Will go replace JAVA for building up android app?

agolangf · · 489 次点击    
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<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>fortytw2: <pre><p>No? Why would Google throw out all the effort they put into the JVM on Android for very little benefit? </p></pre>GoogleSearch-Arma2OA: <pre><p>Java is fining other companies for using JAVA. Moreover, Java has been suing Google for using JAVA in android ,and JAVA said they are going to change those open source to not for the next law suit.</p></pre>Gwynnie: <pre><p>Whilst I agree, Google is annoyed at <strong><em>Oracle</em></strong> for all the lawsuits. Go is not an appropriate replacement for Java.</p> <p>Go is a much smaller language that doesn&#39;t try to do everything (that&#39;s one of it&#39;s selling points). It seems unlikely that Go would be able to replace all of the Java functionality without ruining Go.</p> <p><em>p.s. java hasn&#39;t sued/fined anybody :)</em></p></pre>snejk47: <pre><p>Not for using Java but for spoiling their standard API for which Java is known... This made developers/companies thinking Java is bad (because of bugs in Android code) but that was just Google&#39;s thing.</p> <p>&#34;Google did not take all of the APIs, but it used the same names and operations, then wrote its own code to implement the functionality.&#34;</p> <p>But now Google uses original code if I recall correctly, from OpenJDK.</p></pre>fnb_theory: <pre><p><a href="https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/app" rel="nofollow">https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/app</a></p> <p>soon...</p></pre>afghanPower: <pre><p>Replace. Unlikely.</p> <p>Google&#39;s Flutter(Dart) project as well as GoLang&#39;s mobile package will probably in time be decent alternatives.</p></pre>bigDee26: <pre><p>&#34;Dart is an application programming language that’s easy to learn, easy to scale, and deployable everywhere.Google depends on Dart to make very large apps.&#34; Including AdWords -- From <a href="https://www.dartlang.org/" rel="nofollow">https://www.dartlang.org/</a></p> <p>I think for application programming google will probably choose dart and go for low level ...</p></pre>yamiodymel: <pre><p>Aren&#39;t they building a new operation system to replace Android (or Chrome OS)? I think it&#39;s highly possible but not soon.</p></pre>

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