What's your development flow for building microservices in docker and go?

blov · · 794 次点击    
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<p>I am interested in hearing how you guys are managing your development flows with docker and go.</p> <p>I am on a Windows machine and will be running docker inside a ubuntu vm using vagrant.</p> <p>I am planning to write code using Atom or another IDE on my windows machine. I plan to share the folder the code lives in with the vagrant vm and mount it as a volume in the docker container running the microservice. Docker compose will be used to wire up dependencies in separate containers (HDFS, HBase, MySQL, etc). </p> <p>The main issue is that go needs to be compiled. I would like to be able to compile and restart/kill the old binary when I save/make changes to a file (go compiles are really fast, so I don&#39;t think the overhead is going to be an issue).</p> <p>So the problem boils down to:</p> <ul> <li> Being able to compile a linux binary (maybe on windows, as I find compiling things within a VM to be slower).</li> <li>Notify the docker container to kill the old binary and restart with the new one.</li> </ul> <p>I would love to hear how you guys are solving this problem as while I have found scripts to automatically trigger a build in your workspace when saving, I have not found anyway to integrate this with docker in a vm.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Spammage: <pre><p>I currently use a similar setup. I use Vagrant on all 3 OS&#39;s (Windows desktop, OSX laptop, Ubuntu laptop) to manage a VM, which runs my Docker containers. I generally setup the machine with a private IP, rather than using port forwarding between the host and VM, mostly because there is an issue with networking when running Docker containers inside a Vagrant+VirtualBox setup.</p> <p>I use Atom for writing code on the host, just use the default file system mounting in Vagrant to have it accessible inside the VM. I use Consul and Registrator for service discovery, and run any dependencies like PostgreSQL in a Docker container as well. I like to keep my host machine free of all dependencies, to the point where I will install NodeJS and Grunt (via Chef) on the VM if they are required, rather than having them on the host.</p> <p>In the team I work in, we&#39;ve had a few different approaches to solving the last part.</p> <ol> <li><p><strong>Don&#39;t use Docker for dev work.</strong> Some of the guys in my team refuse to use Docker on their dev machines, due to the overhead of starting/stopping/building containers, and instead run it their microservices directly in the VM, and don&#39;t try and build the container until the testing phase of deployment. I&#39;m not a fan of this, as we&#39;ve had quite a few issues where the image didn&#39;t build, or something didn&#39;t work in prod due to differences in networking setup e.t.c.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Running a script on save.</strong> Commands can be sent from the host to the VM using &#34;vagrant ssh -c &lt;command&gt;&#34;. You could use this to send a command to the VM to compile the code and restart the Docker container. You will have to make sure that you mount the executable into the container when it&#39;s created so the new one is picked up. The problem with this method is that restarting a container can be pretty time consuming. Starting a container is lightning quick, but stopping one isn&#39;t. If the your Dockerfile is laid out correctly, you could take advantage of caching and simply kill the existing container, rebuild the image and then deploy off the new image.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Manually rebuild the container when you want to.</strong> Generally, I go with this method. The issue I&#39;ve found with automating the process is that restarting a container is simply too slow, and I save my files far too often. I was triggering a lot of rebuilds that I didn&#39;t need to, quite often before the previous rebuild had finished. This may be because I&#39;m using Ubuntu as the base for many containers, other base images may be much faster. Now I simply log in to the VM with &#34;vagrant ssh&#34; and rebuild/restart when I want to. You can still automatically compile the code on save if you want, but wait until you are ready to test the changes before rebuilding the container. Sure it&#39;s a bit of a hassle having to run a command to restart the container occasionally, but it seems to suit my workflow more.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Monitor the file system inside the container.</strong> One of the guys on my team, a Ruby dev so not directly usable here, uses a gem inside the containers in dev to monitor the file system and relaunch the process if it changes. I haven&#39;t looked into this too much yet, but it would be useful if you could compile on save and have the process restart inside the container if the executable changes. I may have to look further into this...</p></li> </ol> <p>One thing to keep in mind is that there are some issues with using file monitors inside a Vagrant box on the folders that are mounted from the host. I&#39;ve had issues before on my Windows machine where it wasn&#39;t able to pick up the file system changes at all for those folders.</p></pre>MisterMagnifico: <pre><p>I do things a little different. I have Go setup on a linux machine (my main dev machine). I have my git repo over at bitbucket. </p> <p>Here&#39;s where it gets tricky.</p> <p>I run <a href="http://deis.io/" rel="nofollow">http://deis.io/</a> on 5 CoreOS nodes. I use git to push changes to micro services. I just generate a new service, and push it up. All auth is via OAuth so every service is also secure.</p></pre>antoine_ll: <pre><p>In the company I&#39;m in, we use Docker for everything and most of our apps are in Go. Yet we almost never run docker in development, unless it&#39;s to catch bugs only happening inside our containers (which happens once every few months).</p> <p>To be sure the system works, we launch all of our stack in containers on CircleCI and run the tests there. If they pass, we&#39;re good to go and saved lots of time by not using Docker on our machines.</p> <p>Also to run go apps in Docker I would recommend using a small linux distro (we use Alpine Linux), compiling the program outside and adding it to your container. You and up with 30mb images that are great to deploy. :)</p></pre>Orange_Tux: <pre><p>I run Docker in development. I&#39;m writing a NodeJS app and I installed Node and some other dependencies and created an image.</p> <p>When I develop I fire up a container, mount my source in it and start a webserver in the container so I can visit the app.</p> <p>I start another container, mount the source in it to and start a grunt task which watches for file changes and recompile my app on change. This works because the source of the app is both mounted in my &#39;webserver&#39; container and in my &#39;autobuild/autoreload&#39; container.</p> <p>The interesting part of my Dockerfile:</p> <pre><code>RUN apt-get update -qq &amp;&amp; apt-get install -y -qq \ ruby2.2-dev # For compiling SCSS to CSS. RUN gem install compass RUN npm install -g grunt-cli bower COPY tools/ /root/tools </code></pre> <p>The <code>tools/</code> directory contains a little script to install Node and Bower packages. During development these packages change often and I don&#39;t want to rebuild the whole image when I add a new package, so install them afterwards. When I add a package I run the script inside the container.</p> <pre><code>#!/bin/bash # Install node modules and bower packages. set -e # NPM failes to run this as a &#39;postinstall&#39; command inside Docker container. # It failes with: # npm WARN cannot run in wd @ bower install --allow-root (wd=/data) # Therefore must be ran manually. bower install --allow-root npm install grunt build </code></pre></pre>

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