It seems the years 2000s have witnessed the rise and fall of multi-agents related software paradigms. As I was trying to understand it, I stumbled upon the following analogy: multi-agents are like cars on a city grid, all cars following the simple rule of traffic lights. Such uses cases for would be economic, structural and other kinds of modeling. There even are mentions of Artificial Intelligence (this is 2002).
But then the idea didn't get as much traction as hoped and was slowly put away by both communities of computer science researcher as well as software engineers.
It the above statement true? Is the multi-agents paradigm a thing of the past? How is the go language, natively embracing multi-core processors technology, related to multi-agents? Are there real world applications you could share?
HelperBot_:According to what Wikipedia says about multi-agents, this is a quite high-level concept, so you are quite free in choosing an implementation. Goroutines are certainly suitable for this, although it is not necessarily a 1:1 relationship between goroutines and agents, as an agent itself can have more than one thread of control internally.
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I've never heard of multi-agents before. I suppose based on your definition, one could implement multi-agents with goroutines.