Practical Golang Gopher Plush

polaris · · 395 次点击    
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<p>Hey!</p> <p>I have now ended up doing <a href=""></a> (side view) and <a href=""></a> (front view) which I think is a pretty cool looking plush. Especially since I went beyond just doing it as a plush, but also make it a bit &#34;practical&#34; where you can put your phone inside it and it would kinda look like the gopher was looking/using the phone. Kinda work as a stand, although it would be facing the gopher, and not you. I like being creative like that. :) It&#39;s a variation based on the design made by Renee French. Everything should be fine copyright wise as it is a design I paid someone to do from scratch, talked to Renee and Rob about it, so they are aware of it, and I&#39;ve also made sure material used is of quality and safe, so it should be fine there too. It&#39;s not really meant to be a toy for children, and it includes pellets to make it a bit heavy at the base so it can stand up when having a phone in it. Works pretty great as you can see in the image. The opening is also quite wide. Like 7.5cm.</p> <p>Now, I have made a sample, and the reason I post is to get feedback because I was thinking to &#34;massproduce&#34; 1000 (which is minimum I have to do) (possibly 500 blue and 500 pink), but before doing that, I wanted to see if anyone would actually be interested in buying one. Also, if you have any feedback on the plush itself I warmly welcome that, although I hope I don&#39;t have to change it as it&#39;s a long process to get this far with a sample.</p> <p>The idea here is to make sure enough people would be interested in such a thing, so I don&#39;t throw away money on it in vain and have 999 laying around being sad having none that care for them which I have to throw away. I suppose I could use Kickstarter or something, but I was hoping to not having to use that.</p> <p>Thank you!</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>eranchetz: <pre><p>Shut up and take my money!! I want 2</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>:)</p></pre>dinkumator: <pre><p>If you can make the belly panel go all the way down (like the existing plush) I&#39;d be interested. The pocket looks almost like some awkwardly placed big lips right now.</p></pre>fubo: <pre><p>It looks unsettlingly anatomical.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>I agree. It might look a bit odd, and as I mentioned below, I initially had the idea to cover it up, but you kinda get used to the hole there, and I assume this is a bit easer to create. Using velcro and some kind of &#34;blanket&#34; to cover the hole up might be something I could add actually. Although then it might not look so good with a phone. Need to look into it a bit more before I start mass-producing.</p></pre>dinkumator: <pre><p>In that same vein, is there any reason you couldn&#39;t just make the whole belly panel into a pocket instead? I know its more work but it could make it more useful as conference swag...</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Would you be able to elaborate how you mean? Maybe do a quick drawing?</p></pre>dinkumator: <pre><p>Here&#39;s my current plushie: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Turn the front belly panel into a pocket: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (cutout paper for example...)</p> <p>This one is probably too small for my phone, but that&#39;s the idea.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Ah, interesting approach. I suspect that solution would tip the gopher over though, because of the phone being too heavy. With my solution, you put the phone inside and this works as you put center of gravity more inside the gopher, and with this belly panel I&#39;m afraid center would be too much outside the gopher. Also, wouldn&#39;t it look a bit odd with that pocket there when not using a phone there? I like the idea still though. :)</p> <p>How about the idea about using velcro and some extra piece to cover the hole up? I was thinking to add velcro to the top and bottom there, and using an extra piece (included of course) to place on the stomach for when not using a phone.</p></pre>dinkumator: <pre><p>I&#39;d suggest just sewing that panel (my paper cutout) on top of what you already have (obviously don&#39;t sew the top). It makes the front look &#34;correct&#34; while keeping the pocket as you have it. You&#39;d just have to pull down the top to see the pocket.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>I hear ya. I initially had the idea to use some kind of &#34;curtain&#34;/&#34;blanket&#34; solution with velcro or something to keep it in place, where you could cover up the hole with it, and the belly would be more natural looking and the hole there wouldn&#39;t look like a mouth, but the manufacturer ended up with the current one as that was easier to make I suppose. I actually send them an email just now to see what they say about this.</p> <p>This is also why I posted this before creating this, so I could potentially make smaller adjustments before it&#39;s too late.</p> <p>It&#39;s tricky though to make it look good both with and without a phone. But something to cover it up when a phone is not used might be something that can solve that... thoughts?</p> <p>One other idea would be to sell without the hole there altogether too actually, if that wold be of interest? I like this practical functionality though.