Hi there! I'm looking for advice on which tutorials and resources to follow. I'm from JS land and have mixed language experience. I've been building a twitter web application for a month using meteorJS, which I've found to be less than satisfactory (endless issues related to ecosystem).
I would like to start building the application in golang. The application requires use of the stripe payment API, and twitter oAuth and downloading tweets and storing them in a document database. Which tutorials would you recommend? As a go noob, im not in a position to judge which tutorials are up to date or reliable.
Would you recommend using caddy as a base? I don't really care about the front end at this point, I'm comfortable building that, and will turn to it after getting the server (login, storage and payment) features running nicely.
EDIT: I'm trying this https://github.com/dghubble/gologin/tree/master/examples/twitter
basiclaser:Do the tour: https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1
Then Effective Go: https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html
Then read everything you can from https://blog.golang.org
As a beginner, do not use a web framework, use the standard library. (Once you know how it works, you might choose not to use a web framework at all, but you need to at least know the std lib before you make any decisions.)
Welcome and have fun. Post here and ask for reviews early and often, we can help you break bad habits early.
jeffrallen:thanks for your response - i'm glad you mentioned the frameworks thing i was asking myself the same thing RE caddy, didn't know why i wanted to use it so probably best not to.
Can you speak to any particular libs regarding twitter or stripe?
gologin looks like a good choice because it is intended to integrate with the std library. The key term I liked seeing was "chainable".
No clue on Stripe, but they are a Go-friendly company, so prefer the library straight from them...