Hi all,
I have already one year experience with Golang. My language skill is good and willing to improve it.
So my question is, where can I join the open source project?
Would be nice to join your guys for open source project.
zero_coding:The Caddy project would be a good one to get involved with: https://github.com/mholt/caddy - it's made of several small pieces so it's not too hard to make contributions. Right now we're working on writing more tests for it.
mwholt:Ok, I will join your guys and how to do it?
alebaffa:Just like any open source project - find a need and fill it. You can look at open issues to see what people are talking about, asking for, or bugs that were reported. You could look at test coverage and add tests where needed ("coverage" isn't everything, too - there's edge cases to consider, previous bugs, etc, and make sure those are tested).
In Caddy's case, we could use more tests in the middleware packages and the config/setup package. They're fairly easy to write and there are some existing tests you can use as a template. Once you've written/changed some code, just open a pull request to have it reviewed.
jammerlt:it is not really clear to me what you are looking for. Do you want to contribute to the Go project? If yes, you just have to go download the source code from the website, see on github the issues still opened and follow the mailing list to communicate with other contributors. Do you want to contribute to whatever Go open project? My suggestion is: go to github, find a Go project you may be interested to, start using it, and once you are familiar with it the options are 2: 1) see the open issues and see if you can fix one of them, 2) you will find a bug yourself, you fix it and you create a pull request.
How to find a Go project? There are plenty of them available on github. Just filter by programming language and you will find hundreds of them.
zero_coding:Check out syncthing.
deiwin:What I mean is to join some open source project.
klaaax:That's what he meant as well. Start here: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-code
here , 1 second search on google.
jbuberel:Feel free to join my project https://github.com/firstrow/logvoyage )
zero_coding:One very popular Go project that could use some additional help is godep. The current maintainer (Keith Rarick) isn't able to spend as much time as he'd like and is looking for people to help.
The same can be said of nut, as similar dependency management tool. Owen has also been looking for contributors to the project.
I am very interesting about web services, love to write for cloud stuff.