Is anyone trying Upspin?

polaris · 2017-05-21 00:00:03 · 624 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-05-21 00:00:03 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Rob Pike talked about Upspin at Gopherfest recently. I was wondering if anyone (besides him) has actually tried it. I wanted to share some personal data with a friend and I was thinking of setting this up.



I set it up later that night. I have stored a few thing into it. Tried upspinfs last night and am learning about access.

I'm excited by it and see the promise of the system.


"Upspin is an experimental project to build a framework for naming and sharing files and other data securely, uniformly, and globally: a global name system of sorts.

It is not a file system, but a set of protocols and reference implementations that can be used to join things like file systems and other storage services to the name space."

Sounds like it wants to be the same kind of thing as IPFS, but is not there yet (and IPFS itself is still quite raw).


Looks similar to file sharing product. Definitely gonna be trying this out soon, thanks for the share.


I gave it a quick, not-so-serious try but I got stuck/gave up after some step/error while trying to set up the whole thing.

Admittedly it's a little complex to set up and since the project is new, googling for the error didn't help. I had to go post in google groups for help and I was just not in the mood.

But that was months ago when the project was just released. It might be in a much better state today.


It's one of those things that would be great if people were actually using it and if it would be integrated into say $randomSocialNetwork.

However as of yet I haven't found use for it

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