Letting the browser be the GUI?

xuanbao · · 666 次点击    
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<p>As we all know, Go has no official GUI standard library in release quality. Today, the GUI people seem to be divided into two camps: those pushing for native interfaces, and those telling that web is the real cross-platform future.</p> <p>Since Go is pretty awesome at the web and native interfaces seem like less of a &#34;natural fit&#34; at this point, I was thinking: let&#39;s have the browser render the interface.</p> <p>That left me with two basic options:</p> <ol> <li>On app start, start a self-hosted Go web server, then open a main web page that expects it to be running.</li> <li>Use something like Electron to embed the app and then communicate with a Go web server.</li> </ol> <p>Option 1 actually turned out well! It was easy to get a pure Go solution going, with a little bit of platform-specific code as for how to open the web page in the user&#39;s installed, default browser (the &#34;open .html in associated application&#34; commands are OS specific). But after that, a pretty lean and neat solution!</p> <p>I never actually tried Option 2 because of the ~100 MB bulk of such a method, having to embed a web browser and all. Sure, space is cheap but if there at all are alternatives I prefer not this way.</p> <p>However, there was but one small problem.</p> <p>Option 1 opens the page in the user&#39;s default browser which is <em>actually good enough for me</em>. All current Windows, macOS editions and Linux distros have good enough HTML5 + CSS3 support these days. The web nightmares are mostly over. Even Windows 10 has Edge pre-installed and it&#39;s good standards-wise. This is my main method to cut out the Electron bulk, yet still have the cake of a platform independent interface. I&#39;ll test my apps with different renderers, but CSS frameworks are already written with cross-browser support in mind.</p> <p>However, and this is my issue, I lose the &#34;app&#34; feel. It just opens as a web browser tab. What would be awesome would be a cross-platform tool that embedded a web page in a chromeless browser, relying on an already existing Edge / Firefox / Chrome install (I think they all support embedding). Anyone know of such a thing? Then I&#39;d just have my application first start the Go web server, then that &#34;package&#34;. And my Go app would probably still be just in the single MB&#39;s. The best part of all would be everything in one. Server <em>and</em> client-side, a sort of &#34;local web app bundle&#34;.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>neoasterisk: <pre><p>To get the &#34;app feel&#34; do not use template/html. Instead write an API in Go then use your favorite front-end framework in pure HTML/JS/CSS to create a single page, &#34;progressive&#34; web app, full with a service worker, manifest etc. My personal recommendation is <a href="https://www.polymer-project.org/">polymer</a> and #UseThePlatform but any good framework will do.</p></pre>Generalj10: <pre><p>Ploymer is the answer here. Progressive web apps are fairly easy to build and you&#39;ll have a big community to help you out with components.</p></pre>mixedCase_: <pre><blockquote> <p>However, and this is my issue, I lose the &#34;app&#34; feel.</p> </blockquote> <p>You would have to hard depend on Chrome/Chromium, but you can launch it in what&#39;s called &#34;Application Mode&#34;.</p> <p>Also I would call your problem a non-issue. For an app &#34;feel&#34;, use a native toolkit or something like Qt.</p></pre>jugalator: <pre><p>Yes, I&#39;ve considered Qt although there are some library and cross-compilation convenience reasons I want to stick with Go. Actually I&#39;m OK as-is with running it in a browser tab, it&#39;s just that I was looking to at least get it to launch and run in its own chromeless window. Sometimes I would be, but in this case I&#39;m not hell bent on sticking to native user interface elements.</p></pre>mixedCase_: <pre><p>There are some <a href="https://github.com/therecipe/qt" rel="nofollow">Qt bindings</a>, albeit hard to use.</p> <p>With that said, one of my side projects has a Go application exposed via a websockets API to a QML frontend. Logically it requires some boilerplate, but it works.</p></pre>sh41: <pre><p>Can you elaborate on &#34;Application Mode&#34;?</p></pre>mixedCase_: <pre><p>From <code>man chromium</code>:</p> <blockquote> <p>--app=URL Runs URL in &#34;app mode&#34;: with no browser toolbars.</p> </blockquote> <p>And that&#39;s about it.