Scratching my own itch a bit, I created a quick tool that extracts the data from the https://golang.org/dl/ site with the purpose to download, extract and "install" Go very easily. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/pK4XmvP.png
Right now it just grabs the info you see, can download selected file and extract it. Navigation through the different versions works too. Tab changes between the version and table view there. Up and down arrow to navigate the list.
For some reason, it doesn't want to update the view for the downloading part while downloading, but you have to move around with the arrow keys for it to update. And, it's buggy regarding resizing the terminal window. Still, it works fine for my purposes for now. But, before I put more effort into it, I thought I see what people out there think about it, to see it would be worth my trouble to spend more time on this little utility.
It also extracts into a "v1.8" folder, and I was thinking that this tool could also create some environment setup making it easy to change versions. Making this tool very easy to upgrade/change Go versions is the idea basically!
And yes, I know a simple wget and extract command can do part of this work here, but the nifty thing is that it gets the latest data from the site as soon as you start it from the command line and it will let you get any version locally very quickly.
Anyway, please share your thoughts.
ar1819:No need to wait until it is bug-free to release it on github. Looks very useful to me already.
tgulacsi:You should post it already - it looks like a fine tool and with recent switch to default GOPATH this would also easy the pain of manually updating Go installation.
Also - while I'm on the subject - do not forget to check hash of file you had downloaded - they are there for a reason a it would be a additional plus point for your tool.
Gustavo Niemeyer created the godeb tool long ago, which lists the available versions, and allows to download and convert it into a .deb package on the fly. It's very convenient for Debian-based repos.