You've been sentenced to death (you totally did it), what are your last words?

xuanbao · · 831 次点击    
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<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Lazerc0bra: <pre><p>&#34;Pull the lever Kronk!&#34;</p></pre>und88: <pre><p>WRONG LEEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRR</p></pre>Aganiel: <pre><p>Why do we even HAVE that lever</p></pre>FarOutPlaces: <pre><p>I know. By all accounts it makes no sense.</p></pre>Aganiel: <pre><p>Oh well. Back to business.</p></pre>cjdudley: <pre><p>&#34;If the governor doesn&#39;t pardon me immediately, I will never vote for him again.&#34;</p></pre>WhosTheRealRobot: <pre><p><em>In an electric chair</em></p> <p>Someone hold my hand.</p></pre>SteveFrench12: <pre><p><strong>turns to the camera and winks</strong></p></pre>8Kl7c8A2-y6N3Sk6G: <pre><p>Why tf did I just wink while reading this</p></pre>IamJacksUserID: <pre><p>Glad I wasn&#39;t the only one. </p></pre>linkletonsan: <pre><p>I simultaneously winked with both eyes, weird</p></pre>Risen_from_ash: <pre><p>The double wink is twice as sexy</p></pre>Ryuuki: <pre><p>I just did the same o_n</p></pre>lillus_Al: <pre><p>You need to see a doc, that eye doesn&#39;t look right.</p></pre>psyki: <pre><p>That&#39;s their left eye.</p></pre>petermesmer: <pre><p>Reminds me of <a href="">this scene</a> from Vikings.</p></pre>GrowlingGiant: <pre><p>Unless I&#39;m wrong, that scene was based off of an actual viking legend.</p> <p>Long story short, a group of vikings is captured by another group, and are all sentenced to death. The first three go to their death with pride, believing it to be okay. The fourth pulls the trick in the gif, and the enemy chief is so impressed he lets them all go.</p></pre>ThebestLlama: <pre><p>well, except the first three.</p></pre>UndeadArgos: <pre><p>Every ship except your four fastest</p></pre>cheesey123: <pre><p>love how the kids in the back arent even horrified, they&#39;re just like &#34;holy shit did he really just do that?!?&#34;</p></pre>QuasarSandwich: <pre><p>I saw that clip quite a while before we started watching <em>Vikings</em> and every episode was like a lucky dip: &#34;will <em>this</em> be the one?&#34; When I realised what was about to happen I sat forward with a jolt, and splashed some of my coffee onto my bare thigh. In other words, I am a genuine victim of Norse aggression, vile pagan murderers that they are. </p></pre>Wheresdelaware: <pre><p>What are you gonna do? Execute me? </p></pre>CreepyPastaFTW: <pre><ul> <li>man that was executed</li> </ul></pre>Phoenix_Pyre: <pre><p>I&#39;ve actually been severely beat up after uttering the words, &#34;what&#39;re you gonna do? Hit me?&#34;</p></pre>DarthRusty: <pre><p>Watched a hot shot kid in 8th grade pick on the class small kid. We were all playing basketball and the small kid scored on the hot shot. Hot shot made a comment and small kid talked shit back. Hot shot didn&#39;t like it and started in on the typical pre-fight smack talk. He uttered the famous &#34;what are you gonna do, hit me? I dare you.&#34; Guess what small kid did. That&#39;s right. Hit him right in the face. Hot shot was stunned but countered with &#34;Oh yeah, well I bet you wouldn&#39;t do it again.&#34; Small kid takes him up on his offer and decks him in the face again. With obvious tears in his eyes, hot shot tries to save face and dares small kid to hit him one last time and warns that if he does, hot shot is going to beat the crap out of him. Small kid smiles and socks him right in the face. Hot shot gets up off the ground and says through tears &#34;well now I have to tell on you&#34; and runs off to tell a teacher. A bunch of us went to the principal after and told the story and small kid&#39;s suspension got reduced from 1 week to 3 days. That was one of my favorite middle school memories.