Stand alone websocket server

xuanbao · · 778 次点击    
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<p>hello,</p> <p>I use the websocket protocol for internal process communication in my project and my code base is written in nodejs. I am actually using &#34;ws&#34; lib for server and client communication.</p> <p>However, I need to update a project written in go which should integrate a websocket server that could communicate with my other programs.</p> <p>Because, the clients that will connect to this websocket server will only use websocket protocol without any http connection, is there any lib that can handle this without any http server or origin verification? All the golang websocket servers llibraries that I have checked require a http handler.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>arschles: <pre><p>about a year ago, I built a net/rpc server to request/reply over websocket. the accept loop looks liked like this: import( &#34;; &#34;; &#34;net/rpc&#34; &#34;net/rpc/jsonrpc&#34; )</p> <pre><code>func rpcLoop(wsConn *websocket.Conn) { handlers := NewHandlers() server := rpc.NewServer() server.Register(handlers) serverCodec := jsonrpc.NewServerCodec(wsConn) for { server.ServeCodec(serverCodec) } } </code></pre> <p>It worked reasonably, and I was able to use the standard net/rpc system to communicate over a websocket (via jsonrpc), which was nice. handlers was a struct that had some rpc-compatible funcs with it as their receiver.</p> <p>I spent only a few mins on this code a while ago and haven&#39;t touched it since, but I hope it helps a little bit at least</p></pre>tuxlinuxien: <pre><p>Awesome, it worked like a charm. I also use a json rpc like protocol so your snippet is even better.</p></pre>arschles: <pre><p>glad to hear it!</p></pre>Bulters: <pre><p>You can use the gorilla websocket library and setup the &#34;upgrader&#34; to not check the origin. </p></pre>tuxlinuxien: <pre><p>I have checked this lib already, but their api is not low level enough for me.</p></pre>

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