godoc.org down

polaris · · 588 次点击    
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<p>Realizing now how dependent I&#39;ve become on godoc.org. Anyone else feeling the pain? </p> <p>I know it&#39;s possible to run a local version, but I can&#39;t recall how to do it. Anyone have a similar setup?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>SSoreil: <pre><p>To run it locally, if I recall correctly you just call godoc -http=&#34;:6060&#34; or something along those lines. Where the port number is where it&#39;s bound on localhost. You can also simply use the go doc subcommand, it gives nice output for a search query.</p></pre>Picard89: <pre><p>Just run godoc locally, it&#39;s part of the go tools. You only need to make sure that you have the dependency you want to read the docs for in your GOPATH</p></pre>epiris: <pre><p>Yes, I run two godoc instances while developing. One for stdlib with <strong>GOPATH= godoc -http=:&lt;port&gt;</strong> to prevent all my GOPATH polluting stdlib docs. I also run a second depending on current gopath which I include -timestamps and omit gopath override. Small tip is for your code instance use <strong>m=all</strong> query param to show internal packages too.</p></pre>go255: <pre><p>Man I wish I could get my hands on a database dump from godoc, that way I could search it for libraries I haven&#39;t already downloaded into my gopath. Anoying issue with the local go doc cmd...</p></pre>nharah: <pre><p>Yup, it seems to be down.</p></pre>fr4nk3n: <pre><p>Looks like it&#39;s working again. </p></pre>

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