How can I throttle number of connections/sec to a tcp/http server?

polaris · · 379 次点击    
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<p>I am writing a a SockJS server in go using the SockJS-go package. I want to be able to have a connection throttling mechanism which will ensure that I not get more new tcp connections than I can handle at a time.</p> <p>Presently, I have code that looks like this.</p> <pre><code>listener, err := net.Listen(&#34;tcp&#34;, endpoint) http.Serve(listener, nil) </code></pre> <p>How can I ensure that the server accepts atmost say 200 new connections/second and the rest are rejected.</p> <p>I know that there are packages to rate limit the number of http requests/sec. But what I am looking for is rate limiting number of new connections coming in.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>zeiko_is_back: <pre><pre><code>package llimit import ( &#34;context&#34; &#34;net&#34; &#34;; ) type throttledListener struct { net.Listener *rate.Limiter } func NewThrottledListener(l net.Listener, r *rate.Limiter) net.Listener { return &amp;throttledListener{l, r} } func (l *throttledListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) { l.Wait(context.Background()) return l.Listener.Accept() } </code></pre> <p>.</p> <pre><code>l, _ := net.Listen(&#34;tcp&#34;, endpoint) r := rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(200), 1) l = llimit.NewThrottledListener(l, r) http.Serve(l, nil) </code></pre></pre>pmjtoca: <pre><p>You should investigate the rate limiter by juju (see: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) based on the token bucket algorithm. In particular in the &#39;ratelimit_test.go&#39; you have an: &#39;about: &#34;concurrent requests&#34;....&#39;. </p> <p>The ratelimit provided by Roger Peppe is not tied to data transfer limiting, I.e. you can limit arbitrary things with it.</p> <p>And there is also: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with its positioning towards juju/ratelimiter here: <a href="!topic/go-kit/gWjYUyH4dY8" rel="nofollow">!topic/go-kit/gWjYUyH4dY8</a></p></pre>Robonia: <pre><p>Your link leads to a 404. </p> <p>Edit: Correct link <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>pmjtoca: <pre><p>Sorry. It is corrected.</p></pre>faster: <pre><p>Can Throttled (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) do that?</p></pre>eviltofu: <pre><p>I&#39;m quite new to Go but I&#39;ve given this a stab. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>edit: <em>oops</em> I made the mistake in assuming that it was a socket listener but I think the same principles can apply?</p></pre>tgulacsi: <pre><p>You can use a buffered channel to limit concurrent connections, but you need to put it into the for loop before the accept. (Insert a struct{}{} into the chan before calling accept, and recv from the chan after you&#39;ve closed the connection).</p></pre>lesmond: <pre><p>You could use a channel to pipeline them across to?</p> <p>Make it buffered and check the length before adding to it. </p></pre>

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