Any Montreal-based GoLang programmers here?

polaris · · 1373 次点击    
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<p>Just curious to know if there&#39;s any Montreal-based GoLang programmers in this subreddit with some decent engineering experience?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Jaime-G: <pre><p>Not yet, but I&#39;m moving to Montreal in March to work in a full stack position that uses Go as one of it&#39;s tools. </p></pre>mcouturier: <pre><p>Me</p></pre>driusan: <pre><p>I&#39;m in Montreal, but I don&#39;t think anyone can judge their own experience level..</p> <p>Without knowing why you&#39;re looking for people who are both local and experienced, there&#39;s a (sporadic) <a href="" rel="nofollow">GoMTL</a> meetup. I don&#39;t think there&#39;s currently any planned, but you can try to email the organizer to poke him. He&#39;s very friendly and approachable (but often has trouble finding volunteers to be speakers...)</p> <p>If it&#39;s because you&#39;re hiring, you might be better off just not being concerned about whether they know Go but whether they have good software design and development experience. Go is designed to be an easy language to learn, so it&#39;ll take you farther in the medium-long term (in fact, I think that approach will take you farther no matter what your stack is, but that&#39;s just me..)</p> <p>If it&#39;s because you&#39;re looking for someone to help mentor you, you might be better off with resources that are online like this sub or slack without being concerned about where people are. Otherwise, there&#39;s the above meetup..</p></pre>driusan: <pre><p>Oh, and I forgot the postscript I intended to add:</p> <p>In Quebec, &#34;engineer&#34; is a controlled profession. You can&#39;t (legally) call someone an engineer or say that they have &#34;engineering experience&#34; unless they&#39;re a member in good standing of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, the same way you can&#39;t call someone a doctor or lawyer unless they&#39;re part of their respective professional orders.</p></pre>alkhatib: <pre><p>There are a few, myself included. 20-30 People show up to the meetups.</p></pre>chantdeguerre: <pre><p>Haven&#39;t gone to any meetups but I&#39;ve been doing Go for a few years now and am in one of Montreal&#39;s suburbs</p></pre>

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