</p></pre>gerbs: <pre><p>I&#39;d pay $10-12 for one.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Ok great! It&#39;s the ballpark I was thinking too actually. </p></pre>itsmontoya: <pre><p>How much would they be?</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Good question. I will certainly make it reasonable. It&#39;s not set in stone yet, and I&#39;m not greedy as to I don&#39;t mind if I don&#39;t make much of a profit by it. It&#39;s more fun to get this out to people. I was also thinking to have it low initially as a thanks for my first supporters. What would you pay for it?</p></pre>itsmontoya: <pre><p>$12 USD probably</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Ok, perfect. About what I was thinking selling at too!</p></pre>gohacker: <pre><p>Aussie marsupial Gopher. Hmm.</p></pre>divan0: <pre><p>I think there will be enough people to want it! BTW, you can also contact conferences organizers, they love to have cool swag.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Thanks! Great tip regarding conference organizers!</p></pre>stymiedcoder: <pre><p>Yep. You can put me down for one. </p> <p>Not sure Reddit is the best place to gauge interest though. You aren&#39;t going to get any &#34;no&#34; comments I&#39;d think. </p> <p>Kickstart it for a few thousand and see what happens. My guess is that you&#39;ll get funded quite easily.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Thanks for input. True, will probably not be any &#34;no&#34; comments here, but if people said this idea sucks or I only had one or two, then I would know there wouldn&#39;t be enough interest. Currently it certainly looks like people like this idea, although it&#39;s not close to 1000 just yet... :)</p> <p>Any suggestions where I could go besides Kickstarter?</p></pre>pinpinbo: <pre><p>Indiegogo?</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Well, I was hoping I didn&#39;t have to use any of these crowdfunding services. To keep the cost as low as possible.</p></pre>ahmetalpbalkan: <pre><p>I&#39;d be interested in. </p></pre>codepushr: <pre><p>Me2 !!</p></pre>Destructicorn: <pre><p>I would for sure grab one.</p></pre>ozebb: <pre><p>I&#39;d buy a couple.</p></pre>pinpinbo: <pre><p>This looks high quality. I will buy one for my wife when it&#39;s available.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>It certainly feels like quality too. Do you think a pink version is something your wife would like, or she is more into blue?</p></pre>pinpinbo: <pre><p>Definitely pink! We already have the official blue Gopher plushy, if we get the pink one from you then they will become a pair :D</p> <p>While I got your attention, if this effort is successful and if you feel like making the classic design in the future, I will buy that from you as well. All four different colors.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Yeah! I will probably do pink version here too while I&#39;m at it.</p> <p>Not sure I would be allowed to do the classic design because of copyright. I guess I could ask them for permission though. All four colors though? What colors would that be besides blue and pink?</p></pre>throwlikepollock: <pre><p>I want two. Thank you.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Thank you for replying.</p></pre>mtortilla62: <pre><p>I will buy 2</p></pre>kris-nova: <pre><p>Sign me up for at least 2</p></pre>Zamicol: <pre><p>I&#39;d buy a couple! </p></pre>wI2L: <pre><p>I&#39;ll buy two aswell ! Kickstarter or something equivalent would help in the sens you could collect enough orders before actually starting to massproduce. This would make the project more reliable once you get enough support and pre-orders.</p></pre>MASTURBATING_NOW: <pre><p>I can definitely envision myself using this as a sex toy.</p></pre>NikkoTheGreeko: <pre><p>Took the words right out of my mouth.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Haha. Thanks for putting that image in my head. :)</p></pre>tardigrade_zero: <pre><p>I&#39;d buy one </p></pre>iris-go: <pre><p>I&#39;m so excited, they both look awesome. Bravo Chillance! I believe the right price for each one of them should be ~$15-20.</p> <p>Humor: Finally a reddit user who has interests other than spamming links!</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Thank you! Yeah, I think I will start at lower range just for you and my early supporters. Later on the price might go up to that range.</p> <p>I&#39;m glad you like it. Now, the hole in the stomach as someone commented on earlier is something I&#39;m looking into right now, before I do a mass-production. The main annoying part with that is that it will delay things a bit, but I rather look into it now. Still, glad to know that if I go with this version, people would be fine with that too.</p></pre>sheepdog69: <pre><p>I guess I&#39;ll be the contrarian here. IANAL, but...</p> <blockquote> <p>Everything should be fine copyright wise as it is a design I paid someone to do from scratch</p> </blockquote> <p>That&#39;s not how copyright law works. Just because you copied something from scratch, doesn&#39;t mean you didn&#39;t copy it. It&#39;s called a <strong>copy</strong>right for a reason.</p> <p>If you are going to sell it, you should probably do more than make Rene and Rob aware of it. You should get a license to reproduce her work, or explicit written permission.</p></pre>

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