Suggest me your favourite "terminal GUI" libs

polaris · · 380 次点击    
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<p>For an upcoming tool I want <a href="">an in-terminal GUI</a> (not <em>exactly</em> like it, just to show roughly what I even mean by &#34;terminal GUI&#34; ;)</p> <p>Y&#39;know, arrow-key-navigable menus, perhaps a list view / master-detail split view..</p> <p>Been away from the Go ecosystem for some ~3 years now so I&#39;m a bit out of touch with all the neat packages that have been written.</p> <p>Anyone experimented with any such packages, assuming there <em>are</em> any? Ideally tested with both win and *nix..</p> <p>Any recommendations / experiences to share?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>Funny coincidence - I planned my next blog post to be about TUI libs.I haven&#39;t done research yet, but these come to mind:</p> <p>jroimartin/gocui</p> <p>nsf/termbox-go</p> <p>gdamore/tcell</p> <p>gizak/termui</p> <p>(All hosted on GitHub)</p> <hr/> <p>Edit: CUI -&gt; TUI</p></pre>Raekel: <pre><p>Will you post the post on this subreddit? I&#39;m interested in what you have to say. A good overview would be great.</p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>Sure I&#39;ll do!</p></pre>meta_leap: <pre><p>Thx, looking great, especially gocui at first glance! =)</p></pre>titpetric: <pre><p>+1 for gizak/termui - it&#39;s used in <a href="" rel="nofollow">ctop</a>.</p></pre>Chillance: <pre><p>Yes, as <a href="/u/nagvx" rel="nofollow">/u/nagvx</a> said, termui and gocui use termbox underneath. Anyway, will you also talk about how well they are in regards of positioning and resizing panels? When I did <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I ended up using termui because it had better &#34;window&#34; management in that regard, although it&#39;s not perfect. I was hoping to use a TUI which was flexible both width and height wise when it came to the panels/widgets you are using inside the terminal, so when you resize the terminal, everything inside just adapts nicely.</p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>I plan to define a very simple test application that includes a set of features, e.g. input, output, panels, etc. and then try to implement this application with some of the popular TUI libraries. </p> <p>Don&#39;t expect too much though. My time is limited, and thus the feature set will certainly be a very basic one, just enough to get a taste of each of the libraries.</p></pre>driusan: <pre><p>Is there any chance I could convince you to include a matrix of which libs support which OSes in your blog post? The cross platform compatibility of Go is one of my favourite parts of the language, but I&#39;ve pretty much given up finding something that works well across the platforms I use when it comes to terminal libs..</p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>Good point! But for this I have to rely on the data that the lib owners provide. I can only test on macOS and maybe also on Linux if time permits. I have no Windows around, nor any other OSes.</p></pre>nagvx: <pre><p>This is a bit misleading, as both termui and gocui use termbox underneath. The two leading low-level libraries available (afaik) are tcell and termbox.</p></pre>markole: <pre><p>The term you are searching for is <a href="" rel="nofollow">TUI</a>. </p></pre>0xjnml: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow">wm</a></p></pre>

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