[Help]Basic Secure Login using Templates?

polaris · · 477 次点击    
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<p>I am looking for a Go login system example that used templates, I am wanting to make a secure website using an HTML, JS and CSS template package without the need for PHP.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>joncalhoun: <pre><p>So.. hopefully this doesn&#39;t come across as spammy/a sales pitch because I am really trying to help.</p> <p>I am writing a book about web development with Go and I typically ask for a few friends to peer review each chapter after I write it. I am really close to writing the chapter about an authentication system (I am finishing up ch8 and it is ch10).</p> <p>If you would like I can send you just that chapter + the code up until that point so you can follow along and get what you need out of it. It won&#39;t be as helpful as something written to be standalone, but it is the best I can do and it should give you enough context and info to adapt it for your own use case.</p> <p>I believe it covers everything you need as it has you create an auth system using nothing but a Go server + the html/template package (no css or js required technically). Here is a (rough) outline of the chapter:</p> <pre><code>Chapter 10 Building an authentication system 10.1 Why not use another package or service? 10.2 Creating users and securely storing passwords 10.2.1 Hashing passwords 10.2.2 Update the users model 10.2.3 Update the users controller 10.3 Handling logins and authentication 10.3.1 Creating a login page and sessions controllers 10.3.2 Authentication needs to be time constant 10.4 Exercises </code></pre> <p>I am going to avoid posting a link to the book because I don&#39;t want this to come across as a sales pitch. If you really are interested in finding it I&#39;m sure you will find a way.</p></pre>MisterMagnifico: <pre><p>Where are you publishing this? I&#39;d also be interested in this. I have a few sites already in Go, but auth still seems to be one of the hardest parts.</p></pre>joncalhoun: <pre><p>I will PM you a link. </p></pre>cittatva: <pre><p>I would also be interested in reading this!</p></pre>hawryson: <pre><p>Would love to receive one as well! :)</p></pre>leadguit: <pre><p>I would be interested as well :-)</p></pre>joncalhoun: <pre><p>Replying here to simplify things.</p> <p>I believe I sent a PM to everyone who asked for samples. PM me if I missed your post somehow.</p></pre>: <pre><p>[deleted]</p></pre>joncalhoun: <pre><p>yep</p></pre>M_AbdelRa7man: <pre><p>I built from a 5 months very simple CMS for the purpose of learning, you can learn from it, and if you want any help told me.</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/m-abdalrahman/faseela" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/m-abdalrahman/faseela</a></p></pre>

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