your app API, because your front end (i.e. your HTML/CSS/JS) will take care of interacting with it for you.</p> <p>If all that sounds overwhelming, sorry :) that&#39;s just programming for you.</p> <p>I would make a couple of suggestions:</p> <ol> <li><p>Take the Coursera course from Johns Hopkins about front end web development. It&#39;s free, open source, and relatively simple. You <em>must</em> learn regular old web development without any fancy frameworks or anything before trying to use something like React.JS. If you don&#39;t know the basics, you will get <em>boned</em> when you encounter something you don&#39;t understand, which happens a lot with fancy front-end frameworks.</p></li> <li><p>Don&#39;t try to use <code>net/http</code> directly right now. It&#39;s much easier to use something relatively prebuilt (like gorilla mux) and work through their prebuilt examples, and the extra speed and understanding that <code>net/http</code> offers you won&#39;t make a huge difference in the end until you get to much more advanced situations.</p></li> <li><p>Develop locally. Don&#39;t worry about AWS until you actually want to put your site up somewhere.</p></li> <li></li> </ol></pre>SportingSnow21: <pre><blockquote> <p>You see even this I am not sure what you mean. Does &#34;locally&#34; imply that you would otherwise build a web app remotely? </p> </blockquote> <p>&#34;Local&#34;/&#34;Locally&#34; refers to the laptop/desktop computer you have in front of you. Any deployment to AWS/GAE/DigitalOcean, etc is not local. <a href="/u/iends" rel="nofollow">/u/iends</a> is recommending you start small and build a web app that runs on your computer, so you can test it out from the same machine. I second this recommendation. Work on one part at a time, so you&#39;re not bogged down by the complexities of getting them to work together.</p> <blockquote> <p>What other apps are there? and presumably they are more complicated? </p> </blockquote> <p>Multi-page apps are the webapps of the 90&#39;s, before the big javascript craze. The web-pages are generated on the server, so there&#39;s little to no javascript framework to deal with. Go&#39;s standard library has all the tools to build out a simple multi-page app (net/http, html/template). You can focus on learning the server-side code, html, and templates. Once you&#39;re comfortable with that, move on to incorporating a JSON API to the site. Then you can focus on building a single-page app using those API endpoints. Single-page applications, which is the target of React/Angular/Aurelia/etc javascript frameworks, are more complicated than traditional multi-page apps because they need all three of these parts (back-end, API, front-end) at once. Each one can be a career, so avoid trying to tackle them all at once. Focus on one at a time and you&#39;ll get comfortable with the ideas involved.</p> <p>EDIT: Starting with a small Go codebase will allow you to get comfortable with your text editor and git/github and experiment with different setups without worrying too much about making mistakes. </p></pre>thesilentwitness: <pre><p>I&#39;d recommend skipping React unless it&#39;s strictly necessary for your project. You&#39;re not just learning React, you&#39;re learning ReactJS, Javascript, ES6, JSX, Babel, maybe TypeScript, webpack, and probably a bunch of other stuff I&#39;m unfamiliar with. If you&#39;re unfamiliar with all of the things you&#39;ve already mentioned then you&#39;ll be doing a years worth of learning before you&#39;re even in a position to write something.</p></pre>

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