Gitea 1.0.0 release - Got hosting with a cup of tea

polaris · · 382 次点击    
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<p>I’m proud to present you our gift for christmas, we have released Gitea 1.0.0 now: <a href=""></a></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>BOSS_OF_THE_INTERNET: <pre><p>Can you TL;DR about why one would use this over Gogs? I know Gitea is a fork, but what sets it apart?</p></pre>mompelz: <pre><p>Currently it&#39;s for sure only the community driven development where really everything is open and some bug fixes and strict linting, but we plan to add new features with the next release 1.1.0</p></pre>niosop: <pre><p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Seems to be mostly difference in opinion about management/community.</p></pre>m4ng0squ4sh: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>PacNinja: <pre><p>More active development and bug fixes.</p></pre>whilei: <pre><p>see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ... an issue for too long while gitea can coop and squish promptly</p></pre>very-little-gravitas: <pre><p>That issue at least looks like it was recently closed :) Was there an open pull request to fix it which wasn&#39;t merged for ages or something like that?</p> <p>That welcome blog post linked above by niosop is disturbingly vague about why gitea exists. It does seem a shame the gitea and gogs folks can&#39;t just get along, I&#39;d rather use the original project since the maintainer is still active and there are 287 contributors to it.</p></pre>karma_vacuum123: <pre><p>looks cool but i am going to stick to gogs for the time being....i totally get why they forked...but gogs is still getting fresh commits and moving forward at a good clip, and personally i am more focused on the project&#39;s velocity and not its governance</p> <p>gogs is awesome and i love being able to run it locally with ease...the setup is trivial for someone who has no concurrency/multiuser concerns (i.e. my own laptop)</p></pre>mompelz: <pre><p>And you realized that unknwon have been away for multiple weeks, maybe even months again? This happened already multiple times. So months of open security issues, unmerged pull requests and so on.</p></pre>karma_vacuum123: <pre><p>I was not aware of that. maybe the fork will spur him into action</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Congrats! To many more releases to come!</p></pre>tscs37: <pre><p>Great news and the best christmas present, just right on christmas day! &lt;3</p></pre>

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382 次点击  
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