How do I go about writing websocket clients?

xuanbao · · 654 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;ve to implement a system where 100s-1000s of websocket clients will run forever on my server and connection to some servers. How do I go about managing all the clients? </p> <p>Is there something out there that&#39;ll let me write the clients as goroutines and easily manage them from the parent process? By manage, I mean the ability to close a connection, start new ones and restart the ones that die for some reason.</p> <p>Or should I use a traditional process manager (with an api) to launch and manage independent OS processes of the same go program and use a master go program to manage them from the process manage API?</p> <p>Update:</p> <p>tl;dr: How to write a websocket client pool to manage possibly thousands of websockets clients?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mwholt: <pre><p>Why do you need to spawn new process? You can do it all in-process. Packages like <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow">gorilla/websocket</a> will help. Each ws connection already runs in its own goroutine.</p> <p>First try without a pool, then pool only if you have to. These packages are easy enough to use for moderate-load web servers (which is ~100s-1000s connections I&#39;m pretty sure) in my experience.</p></pre>hundley10: <pre><p>Check out this guy&#39;s implementation (the Hub it uses to manage connections). I based one of my servers off this example and it&#39;s been a lifesaver. Pretty easy to extend with timeouts, etc.</p></pre>asniper: <pre><p>What guy </p></pre>avrtno: <pre><p>Maybe this <a href="" rel="nofollow">guy</a>?</p></pre>Bromlife: <pre><p>You forgot the link yo. </p></pre>

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