</p></pre>JumpingCactus: <pre><blockquote> <p>says through tears &#34;well now I have to tell on you&#34;</p> </blockquote> <p>fucking lmao</p></pre>Codeshark: <pre><p>That&#39;s how you lose credibility. </p></pre>OrphanStrangler: <pre><p>&#34;I can&#39;t believe you&#39;ve done this&#34;</p></pre>juiceboxheero: <pre><p>Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would&#39;ve been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind. </p></pre>fauxxfoxx: <pre><p>Dammit Uncle Rico</p></pre>TheSovietGoose: <pre><p>Bet you I can throw a football over them tombstones.</p></pre>littlewask: <pre><p>I love this. When I am hanging out with my friends into the evening, maybe having a few drinks, I&#39;ll occasionally get really introspective for a moment and then say this quote. Friends find it very annoying. It&#39;s great. </p></pre>Mr_Xing: <pre><p>&#34;Do you have any last words?&#34;</p> <p>&#34;YES. JUST THREE.&#34;</p></pre>kixxaxxas: <pre><p>&#34;Don&#39;t get an air bubble in the syringe, that shit will kill me!&#34; </p></pre>GloriousComments: <pre><p>&#34;You did sterilize that needle, right?&#34;</p></pre>w00tah: <pre><p>&#34;You can understand the thinking. Wouldn&#39;t want the guy to go to Hell AND be sick.&#34;</p></pre>jath9346: <pre><p>I actually wonder if they have to be sterile with lethal injections?</p> <p>I would assume so because of the concept of cruel and unusual punishment. Like, what if the execution is botched and all the convicted gets infected.</p></pre>okaytran: <pre><p>yeah, I&#39;m in the field of pharmacy. if the formula isn&#39;t stable then the convicted could survive and that&#39;s a rabbit hole of headache. keeping things sterile helps keeps things stable on top of preventing infections.</p></pre>kit25: <pre><p>&#34;I would have gotten away with it if it weren&#39;t for you medleing kids.&#34;</p></pre>Karitas_Savva: <pre><p>&#34;GG Town scrubs. I&#39;m jester&#34;</p></pre>paper-cuts: <pre><p>That, or &#34;REPORT TARNATION DUMB PILLION GAMETHROWING PIECE OF FLUMMERY GF GEE GOLLY SNAP CRACKLE POP&#34;</p></pre>YOLIT1: <pre><p>It&#39;s even better if you don&#39;t have the chat filter on and they type this all out</p></pre>3molgasm: <pre><p><em>proceeds to haunt jailor</em></p></pre>LewisUK_: <pre><p>A town of Salem reference in the wild! :O </p></pre>farare_end: <pre><p>Pls don&#39;t kill me, I&#39;m sk and i have so many more people to stab D:</p></pre>Freecz: <pre><p>&#34;My treasure? If you want it, I&#39;ll let you have it. Go look for it. I left all of it at that place!&#34;</p></pre>CptSnowcone: <pre><p>SET SAIL FOR ONE PIECE!</p></pre>Aatrixx: <pre><p><a href="">WE ARE</a></p></pre>Baldoora: <pre><p>As someone who&#39;s currently reading every new chapter weekly of the manga as the anime pacing is too slow, listening to the original openings (1-3) just make me feel like start rewatching the show like I did when I was younger ;_;</p></pre>guysnacho: <pre><p>Should I just read the manga? I stopped watching after I realized I could skip entire episodes and still get what&#39;s happening. This was near the beginning of the Dressrosa arc.</p></pre>osiris2735: <pre><p>Gol D. Roger</p></pre>CaesarClownSalad: <pre><p>When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when... they are forgotten.</p></pre>justafrankfurter: <pre><p>Doctor!!!!</p></pre>Bakumaster: <pre><p>One Piece... DOES EXIST! </p></pre>IellaAntilles: <pre><p>&#34;You and your children and your children&#39;s children will dig for the next 100 years and you will never find it.&#34;</p></pre>Captain_Albern: <pre><p>&#34;It&#39;s under a big T.&#34;</p></pre>Nexavus: <pre><p>Ah, fuck. I can&#39;t believe you&#39;ve done this.</p></pre>gmkeros: <pre><p>Hold it. Options. Load Saved Game. </p></pre>-I_Am_The_GOAT-: <pre><p>&#34;Last save - Year 3, Month 0, Day 5&#34;</p></pre>gmkeros: <pre><p>ah, fuck it. lets do that.</p></pre>Trollw00t: <pre><p>Maybe you don&#39;t go back to the carpet store this time.</p></pre>Nightslash360: <pre><p>He&#39;s taking Roy off the grid!</p></pre>JSS45: <pre><p>This guy doesn&#39;t have a social security number for Roy!</p></pre>Suitablystoned: <pre><p>And awaaAAaay we go!</p></pre>Hewkho: <pre><p>Better restart the game and try to speedrun again.</p></pre>gmkeros: <pre><p>nah, starting at year 3 is at least getting me around the tutorial</p></pre>CileTheSane: <pre><p>Are you kidding? The tutorial doesn&#39;t end until year 18.