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<p>I submitted a request to get early access to Gogland but haven&#39;t heard anything back yet in about a week. </p> <p>.</p> <p>Anyone know how long Jetbrains takes to grant access or if they have been accepting applications from people who are just using it personally, not in production or within an organization?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>AKosterin: <pre><p>Jetbrains invited a small group of experts in the EAP. After gathering suggestions and comments they decide whom to invite and how much. While invitations are not sent out.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>They only announced it Thursday so it&#39;s not quite about a week yet. As for if you&#39;ll hear from them, it might be that they are overwhelmed with requests or they are trying to make sure they get a good sample of users, based on the questions they are asking. Have patience.</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>Who needs that java based memory hungry beast to code in Go? You don&#39;t need it, really.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Turns out that this IDE is actually pretty fast and uses a lot less memory than others in the family. </p> <p>As for who needs it? Judging by the reception it had I would venture to guess that many more programmers that you think. IDEs actually provide a wealth of functionality and one thing that you&#39;ll not find in other editors are all the refactoring options.</p> <p>Most importantly it will help new programmers have an easier time to start and learn Go.</p> <p>So who needs it? The Go ecosystem, current and future, needs it.</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>A lot of people think they need it because that&#39;s how they&#39;ve been used to in the past or with other languages. I argue that a Go dev doesn&#39;t need it in reality, but if the dev feels this way, then by all means.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Look, give it a try when it comes up and decide for yourself. But do it only if you can be open to the idea of seeing what it has to offer. If you start from the: IDEs are all bad, then don&#39;t.</p> <p>And I&#39;m happy to say that yes, some devs might not want or need IDEs, some devs do. Embrace diversity.</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>I can be open and most probably I will take a look at it. But I&#39;ve tried Intellij IDEs in the past and haven&#39;t been compelled to use one, unless maybe for java. I didn&#39;t say IDEs are all bad, but while I can see how they can help someone be more productive in certain aspects, I also find them quite limiting in other aspects and feel they slow me down. Not necessarily in performance but in UI and interaction. I&#39;m doing 99% of my work using just the keyboard, not only when coding (in which case is 100%) but in my interaction with the system (Linux, no DE, just Tiling Window Manager). An IDE makes me take my hand from the keyboard and put it on the mouse, which is a sin :). My flow is ninja level and I can&#39;t settle for anything less. So although curious to try Gogland, I don&#39;t think it will be on my liking.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>You&#39;ll be happy to know that:</p> <ul> <li>you can use the IDE w/o mouse, I&#39;m not joking</li> <li>I agree that for some, IDEs will be a limiting factor as they&#39;ll stop learning.</li> </ul> <p>But yes, if you have your workflow it&#39;s darn hard to get out of it because it&#39;s in your blood, it&#39;s your thing, it suits you the best.</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>No you really can :). I know nobody uses the mouse to click on menus and options for every action in an IDE. If you get used to their shortcuts then it becomes part of your workflow but it doesn&#39;t spare you of using the mouse, just in some cases. And IDEA has a vim plugin for vimers which is great, but often its defaults conflict with IDEA&#39;s shortcuts and you still can&#39;t use your keyboard for everything. Other people don&#39;t have any problem with this which is fine, use the best tool for you.</p></pre>neoasterisk: <pre><blockquote> <p>but in my interaction with the system (Linux, no DE, just Tiling Window Manager)</p> </blockquote> <p>That&#39;s interesting. I&#39;ve heard quite a few people using a similar setup. I&#39;ve tried using a Tiling manager but I had problems with certain programs especially the browser. Could you share your setup? I will give it a try next weekend.</p></pre>Shonucic: <pre><p>Memory is cheap</p></pre>dobegor: <pre><p>Memory is cheap for dev needs, but we do care about memory when running on scale.</p> <p>Anyway, I prefer using a full-blown IDE then saving a gig or two of RAM on my machine. </p> <p>Though I like coding in Vim, I really miss some features. Especially debugging. </p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>We&#39;re talking about consumer systems, desktops and laptops not enterprise servers. Memory is cheap but it&#39;s not as cheap everywhere and not as cheap to everybody. Besides, just because you can buy memory doesn&#39;t mean you should use it needlessly and burn CPU cycles uselessly. The fact is intellij IDEs are slow and although I have a good pc that can handle it without any problems, I still want to feel my system and my tools are as fast as they can possible be. So I use GVim for coding and have been for years. I don&#39;t need anything else, especially for Go, which has great tooling that can be added to any code editor and offers you everything you need in terms of assistance.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>You can buy a pc with 16gb of ram for quite cheap these days. And if you look at it, Chrome consumes a lot more than IntelliJ. </p> <p>I understand you like GVim but many other do not. And judging by the reception the announcement had, I&#39;ll venture to guess than many people don&#39;t have that problem.</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>And I understand many people don&#39;t like vim or understand why it&#39;s so powerful. I was not suggesting everybody use vim, but there are other good and more lightweight alternatives that can make use of the go tooling, Sublime, Atom, Visual Studio Code, whichever makes you feel great. All I said was, technically you don&#39;t need Gogland to code efficiently in Go. If you like it and makes you feel great using it, then go for it.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Have you tried it yet? Do you know how it stacks against other in terms of performance?</p></pre>hoffentlich: <pre><p>I haven&#39;t tried it yet. I know it&#39;s part of the Intellij series and it&#39;s written in Java.</p></pre>Shonucic: <pre><p>The right tool is the one that gives you the greatest productivity, be it IntelliJ, vim, or writing code on slips of paper.</p> <p>Only in limited cases are the resources on your dev machine not sufficient for development, and in those cases you use a different tool/method/machine to get the job done.</p></pre>vburenin: <pre><p>It is a very bold question. I do need it. Many people need it. I can count already over ~20 people who I see daily.</p></pre>

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