</p></pre>iends: <pre><p><a href="https://github.com/murlokswarm/app">https://github.com/murlokswarm/app</a></p></pre>jugalator: <pre><p>Yeah this is the concept I&#39;m looking for, thanks! :)</p></pre>PaluMacil: <pre><p>The problem I had with launching a chromeless browser was that if Chrome was already open, the flags were ignored and the link was simply opened in a new tab of the current browser. I don&#39;t think you&#39;ll get a pure go browsing solution better than that. Electron is heavy, but if you can&#39;t find something I missed with launching new browsers, you&#39;ll want to look at that or another form of Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF).</p></pre>jugalator: <pre><p>OK, yeah, seems like I&#39;ll end up with just keeping to open a tab by using a cross-platform &#34;open&#34; call where I basically just do <code>open http://localhost:8080/</code> when Go has started the local web server. That open command then does whatever necessary by using its association with URL&#39;s. On Windows 10, by default it&#39;ll add an Edge tab. On Debian, it adds a Firefox tab, and so on. It&#39;s not <em>terrible</em> and it&#39;s a way to not depend on various work-in-progress UI frameworks for Go or big embedded web browsers.</p> <p>Edit: I&#39;m doing like this right now</p> <pre><code>package main import ( &#34;fmt&#34; &#34;net/http&#34; &#34;os/exec&#34; &#34;runtime&#34; ) func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, &#34;Hi there, I love %s!&#34;, r.URL.Path[1:]) } func main() { go open(&#34;http://localhost:8080/&#34;) http.HandleFunc(&#34;/&#34;, handler) panic(http.ListenAndServe(&#34;:8080&#34;, nil)) } func open(url string) error { var cmd string var args []string switch runtime.GOOS { case &#34;windows&#34;: cmd = &#34;cmd&#34; args = []string{&#34;/c&#34;, &#34;start&#34;} case &#34;darwin&#34;: cmd = &#34;open&#34; default: // &#34;linux&#34;, &#34;freebsd&#34;, &#34;openbsd&#34;, &#34;netbsd&#34; cmd = &#34;xdg-open&#34; } args = append(args, url) return exec.Command(cmd, args...).Start() } </code></pre></pre>Scaless: <pre><p><a href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef" rel="nofollow">Chromium Embedded Framework</a> is probably your best option, at a minimum it&#39;s going to be 50MB to your distribution size. Good luck getting a fully featured HTML5 web browser in anything less than that.</p></pre>relvae: <pre><p>Every CEF bindings I&#39;ve tried don&#39;t work cross platform or only support a very old version of CEF</p></pre>jugalator: <pre><p>Thanks, I think I saw that one but in this case I&#39;m happy to embed an installed browser rather than bundle a browser. This is why I stayed clear of Electron, it just felt over the top for my needs to require a specific rendering engine.</p> <p>At this point in time I have few issues with HTML5 + CSS3 and battle tested web development frameworks work across web browser engines, so my thinking was that I&#39;d be fine with a wrapper that intelligently picks an already installed browser / rendering engine and uses that one. I mean, all main browsers happen to be embeddable today (?) and they all support these &#34;modern&#34; standards pretty well by now, so I&#39;m not sure why I &#34;must&#34; have a bundled Chromium renderer when the web doesn&#39;t depend on a particular web browser to be installed. I&#39;ve heard IE/MSHTML (not sure about Edge), Gecko, WebKit, Blink, all have API&#39;s for embedding.</p></pre>RalphCorderoy: <pre><p>How about a small piece of Javascript that spots it&#39;s running in a tab and uses window.open() to open itself, or a slightly different URL, in a new window with less browser furniture around the web pages? See <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open#Toolbar_and_chrome_features" rel="nofollow">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open#Toolbar_and_chrome_features</a></p></pre>snippet2: <pre><p>Man your post got so much more love then my comments here <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/5yl984/is_there_a_webassembly_compiler_for_go_in_the/" rel="nofollow">https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/5yl984/is_there_a_webassembly_compiler_for_go_in_the/</a></p> <p>It is a different topic but I&#39;m jealous you got that going. :P</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>webassembly could change the &#34;battlefield&#34; in the next months and years. Not sure yet how Go would integrate it, but supporting local and remote display in a single app without the need to manage some code in go and other parts in javascript might be convenient. </p></pre>

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