</p></pre>petervaz: <pre><p>Misclicks, saves over your current file.</p></pre>roogoff: <pre><p>When f4 is autosave and f5 is autoload</p></pre>stufff: <pre><p>what kind of monster would do that?</p></pre>roogoff: <pre><p>my ps1 emulator :(</p></pre>Moriartiy: <pre><p>Geez. I instinctively tensed up when I read this..</p></pre>Crab_Johnson: <pre><p>“I commend my soul to any god that can find it.”<br/> -Going Postal (though I probably wouldn&#39;t credit the source on my deathbed)</p></pre>milkisklim: <pre><p>May your drawers ever rattle!</p></pre>phenomenon_99: <pre><p>Isn&#39;t that the game where you can light people on fire and then piss on them to put it out?</p></pre>Crab_Johnson: <pre><p>That&#39;s Postal (maybe Postal 2).<br/> Going Postal is a book by Terry Pratchett.</p></pre>phenomenon_99: <pre><p>Oh shit nvm then lol</p></pre>HURR1CANE_WR1ST: <pre><p>Didn&#39;t do it, lawyer fucked me. </p></pre>AaaawShitBuddy: <pre><p>Only guilty man in Shawshank. </p></pre>Ergotisme: <pre><p>My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same ?</p></pre>shitpost-scrub: <pre><p>COME ON! I haven&#39;t got all morning!</p></pre>AsianWaffles308: <pre><p>You imperial bastards!</p></pre>kaydesmith: <pre><p>As fearless in death as he was in life...</p></pre>SUBJUGATOR001: <pre><p>Next....the Nord in the rags!</p></pre>Moriartiy: <pre><p><em>Alduin roars in the distance</em></p></pre>Trexfromouterspace: <pre><p>There it is again... Did you hear that?</p></pre>League-of-Karma: <pre><p>I <strong>said</strong> next prisoner!</p></pre>Midnight_arpeggio: <pre><p>To the block, prisoner, nice and easy...</p></pre>InverseThoughts: <pre><p>CHOO CHOO</p></pre>TruBluBen: <pre><p>This thread hurts me, I can actually hear all the lines from everytime I started a <em>pure mage build</em> which inevitably turned into a stealth archer as soon as I got my hands on a bow.</p></pre>christo334: <pre><p>What in oblivion is that?</p></pre>manymensky: <pre><p><em>when is this gonna end I just need to design the 100th character today</em></p></pre>ThisisThomasJ: <pre><p><em>sheepishly walks and stumbles in front of the chopping block while looking at the executioner</em> </p></pre>15dreadnought: <pre><p><em>Alduin roars again as he flies from behind the mountain, coming to rest on the tower.</em></p></pre>Beazfour: <pre><p>Alduin lands on tower roars</p></pre>rusaxman: <pre><p><a href=""><em><del>Alduin</del> Thomas</em></a></p></pre>CRUMPETKILLA187: <pre><p>Macho man Randy savage</p></pre>freerdj: <pre><p>Put&#39;em down!</p></pre>kaydesmith: <pre><p>Oh no! Don&#39;t put me down!</p></pre>SUBJUGATOR001: <pre><p>Is this for Sonic Boom?</p></pre>BaxInBlack: <pre><p><em>choo choo</em></p></pre>FranklintheTMNT: <pre><p>Oh my god, the legends. Could they be true?</p></pre>darthjoey91: <pre><p>Have you tried stalling for time by changing your race and appearance in front of the guards?</p></pre>thatoneevilman_: <pre><p>Unfortunately (for them) the dragon also wait for you to do this</p></pre>cbow120: <pre><p>Sky&#39;s rim belongs to the nords</p></pre>FlowSoSlow: <pre><p>I would mummur the baseline from Queens Under Pressure while staring deeply into my executioner&#39;s eyes.</p></pre>PitzNR: <pre><p>Forever leaving him wondering whether it was Under pressure or Ice Ice Baby, that satan material.</p></pre>theoriok: <pre><p>no you see, theirs is &#34;dun dun dun dudu dun dun, dun dun dun dudu dun dun&#34; and mine is &#34;dun dun dun dud dun dun, <em>da</em> dun dun dun dudu dun dun&#34;. totally different.</p></pre>PM-ME-YOUR-TUMMIES: <pre><p>&#34;I can trace my run of bad luck back to 2004 when I didn&#39;t forward that email to 10 or more people in 3 minutes.&#34;</p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>duddy88: <pre><p>I did it, just in case. </p></pre>nvduhn: <pre><p>I didn&#39;t. I like to live dangero</p></pre>Faldoras: <pre><p>RIP <a href="/u/nvduhn">/u/nvduhn</a></p></pre>dallonv: <pre><p>F</p></pre>MooseWolf2000: <pre><p>RIP</p></pre>Oilfan9911: <pre><p>Joffrey is a bastard born of incest. Stannis Baratheon is the one true king of Westeros.