Map with custom equality

xuanbao · · 776 次点击    
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<p>I need a hash-map-like structure that allows me to define custom equality. Do I have to write it myself? There should be a way to use custom hash and equality functions.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>ericanderton: <pre><p>You may not need to write your own map implementation. It should be possible to write your own shallow or deep map comparison function for whatever map type you&#39;re using. The trick is to iterate the map keys, rather than use the built-in &#39;==&#39; operation, since Go&#39;s map implementation randomly hashes things such that two map instances are extremely unlikely to iterate in the same order.</p> <p>The other route is to roll your own implementation. But beware: the only fully generic approach must wrap <code>map[interface{}]interface{}</code> since Go lacks compile-time generics. So the best practice here is to either roll a specific map wrapper, or again, just implement the comparison function(s) you need.</p> <p>Edit: it <em>is</em> possible to create a type of the map you&#39;re interested in using, and write a receiver function for that type. IMO, this is as clean as it gets with Go:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <pre><code>type FooMap map[string]string func(f FooMap) Equal(other FooMap) bool { // todo: iterate key list and compare maps return false } </code></pre></pre>golangguy: <pre><p>Sorry, to be clear I meant custom equality for the keys. Like overloading _ <em>eq</em> _ and _ <em>hash</em> _ in Python.</p></pre>ericanderton: <pre><p>I hear ya. Go, for better or worse, has <em>zero</em> operator overloading. </p> <blockquote> <p>You can&#39;t get there from here.</p> </blockquote></pre>: <pre><p>[deleted]</p></pre>ericanderton: <pre><p>Was it this part?</p> <blockquote> <p>Go&#39;s map implementation randomly hashes things</p> </blockquote> <p>I can see how that might sound somewhat confusing. Plus, I mis-spoke, since I recall having to use map equality in some capacity in unit-tests, but I had a hard time getting it to work until I learned this odd Go behavior. As it happens, it&#39;s the iteration order of the map keys that&#39;s &#34;random&#34;, not some property intrinsic to the maps themselves (like having some private RNG seed or somesuch).</p> <p>This SO article sums up the overall problem much more succinctly: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>FUZxxl: <pre><p>My comment is wrong and I feel wrong.</p></pre>jerf: <pre><p>&#34;It depends&#34;. To be honest, almost every custom hash or equality function I&#39;ve ever seen in the languages that permit it is doing something ill-considered in the context of a hash key, and I&#39;m not sure Go doesn&#39;t generally have the right of it here.</p> <p>It&#39;s also a bit of a code smell to have objects that complex as keys to a hash anyhow.</p> <p>If you can do it, the best pure-Go way is to define a simpler object based on original value that can be unambiguously used as a hash key:</p> <pre><code>type SomethingComplex struct { ... } type SimpleKey struct { ... } func (sc *SomethingComplex) Key () SimpleKey { } </code></pre> <p>and then define all maps using SimpleKey as the key type; the type system will not permit anyone to make the mistake of forgetting to convert.</p> <p>If that isn&#39;t good enough, go poke around the ever-growing set of &#34;go-generatable&#34; data structures. I&#39;m not sure you&#39;ll find one off-the-shelf but, if you understand the problem space well enough to understand <em>all</em> the invariants your custom functions need to maintain, you should be at the skill level where you could trivially add this feature to those data structures; it&#39;s a very simple and direct transform of any existing code.</p></pre>sunnyps: <pre><p>Maybe you can canonicalize your keys somehow. Say you wanted to use string keys but not be case sensitive, you could convert the key to a lowercase string before inserting it into the map and do the same when querying the map.</p></pre>atdiar: <pre><p>Yes, I think so. You can look at what is done in /runtime/alg.go for inspiration.</p> <p>What is your intended use ? Toy project ?</p> <p>edit: if it is for a toy project that will never ever.. ever... ever see production, I can help you as I&#39;ve done this a while ago as a learning project of my own. I extracted a few files from the standard lib. But it was a toy project and there is some black magic of my own involved.</p> <p>Otherwise, are you sure you really need a custom hashmap ?</p></pre>golangguy: <pre><p>It&#39;s very easy to code a production-ready hash map but it feels wrong when one is in the language already! It would be possible to extend maps to something like make(map[K]V, capacity, equalityFunc, hashFunc).</p></pre>atdiar: <pre><p>The default map/hash implementations are tied to the runtime, partly for additional protection against collisions and also, as far as I can recall, because the map is aware of the garbage collection process. So, I don&#39;t think that your idea is possible. </p></pre>martingzz: <pre><p>I wrote this for my own needs:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>I mostly needed a map of something containing a slice as a part of the key which, and slices (as you probably know) don&#39;t support equality.</p> <p>Let me know if it&#39;s any use to you.</p></pre>calebdoxsey: <pre><p>Just make your key have what you want in it:</p> <pre><code>type ( User struct { ID int64 Name, Email, Address string } UserKey struct{ ID int64 } ) func (u User) Key() UserKey { return UserKey{u.ID} } func main() { m := map[UserKey]User{} u1 := User{1, &#34;name&#34;, &#34;email&#34;, &#34;address&#34;} m[u1.Key()] = u1 } </code></pre> <p>The only way I could see this not working is if you want to have a huge amount of data in your key, in which case you can transform that huge data into a single value (maybe sha256 it) and then use that as a key.</p> <p>Given those two options, why would you ever need a custom function?</p></pre>golangguy: <pre><p>I have a huge amount of data. Using any hash as a key may collide with another value (I know for cryptographic hashes this is unlikely but still possible) and the computation of a cryptographic hash is slow.</p></pre>calebdoxsey: <pre><p>I don&#39;t think a map that allowed you to do this would actually solve your problem.</p> <p>Say you are trying to store 1GB structs, the calculation of the hash (which a map is doing internally) will be quite expensive as will be the calculation of <code>equals</code> (which the map has to do on collision). But the whole point of a map is to give you O(1) lookups.</p> <p>It would be better to pre-compute a key for each large object and store it with the object. This is, for example, how git works. Everything is stored as a sha1.</p> <p>If you can&#39;t do that then you are using the wrong data structure. A hash map assumes hashing is efficient.</p></pre>jart1987: <pre><p>Why do you want to do this? What problem are you trying to solve?</p></pre>mcos: <pre><p>How about using <a href="" rel="nofollow">reflect.DeepEqual</a>?</p></pre>hipone: <pre><p>You shouldn&#39;t write your own hash-map, you should revisit your requirements. In particular, why builtin map is not enough for you?</p> <p>([edit] it&#39;s pretty obvious that there exist no such thing as &#34;custom equality&#34; as equality is only one in Go - byte-wise one, so I smell troll; if yes, please see my counter-troll: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)</p></pre>golangguy: <pre><p>I am aware that Go equality mentioned in the spec is pretty much binary equals. Although from what I can tell for interfaces this isn&#39;t quite the case. See my message above for clarification.</p></pre>dchapes: <pre><p>Tiny nits for your example: you should probably either use your own <code>const HashSize = sha1.Size</code> (or just use <code>sha1.Size</code> directly) everywhere in place of <code>20</code>. There is no reason to use pointer receivers for the <code>Map</code> methods.</p></pre>

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