GoConvey / Ginkgo

polaris · · 794 次点击    
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<p>Is there any value of using one over the other (besides the WebUI) ?</p> <p>I am asking since I have started with BDD in Golang and I cannot understand the differences of those packages. Describing features are rendered differently (Ginkgo: var _ = Describe(), GoConvey: func Test {Convey()...}) but in the end they are the exact same thing. So is there any valuable reason to use (or not use) one or the other or is it mere preference whether you like Ginkgos or Conveys syntax more?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mwholt: <pre><p>Style preference. I don&#39;t know much reason to use one over the other as far as a BDD framework goes. That said, I use GoConvey&#39;s web UI (I also built it, but that&#39;s beside the point), because it&#39;s a real nice way to just keep getting updated on the test results. It also makes me feel cool when I fullscreen it up on a second monitor and people walk by. :P</p></pre>j_d_q: <pre><p>I use ginkgo but don&#39;t have a solid argument for one over the other. Both are good choices for BDD </p></pre>

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