I'm starting with Golang and using Sublime 3 and goSublime. However, I still haven't found out how to debug, set breakpoints, etc.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!
patrickdappollonio:Because go doesn't have an official debugger.
PaluMacil:Unfortunately, Go doesn't have an official debugger. I know Visual Studio Code (free) has a good Go plugin with support for Delve which allows you to set breakpoints and inspect stuff. I don't know if you can couple Delve with Sublime Text + GoSublime.
frr149:As far as I'm aware, you're correct about it not having the step debugging that VS Code has. Personally I am very pleased with the lightness of VS Code and quality of debugging in a lot of languages where it can get complex (Go, TypeScript, C#, etc). The editor is faster than Atom due to technical choices and code quality, and while it comes with some limits on customization that Atom allows and not as much speed as Sublime, it feels the best put together, organized, and well thought out. Your only other choice for simple step debugging would be Gogland by JetBrains.
patrickdappollonio:The only problem is that I just paid for Sublime. O:-)
Isn't there any way of using Delve with Sublime?
Manually... I don't know if I'm remembering correctly (and I'm on mobile) but you should be able to put breakpoints as code in your code and then run delve and from within delve run your app. The code breakpoints will make delve stop and debug at that location. But again, I don't remember if it was that way and mobile doesn't make it easier to Google it...