Better error handling?

xuanbao · · 404 次点击    
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<p>Is there a better way of improving the error handling, too much if err != nil { return //whatever } or at least is there a proposal to improve this in a future golang version?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>tmornini: <pre><p>I felt the same way.</p> <p>I was wrong.</p> <p>Go loves simplicity.</p> <p>Simplicity breeds reliability.</p> <p>Imagine writing an application and KNOWING that EVERY error condition was handled properly...</p> <p>Heaven!</p></pre>earthboundkid: <pre><p>But you can&#39;t always know which specific errors a function will return, which can limit your options for dealing with them.</p></pre>tmornini: <pre><p>Same as with every other error handling method.</p></pre>earthboundkid: <pre><p>Checked exceptions and union types let you know what errors are possible, but come with other weaknesses, specifically brittleness. </p></pre>nstratos: <pre><p>In order to improve error handling you need to start thinking of the <a href="" rel="nofollow">errors as values</a> and start programming with them.</p></pre>gbitten: <pre><p>I feel the same but about the Java&#39;s try/catch. There is no perfect error handling, I prefer the Golang way, but I&#34;m ok if you disagree.</p></pre>kpurdon: <pre><p>Go will (likely) not change the core pattern of error handling, and it&#39;s verbosity is just something you need to get used to (and I have come to enjoy). However, to extend the error handling functionality you should check out <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> which HOPEFULLY will make it into stdlib some day soon.</p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>It may be obvious, but a lot of time can be saved by writing functions that can&#39;t return errors, AKA properly compartmenting code bits to keep error-possible regions excluded from functions that just work.</p></pre>jerf: <pre><p>OK, but make sure you&#39;re not just writing code that doesn&#39;t return errors when it should for convenience&#39;s sake. It is more wrong for a function that should return an error to not do so than for function that doesn&#39;t have to return an error but does anyway. Eliding errors may seem more convenient at first but it doesn&#39;t take long before code written that way becomes the worst of both the &#34;errors as values&#34; and the &#34;exceptions&#34; worlds.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>I hope Go stays as simple as it is. It has all that is needed. What would you consider an improvement ? </p> <p>There are design patterns that can be used to make the code simpler an more readable. I also use &#34;; which is handy when I need a stack trace. I must still play with it to find the best way to use it. </p></pre>kaeshiwaza: <pre><p>What&#39;s more important is to don&#39;t forget to test an error. It&#39;s too easy to forget. I user errcheck for that.</p></pre>icholy: <pre><p>The error handling will grow on you. Lack of generics not so much :(</p></pre>tazjin: <pre><p>I like <a href="" rel="nofollow">meep</a> for slightly more expressive <code>error</code> at least.</p></pre>mrkaspa: <pre><p>Thanks I&#39;ll take a look</p></pre>Schpaencoder: <pre><p>How do you use it?</p></pre>nrvale00: <pre><p>This is pretty much the issue which has kept me from adopting golang. I found this a while ago which purports to be a better error handling method than frequent error code checks: </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>I&#39;ve not yet had a chance to digest this but I have a a co-worker who I call &#34;Go Pope&#34; because he&#39;s somewhat religious about the tech and he seemed impressed with the above although it was new to him. </p></pre>sethammons: <pre><p>The crux in that link being to have a checkErr method. As the author points out, it makes a lot of sense in a CLI tool, maybe not so much in a server application. </p></pre>bigpigfoot: <pre><p>panic(err)</p></pre>

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