I'm going to have some experience creating InMemoryDB for my study and open source experience.
I do not know what language is suitable for development in Golang or Rust.
I would appreciate your feedback.
Thank you.
hannson:Yes, there are already DBs such as InfluxDB written in Go.
dgryski:CockroachDB, etcd and dgraph as well.
gogoging:Also Cayley and Google's BadWolf.
hippmr:Thank you very much for all kindly responding to me.
tscs37:We've built a highly distributed, highly available database suited for writing a ton of data and reading all of that data at least once. It's entirely written in Go and is going to be open sourced though isn't 100% complete yet. So yes, Go is quite capable of building databases.
Morgahl:I'm personally using BuntDB, a KV-DB written in Go.
You can definitely write DBs in Go.
What I've noticed is that a high CRUD pressure from the C, U and D's will create some CPU and Memory usage beyond what you would expect but it's within reasonable bounds.
I suspect that is mostly mutex contention.