agolangf · 2017-03-19 18:00:09 · 2367 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-03-19 18:00:09 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


I have a use-case where I want to record the webcam/desktop and stream to an RTMP endpoint.

Here's what I need to do broken down:

  • (Browser) Enable Video/Desktop recording.
  • (Client) Stream to Server via WebSockets
  • (Server) Capture Stream on Server
  • (Server) Relay to RTMP endpoint.

I've done the top two and don't need help with that.

I've had a good look around wrt GoLang RTMP demos, but everything seems pretty complicated or is really old.

Can someone suggest some github repos that I could look at where I can achieve receiving the web-socket data and then passing it on to an RTMP endpoint?




Check out Red5 and open source media server that supports RTMP. It may even do transcoding. The Java source code is on GitHub which you could use as a basis for your solution. http://red5.org


If I knew Java. I'd be using Wowza. I've tried using that, but their WebRTC is experimental and requires too many hops to put into production.

But still, no thanks with Red5. I'm looking for a GoLang only solution.


Anything WebRTC is experimental at this point, tbh.


ffmpeg/libav have support for rtmp so you can go that route.

Not sure about this library, but at least it's being mantained: https://github.com/imkira/go-libav

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