Do you think GoLang is suitable for creating databases?

blov · 2016-12-29 20:00:11 · 656 次点击    
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I'm going to have some experience creating InMemoryDB for my study and open source experience.

I do not know what language is suitable for development in Golang or Rust.

I would appreciate your feedback.

Thank you.



Yes, there are already DBs such as InfluxDB written in Go.


CockroachDB, etcd and dgraph as well.


Also Cayley and Google's BadWolf.


Thank you very much for all kindly responding to me.



We've built a highly distributed, highly available database suited for writing a ton of data and reading all of that data at least once. It's entirely written in Go and is going to be open sourced though isn't 100% complete yet. So yes, Go is quite capable of building databases.


I'm personally using BuntDB, a KV-DB written in Go.

You can definitely write DBs in Go.

What I've noticed is that a high CRUD pressure from the C, U and D's will create some CPU and Memory usage beyond what you would expect but it's within reasonable bounds.


I suspect that is mostly mutex contention.

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