Does this golang have a funture for me?

polaris · · 405 次点击    
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<p>I have been learning programming by myself for not more than one year from teamtreehouse(Most and first in Python ,Java,C#,Javasrcipt ,html,CSS) and Khanacademy(JQuery ,Javascript ,Html,CSS, calculus and etcs). Right now i am learning Basic Golang from Udemey. I just want to get a job with 4 or 5 more months of learning curve. What kind of job can i have with Golang? Or should i go back to learn Java since everyone says Java has a better opportunity for noob like me. Or this Golang doesn&#39;t even have a future in next 1 year sicne it is still a baby language (I don&#39;t have BS degree.)</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>TheAndruu: <pre><p>You&#39;d be best served by learning the principles behind programming before worrying about becoming proficient at a particular language. </p> <p>All languages have the fundamentals of computer science at their base. Data structures, algorithms, principles such as Single Responsibility Principle... these are things that you will be helped the best by learning. Once you do that, languages will make much more sense because you&#39;ll understand the &#34;why&#34; of what they&#39;re doing and how it matters.</p> <p>IMO, syntax correctness in interviews rarely comes up. Most questions I&#39;ve been through were ones in which &#34;pseudo code is fine&#34; because the interviewer wants to see that you can think in a problem-solving way.</p> <p>It&#39;s much more important that you understand the difference between a Set and a List, what a Map is, what it means to find an element in a sorted array vs a non-sorted one.</p> <p>If you&#39;re worried about employability, jtake a look at or some other job site and see what languages are popular in your area. </p></pre>parnacsata: <pre><p>Learn a language that fits you the most. Because you dont want a job just because of the coins. Do it because you&#39;re also enjoying it. 1-2 years in a job you hate will take it&#39;s toll on you. </p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Go itself has a lot of future and it&#39;s a bit ironic that given your username you haven&#39;t bothered doing the a Google search before asking this question which has been asked over and over again.</p> <p>And maybe it&#39;s just me but after more than 4 years from the stable 1.0 release, 7 of public release and 9 of actually working on it, I think Go is not a young language anymore.</p> <p>As others said, learn it, see if you like it and if you don&#39;t, better use something else otherwise you&#39;ll regret it later.</p></pre>GoogleSearch-Arma2OA: <pre><p>What do you like? Do u like Go too? Do you also like other language?</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>I love Go, I like Kotlin, Java, Python, PHP and Delphi.</p></pre>GoogleSearch-Arma2OA: <pre><p>so are u learning python ,java ,and go at the same time and use it? </p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>I already know all these languages plus a bunch more. And, depending on the situation, I do use them regularly.</p></pre>cdoxsey: <pre><p>It&#39;s a toss-up.</p> <p>Go might be fad; though it&#39;s not the kind of fad to last 6 months and fade away. There&#39;s plenty of software being written in Go right now, and plenty of companies who&#39;ve staked a significant portion of their platform on it. Maybe in 5 years no one will want to use Go anymore, but it will take a lot longer than that to be rid of the legacy software written in it.</p> <p>It&#39;s impossible to predict what languages will be popular that far in the future, so I recommend not picking a single language, but always be ready to jump ship when necessary.</p> <p>So the disadvantage of Go is a lack of supply: there just aren&#39;t that many companies using it. But the advantage is a lack of expectations.</p> <p>I interview 2-3 engineers a week, most of whom will, if hired, write software in Go. I&#39;ve been doing this for months, and in that time, I&#39;ve maybe seen 2 candidates who I&#39;d consider very knowledgeable about the language, a few who have the &#34;I played around with it for 2 weeks&#34; experience, and a whole lot who knew nothing about it.</p> <p>At least for me, I&#39;m far more interested in their ability to build a solution in the technology they already know, since I know Go is a relatively easy language to pick up - much easier than most programming languages.</p> <p>But, once again from my own experience, when interviewing for a Java position, you can expect a lot higher expectations. You&#39;re competing with a much larger pool of potential engineers - and companies are often expecting knowledge of the minutia of the language (ie how do you compare strings in Java) and using it as a barrier to entry.</p> <p>All that said I don&#39;t think you should choose. There are plenty of software companies out there willing to take on a developer from a different technical world, if they can demonstrate an ability to solve problems and deliver. </p></pre>GoogleSearch-Arma2OA: <pre><p>Thank you for answering my question. I guess i will focus on the languages that i have learned since it is always go to learn multi-languages.</p></pre>Uncaffeinated: <pre><p>Bit of a nitpick, but I wouldn&#39;t consider &#34;how do you compare strings&#34; to be minutia. It&#39;s a common task, and if you get it wrong, your code will blow up later.</p> <p>I guess the Go equivalent would be &#34;how do you compare an interface against nil&#34;</p></pre>vimthrowaway: <pre><p>I know a few languages like C#, F#, Java, Node.js, php etc. and i am learning golang, because i think a company using golang is a place where i would like to work in the future. There is a vibe to the language where i feel like if i had to work with a language full time without killing my self, this would be okay. Other than that, i think its very easy to get caught up in these decisions and spend too much time on it, if you spend some time learning golang, and you think its more awesome than any language you&#39;ve done before, then go with the flow, if not, just go back to java, none of this is really a bad choice - my advice is, decide quickly what you want, and then spend alot alot alot of time on this language and dont care about what other programmers hype up, there is plenty of job openings in all of the top 20 programming languages, so just focus on the code, get intimate with one language instead of jumping around, showing off a working project to a future employer is more impressive than writing no projects and 20 languages.</p></pre>GoogleSearch-Arma2OA: <pre><p>What do you do with golang ,and why do you like golang?</p></pre>

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