Ask Reddit: Has anyone tried to build a web-based (html/css/Golang) App for mobile ?

blov · · 510 次点击    
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<p>I am thinking about options for building a cross platform app.</p> <p>One Golang option would be gomobile. But adding a UI still means going native (Java / ObjC).</p> <p>So I think another option would be a Cordova/Phonegap kind of solution, building the app in html/css/Golang. Using the mobile local browser (native on each platform) plus a webserver (in Go).</p> <p>Is this possible ? Has anyone tried this ? Any considerations ? Maybe a sample project ?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>JTandler: <pre><p>I am working on something quite similar. </p> <p>We started to use gomobile to extend existing mobile applications (with native ui). Due some limitations in gomobile (when it comes to data exchange) we switched to use <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as a &#34;data exchange layer&#34; some time ago. So now the gomobile part provides a tcp/http2 endpoint and communicates with the native UI via grpc.</p> <p>Although our setup is a bit different (using grpc), I can tell you that the basic architecture should work as you expect: Gomobile as embedded server with some native frontend (the webview in your case) is working fine.</p> <p>Sadly I can not provide any sample code, but if you need any help feel free to ask. </p></pre>m3talsmith: <pre><p>One experiment I&#39;ve tried is to write a gomobile sever and a react native client that both run on the phone (Android). The server was just a proxy to the backend and the client talked directly to the server running on the phone.</p></pre>caseynashvegas: <pre><p>I have lots of experience in mobile application development, both native and hybrid (cordova). By far I&#39;ve found ReactNative to be the best of both worlds and one of the most productive environments.<br/> My current big project uses React Native for the GUI and runs gomobile as a business and data tier on the device, which handles all the communication with my backend. </p> <p>There are 3 decent ways to communicate between Go and React Native on the device, HTTP, Websockets and through the React Native Bridge. Here is a trivial example of each: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Feel free to ping me for details of that example if you can&#39;t figure it out, but it is self explanatory if you read both the gomobile and react native tutorials.</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><blockquote> <p>But adding a UI still means going native (Java / ObjC).</p> </blockquote> <p>That is not true. On the title you mention building a <em>web-based</em> App. Unless you mean something different, why do you need native UI for that? Yeah sure the native UI will be faster but the advantages of building a (non native) web-based app are very big. You essentially trade off the native feeling and speed for the cross-platform / write-once benefit which depending on your budget can be extremely beneficial.</p> <p>For me the best way to do this right now is to have a solid and robust API on the back-end (written in Go) and use one of the available solutions for building a modern, mobile-first, progressive web app on the front-end that will consume the API. Personally I use <a href="" rel="nofollow">polymer</a> for that but any of the other solutions will work.</p> <p>Moreover, this gives you the benefit that if later you want to expand into a native app, you just create another front-end, this time on android / iOS that consumes the same Go API.</p></pre>1Gijs: <pre><blockquote> <p>Unless you mean something different, why do you need native UI for that?</p> </blockquote> <p>Sorry for the confusion. I was talking about the case of using gomobile. In general that means using the gomobile native bindings to create a native UI on each platform.</p> <p>I do not need a native UI so that is why I now consider a web app wrapped up for each platform. Like Cordova does.</p> <p>I had the same ideas about dividing the code. As much as possible is already handled by a backend API. So the device part can be as thin as possible.</p></pre>beeker1121: <pre><p>My first project with Go and kind of React was making a mobile SoundCloud player. Main goal for it was to have it work well on mobile, since I&#39;d be using it on my phone while driving 99% of the time.</p> <p>Here is the <a href="" rel="nofollow">GitHub link</a> for it, and here is the <a href="" rel="nofollow">live app</a>.</p> <p>I wouldn&#39;t recommend following the structure of the app (the structure of the Go code, i.e. if I could redo it, I would code it almost exactly the same as <a href="" rel="nofollow">this article</a> that was posted here instead of using the Model, View, Controller structure). However, you can resize your browser or open it up on mobile and see it works decently well.</p> <p>The route I decided to go though is the second one you posted, just using the web browser. My app doesn&#39;t open as a native phone app though, rather you just browse to it like any other site. Doesn&#39;t seem to difficult to implement though, long as you can hook a browser API to load your site within the app.</p></pre>

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