The android-go project got JNI support, can access Android SDK methods

blov · · 451 次点击    
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<p>The android-go project aims to provide a platform (namely an SDK) for writing native Android apps in Go programming language. Today it got JNI calls support, so users can now use Android SDK inside their Go programs.</p> <p>This example shows how to toggle the native Android keyboard using JNI introspection: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Demo (with Nuklear GUI): <a href=""></a></p> <p>Many other SDK classes can be used, facilitating access to native platform and hardware features.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>throwlikepollock: <pre><p>For those &#34;in the know&#34; about Go &amp; Android, what is the current &#34;best&#34; method to create 100% Go Android apps? Ideally, i want Native UI components too, not custom drawn OpenGL stuff.</p></pre>JTandler: <pre><p>What&#39;s the difference to go-mobile which supports jni calls, too?</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p><code>go-mobile</code> has another goals and priorities. This project appeared to fill the niche and do things differently where go-mobile doesn&#39;t help, for example, go-mobile is targeted for mobile developers who want to play with Go.</p> <p><code>android-go</code> on the other side is a project for Go developers who want to do Android development without touching C or Java code.</p> <blockquote> <p>which supports jni calls, too?</p> </blockquote> <p>No it doesn&#39;t, they generate JNI code to do calls from Java to Go, like I said that&#39;s a tool for Java developers. To do calls from Go to Android SDK, they write C shims like this: <a href=""></a></p></pre>JTandler: <pre><p>What I meant was &#34;reverse bindings&#34; (see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) which looks like calls from go to java/coca for me. Am I wrong with that?</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p>Poking around links from &#34;reverse bindings&#34; doc section I stumbled upon these 2 beautiful threads:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> </ul> <p>This perfectly shows the issue I was trying to avoid here.</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p>Looks cool, however that&#39;s a DSL (domain-specific language) kind of language constructions here that have no sense without invoking <code>go-bind</code> generator that will generate Java code and C shims that will setup a bridge between Java and Go. No JNI calls from Go.</p> <p>My approach allows to access SDK without code generation, in a very direct and explicit way, using Go. I&#39;m not stating that it&#39;s better, it&#39;s just different and I like it to be that way.</p></pre>JTandler: <pre><p>Ok, I see what you meant. Thanks for the information.</p></pre>JTandler: <pre><p>Found it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>dobegor: <pre><p>This is awesome. Maybe someone will create an easy to use SDK wrapper.</p> <p>/offtop Pixel XL Black 128 is still out of stock from the end of November. Argh.</p></pre>ericzhill: <pre><p>I got in on the preorder and the Pixel XL 128 I&#39;m typing this on is fantastic. /bragger</p></pre>dobegor: <pre><p>I&#39;ve made a usual mistake &#39;oh seems nice I&#39;ll wait for some reviews&#39;. Enjoy your device :)</p> <p>OP, sorry for off-topic conversation.</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p>I hope this wrapper would be generated automatically for entire SDK using class definitions, would be amazingly useful to have autocomplete on these.</p></pre>

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