</p></pre>mrboomx: <pre><p>You&#39;re goddamn right.</p></pre>Koopagamelouda: <pre><p>What are you doing in Westeros Walt? </p></pre>Walter_White_Walker-: <pre><p>Well, I&#39;m a White Walker now.</p></pre>Ivoos001: <pre><p>Redditor since:11/30/2016 (6 months)</p> <p>I&#39;ll allow it.</p></pre>carlksufan: <pre><p>So long and thanks for all the fish.</p></pre>AdvocateSaint: <pre><p>THE SECRET FORMULA TO THE KRABBY PATTY I-</p></pre>cmd_iii: <pre><p>While I regret my crimes, and the pain and damage that I have done, I must state at this time that I have been withholding one bit of information: I did not act alone. In fact, looking through the glass just now, I see my accomplice in this room. This person has pledged, upon the moment of my execution, to avenge my death by killing the person closest to him. My accomplice is a kung-fu master, and will certainly be able to commit this murder before any of you have time to react. Look around you. Do you think the person next to you is capable of killing you instantly? Let&#39;s find out, shall we?</p> <p>Warden, you may proceed.</p></pre>pease_pudding: <pre><p>you weren&#39;t very popular, so there&#39;s only the Warden there</p> <p>He just shrugs and flips the switch</p></pre>kingeryck: <pre><p>Then Kung fus himself to death</p></pre>The_Phantom_Fap: <pre><p>He just keeps yelling Hi-yah while he chops himself in the neck. </p></pre>ivegotapenis: <pre><p>Or rather he waits until the scheduled time and flips it. It&#39;s not up to the condemned to give orders to the warden.</p></pre>c4sanmiguel: <pre><p>Reminds me of a story:</p> <p>An astrologer whose popularity began to threaten the king is summoned to the throne room and before he arrives the king orders the guards to kill him on his signal. </p> <p>The king asks &#34;If you are so wise, then tell me: When will you die?&#34; The astrologer looks around at the nervous guards and answers &#34;Exactly one day before the king, your honor&#34;, and after a long pause, he is allowed to leave. </p> <p>The End.</p></pre>pm-me-gps-coords: <pre><p>Then they call your bluff.</p> <p>Except it was no bluff. This is the story of the largest massacre in human history.</p></pre>SemiproAtLife: <pre><p>I&#39;ll see you all in Heck</p></pre>Absolute_cretin: <pre><p>It was just a prank, bro</p></pre>anonymous93: <pre><p>Then they just let you off the hook.</p></pre>AaaawShitBuddy: <pre><p>Only if they get 400,000 people to smash that Like button.</p></pre>Hewkho: <pre><p>If you liked this scene please like and subscribe. It will help a lot and make my channel grow.</p></pre>racoon1969: <pre><p>There is an island with 12 islanders. All of the islanders individually weigh exactly the same amount, except for one, who either weighs more or less than the other 11.</p> <p>You must use a see-saw to figure out whose weight is different, and you may only use the see-saw 3 times. There are no scales or other weighing device on the island.</p> <p>How can you find out which islander is the one that has a different weight?</p></pre>UnenthusiasticEditor: <pre><ol> <li>Weigh 4 islanders on each side (1,2,3,4) to (5,6,7,8) with the last for off to the side (9,10,11,12).</li> </ol> <p>Scenario A: The scale is balanced. This means the odd islander is in group (9,10,11,12).</p> <p>2a. Weigh 9 vs 10. If they are equal, then </p> <p>3aa. Weigh 10 with 11. If still equal, 12 is the odd weight. If not equal, 11 is the odd weight. </p> <p>3ab. If 9 and 10 are off, weigh 10 with 11. If they are off again, 10 is the odd weight. If 10 = 11, 9 is the odd weight.</p> <p>Scenario B: The scale is tipped. Let&#39;s assume this means that (1,2,3,4) &gt; (5,6,7,8). That means we know (9,10,11,12) is equal weight. </p> <p>2b. Weigh (1,2,3,5) vs (4,9,10,11). If the scale is even, this means that the odd weight is either 6,7, or 8. </p> <p>3ba. Weigh 6 vs 7. Since the original group was lighter than the control group, whichever is lighter is the odd weight. If they are even, 8 is the odd weight.