Are there any tools that would allow say my grandmother to log in to a website as admin and manage her crochet site without needing me for every little change? Or is WordPress/PHP the only obvious option?
noerde:It sounds like you want a CMS, it probably doesn't matter if it's built on Go or not (kudos if you use one that does). But really, your 'user' probably shouldn't care too much what language the platform they are using was built with.
A quick Google search shows there are some Go-backed CMS systems, but really, I would just compare a few (like WordPress) to see which you think would be most suitable for your user ;)
dejus:You can build a login page and some editing functionality that would allow her to do this. It will complicate the site, but is certainly possible. You would probably learn a lot.
DanChm:Out of curiosity, is there a reason you are using Go for this? Go is probably the fastest in performance here, but for a crochet site it is probably overkill. If you are just wanting to gain better experience with it, you'd want (as mentioned) a CMS. It would definitely (as mentioned) be a learning experience to roll your own. Depending on your skill level it might take a while. Otherwise, the idea of a CMS is to make the process of maintaining as simple and straight forward as possible. Sometimes developers forget that though.
You might checkout Haven't used it but it looks quite nice. It might be a good use if you just want something in a language you understand so you can help when you can, but also be hands off after showing her how to use it.
PaluMacil:Thanks for the info. I'm currently in the last year of my computer science degree and I'm learning Go in my spare time. I do some web development but a lot of simple websites I build are for people who know nothing about programming and hence the question.
RandNho:Go would be a fun tool to build that with. I'd recommend doing template Wordpress sites with quick basic configuration (since there are already many many millions of dollars in development hours towards WP and its plugins) while you program away on a Go site that people can use for blogs and simple pages too. Go is a fun language, and making a simple blogging platform isn't a terrible project in terms of complexity. It might even be one of the more common type of tutorials in various languages.
Caddy with Hugo plugin should be exactly what you need.