Hello guys I would like to start learning Go and I have no idea where to start, any advice would be appreciated

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<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>gneuron: <pre><p><a href="https://gobyexample.com" rel="nofollow">Go by Example</a> is a good reference as well.</p></pre>NikkoTheGreeko: <pre><p>Start working through the tour: <a href="https://golang.org/doc/#learning" rel="nofollow">https://golang.org/doc/#learning</a></p></pre>krasoffski: <pre><p>gopl.io The Go Programming language - A. DONOVAN</p> <p>One of the best books I have ever read.</p></pre>snippet2: <pre><p>Remember to attack it from three levels. Fundamentals Abstract Framework</p> <p>Here are my sources for beginner</p> <h2>Fundamentals</h2> <p>If you are a visual learner <a href="https://www.udemy.com/go-programming-language/learn/v4/" rel="nofollow">https://www.udemy.com/go-programming-language/learn/v4/</a></p> <p>Build a file reader/writer cause it&#39;s easier and expansive. Start by reading a file and transferring it to another. Then reading for certain words and so on <a href="https://gobyexample.com/reading-files" rel="nofollow">https://gobyexample.com/reading-files</a></p> <p>Then build templates or APIs. A hard thing is database drivers and exactly how you deal with them. <a href="https://www.vividcortex.com/resources/the-ultimate-guide-to-building-database-driven-apps-with-go" rel="nofollow">https://www.vividcortex.com/resources/the-ultimate-guide-to-building-database-driven-apps-with-go</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.golangbootcamp.com/book/types#sec-basic_types" rel="nofollow">http://www.golangbootcamp.com/book/types#sec-basic_types</a></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/golangspec/interfaces-in-go-part-iii-61f5e7c52fb5" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/golangspec/interfaces-in-go-part-iii-61f5e7c52fb5</a></p></pre>mycroftholmess: <pre><p>I honestly just dove right in. Wanted to rewrite my entire Backed in golang. I was coming from <em>cough</em> PHP. </p> <p>gobyexample.com is a very useful site when I wanted a specific of the language to be explained to me</p></pre>jediorange: <pre><p>Ben Johnson&#39;s &#34;Go Walkthrough&#34; articles on Medium are some good content to get you started on some of the standard library.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-io-package-8ac5e95a9fbd?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494647810" rel="nofollow">io package</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-bytes-strings-packages-499be9f4b5bd?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494647918" rel="nofollow">bytes + strings packages</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-encoding-package-bc5e912232d?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494647947" rel="nofollow">encoding package</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-encoding-json-package-9681d1d37a8f?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494647967" rel="nofollow">encoding/json</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-encoding-binary-96dc5d4abb5d?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494647991" rel="nofollow">encoding/binary</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-strconv-7a24632a9e73?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494648012" rel="nofollow">strconv</a> <a href="https://medium.com/go-walkthrough/go-walkthrough-fmt-55a14bbbfc53?source=linkShare-c276ec483af7-1494648030" rel="nofollow">fmt</a> </p></pre>everdev: <pre><p>I built gocode.io for testing your skills once you get the basics down. Before that, golang.org and GoByExample are great places to start.</p></pre>jupiter909: <pre><p>The links that others have given here are really good, one of my favorites is Go By Example.</p> <p>In terms of video resources if you are willing to spend a few $&#39;s, then I highly recommend:Introduction to Go Programming From Hello World to Writing Highly Concurrent Programs By John Graham-Cumming It&#39;s really well done, I find the way the material is presented is very much to my taste.</p> <p>In addition to that it&#39;s also worth checking out videos on Youtube from guys like: Rob Pike, Brad Fitzpatrick, and the afore mentioned John Graham-Cumming.</p> <p>If you already know how to program in other languages don&#39;t skip ahead in Go, go through each exercise and learn the Go way of doing things. The core things to wrap your head around I think would be: Interfaces and how powerful they can be. Channels, when to use and when not to. (easy to turn every problem into a nail with this hammer)</p> <p>Remember too that Go is super awesome but it&#39;s not the be all end all, there are other languages that are suited for particular tasks. Overall Go is very flexible though.</p> <p>All the best and enjoy!</p></pre>ImreSamu: <pre><p><a href="https://tour.golang.org/list" rel="nofollow">https://tour.golang.org/list</a></p></pre>

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