best resources on go deployement

agolangf · · 937 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m looking for good resources on go web deployment ( on amazon, with docker?, heroku , or any other PAAS... ) , I&#39;m a beginner in go coming from the Java world so I&#39;m looking for good articles or advices to deploy go servers ( fronting with apache httpd ?nginx? how why ... , tools for continuous delivery specific to go? reproducible builds with a dependency manager ? rsync ? ... ) . Any resource appreciated, really, since ops is my main concern. Thanks.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>tealeg: <pre><p>If you&#39;re building complex deployments with multiple services, and potentially multiple hosts, you really should look at orchestration via Juju. It&#39;ll let you use the same setup to deploy to local containers, virtual machines, bare metal nodes or into any of the major clouds. There&#39;s a little bit to learn up front, but it&#39;ll pay you back.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>Momer: <pre><p>Do you use Juju in production? I&#39;ve yet to hear good things about it as compared to Salt/Ansible/Puppet/Chef</p></pre>tealeg: <pre><p>Yes, we use Juju in production (I work for Canonical).</p></pre>Momer: <pre><p>Anyone outside the people making it?</p></pre>tealeg: <pre><p>Yes, there are companies using Juju in production. </p> <p>Ubuntu runs more productions cloud installations than any other environment, and Juju is part of the toolset Canonical supplies to it&#39;s customers. Beyond that everything on the Ubuntu OpenStack Interoperability Lab is deployed via Juju charms the vendors make (with support from Canonical) so you could take a look at the companies listed here for starters: </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>

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