Looking for a Go Gopher plush or vinyl figure

agolangf · · 475 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m currently in the US and frantically looking for one as a gift. Any idea where I could get one from? Thanks!</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>shovelpost: <pre><p>The Go team and/or some other gophers at Google should create an open-source Go web app that sells official gopher figures and which apart from providing us with our beloved gophers plushies, it would also serve as a perfect example of how to write Go web apps.</p></pre>abeisgreat: <pre><p>They currently sell them in person at the Google Mountain View campus. When do you need it by? I could potentially make a trip down next week and ship you one.</p></pre>gergo254: <pre><p>You should make a Gopher shipping service. :) It&#39;s quite hard to get one, especially in Europe.</p></pre>abeisgreat: <pre><p>I&#39;ll handle wholesale if you do customer distribution haha</p></pre>ProcessUnicorn: <pre><p>Any time before mid December would work. If it&#39;s not too much of a bother, I&#39;d be really grateful! :D</p> <p>Edit: I can&#39;t do it myself because I&#39;m on the East coast.</p></pre>TeranNotTerran: <pre><p>I&#39;ve seen one on a former coworker&#39;s desk. It&#39;s the only one I&#39;ve ever seen -- I think they may be pretty rare.</p></pre>ProcessUnicorn: <pre><p>Yes, they&#39;re really hard to find which is what makes them a special gift :))</p></pre>so_much_reddit_T-T: <pre><p>Every now and then they&#39;ll pop up in the Google Store; however, usually they are handed out at conferences (I got mine at GopherCon this year)</p></pre>dmikalova: <pre><p>Only the plush has been available on the Google store. You might want to try messaging someone like Francesca Campoy who does Go advocacy for Google.</p></pre>tucnak: <pre><p>I can&#39;t believe I managed to lose my vinyl one back to 2012...</p></pre>

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