Goog GUI library built on top of opengl

agolangf · · 575 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m looking to start building go project and decided to go with some gui application. So far I&#39;ve found a package built on top of libui which seems to be written in native go (no html/css based stuffs), called ui. Wanna know if there&#39;s something better.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>emdeka87: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><blockquote> <p>I&#39;m looking to start building go project and decided to go with some gui application</p> </blockquote> <p>I am going to approach this differently. Is this an arbitrary decision? Does the project have any specific requirement that forces it to use a GUI?</p> <p>If it doesn&#39;t, I think you&#39;ll be better off using HTML/CSS stuffs. As soon as you introduce C in your project, you can kiss many of Go&#39;s advantages goodbye, including the easy cross compiling and delivering a single binary. Of course if you do not care about that stuff and you really dislike Javascript, sure you can go for a GUI.</p> <p>That said, no matter what you choose for the frontend, I still think the best you can do is to separate the backend stuff and have it be pure Go. Then the frontend can be Go+C madness or Javascript madness. That way, you keep the madness in one place and then you can pick your poison.</p></pre>shark1337: <pre><p>Lol, I&#39;m a node js developer right now, I don&#39;t dislike javascript, I just wanna use native go code ;). I might be switching to c++, do you know a good c++ gui library?</p></pre>JackOhBlades: <pre><p>Qt5?</p></pre>JRMWarfare: <pre><p>WxGo is apparently pretty good. I haven&#39;t used it myself, but there was a thread a couple weeks ago about it. Don&#39;t have the link on hand (on my phone) but you can find it via Google pretty easily.</p></pre>JackOhBlades: <pre><p>If you look at <a href="" rel="nofollow">&#34;awesome go&#34;</a> on GitHub there is a GUI section. </p> <p>There&#39;s a really cool lib <a href="" rel="nofollow">app</a> for building apps in Go/HTML/CSS, pure Go, no JavaScript. There&#39;s only a mac driver for it at the moment, with windows and Linux in the works. </p></pre>

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