[ANN] legume, a minimalist distributed issue tracking system following todo.txt philosophy.

polaris · 2017-05-03 23:00:03 · 639 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-05-03 23:00:03 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

I was inspired by lentil, a tool that uses developer TODO & FIXME comments as a sort of issue tracker. I had a couple of issues with lentil that prompted me to rewrite it in Go.

Here's a screen cast

Binary downloads for Windows, OSX, and Linux are provided. You can pull and review the code from there.

Features: Significantly performance improvement over lentil Supports unified diffs, treating removals as ticket closures, and adds as ticket creation. * Supports todo.txt markup, including priorities, creation dates, tags, contexts, and projects

For me, the killer feature is that the approach leverages a common developer pattern of using code comments as reminders. This has several benefits, such as no bespoke database to track, automatic integration with whatever VCS the project is using, and the ability to work with tickets even in the absence of the tool. This means legume adds itself to your workflow; you don't need to change your workflow for the issue tracking tool.

All this said, legume has a narrow problem space; large projects are better served by a "real" issue tracker.

NOTE: I'm migrating the code to bitbucket from my private repo which necessitates changing all of the imports yada yada. So you can't go get it, and if you want to build it yourself you need to clone the repo (from either source) into $GOPATH/src/repos.seanrussell.us/legume and build it from there.

Edit: markup dyslexia corrected



Binary downloads ... Bitbucket

Need an account ... :(

Is it possible to download without login? ( anonym? )


This is pretty cool. I really like the idea.

can you add a license? And perhaps a link to the lentil program that is referenced here and in the readme?

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