</p> <p>3bb. If the scale remained the same tip [(1,2,3,5) &gt; (4,9,10,11)] then the odd weight is either 1, 2, or 3. Weigh 1 vs 2. Whichever is lighter is the odd weight. If they are equal, then 3 is the odd weight. And finally</p> <p>3bc. If the scale switched [(1,2,3,5)&lt;(4,9,10,11)] then that means either 4 or 5 is the odd weight. Take any other islander and weigh them against 4. If the scale tips, 4 is the odd weight. If the scale is equal, then 5 is the odd weight.</p></pre>nixcamic: <pre><p>The solution!</p></pre>albinoloverats: <pre><p>We did it - on with the execution!</p></pre>MaXiMiUS: <pre><p>I&#39;d probably start by asking each of them how much they weigh. If they can&#39;t communicate it&#39;s unlikely I&#39;m going to convince any of them to get on a giant see-saw, and if they can there&#39;s pretty good odds they&#39;ve used the see-saw before and already know the answer.</p></pre>HeadlessTom: <pre><p>&#34;Are you watching closely?&#34;</p></pre>randarrow: <pre><p>For a little more serious and morbid, <a href="">Texas publishes the last statements of people executed</a></p></pre>anoobitch: <pre><p>Yea Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-</p></pre>EpicLives7: <pre><p>&#34;Longest Execution Ever&#34;</p></pre>catbro89: <pre><p>The &#34;yeah boi&#34; that will last <em>the rest of</em> your whole life.</p> <p>Edit: forgot three words, thanks for reminding me</p></pre>Racist_Cannibal: <pre><p>It&#39;s a shame you&#39;ll never find the bodies.</p></pre>Xaithix: <pre><p>Forgive me if this is what you&#39;re referencing, but some dude actually did that and escaped the death sentence for quite a few years every time he was up. Ted Bundy I believe.</p></pre>Jenny010137: <pre><p>Bundy fried like an egg. Gary Ridgway did get out of the death penalty by agreeing to lead the police to as many bodies as he could. Neat catch, though. If he&#39;s convicted of a murder he committed outside of King County, he can still be sentenced to death.</p></pre>Xaithix: <pre><p>Yeah, I know Bundy eventually got what was coming to him, I just thought I remembered reading that he delayed it by like a decade by bribing people with locations of bodies. Interesting though.</p></pre>IMostlyLurk__Mostly: <pre><p>Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I&#39;ll be back.</p></pre>PM_ME_YO_MUM: <pre><p>My life for Aiur!</p></pre>yParticle: <pre><p>My wife for hire!</p></pre>brothertaddeus: <pre><p>En taro adun!</p></pre>Weep2D2: <pre><p><em>grabs mic hand gesture</em></p> <p>What&#39;s the deal with execution ? A life long sentence is more painful. It&#39;s like if my lil brother is annoying me and I break his Batman Vs Super Blu-Ray DVD instead of forcing him to watch it.</p></pre>Xccehl: <pre><p><em>audience laughs and claps as you get hanged</em></p></pre>Schmotz: <pre><p><em>Cue Seinfeld bass line</em></p></pre>Maxwellhammer: <pre><p>[Record Scratch noise] &#34;Yup, that&#39;s me. You&#39;re probably wondering how I got here...&#34;</p></pre>wolfpwarrior: <pre><p>Then go into a 25 episode tale of how you got into that situation. Explain about your friends, and in the last or second to last episode, explain in detail their plan to get you out. As you are telling the guards this, the guards look at you in disbelief, all the way up to your friends driving a humvee through the wall, and rescuing you. You drive off into the sunset with your love interest. The season ends, and there are 4 more seasons.</p></pre>Deadnox_24142: <pre><p>Is that an actual TV show?</p></pre>jayjaypoo: <pre><p>Prison Break season 1.</p></pre>turret_buddy2: <pre><p>Really thought this was Burn Notice. </p></pre>MozartInABlender: <pre><p>I guess it all began a long time ago. [Shows baby being born] No, too far!</p></pre>maracusdesu: <pre><p>&#34;I used to be the cool kid in High School - no really! It&#39;s true!&#34;</p></pre>ph0en1x778: <pre><p>Do it already a man can only be so erect! </p></pre>b8le: <pre><p>well, I killed the wrong man is the which-of-why I&#39;m here</p></pre>I426Hemi: <pre><p>Once more into the breach.</p></pre>mollyalice51: <pre><p>Not to be that guy, but *unto </p></pre>mesotiran: <pre><p>With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!</p></pre>Absolute_cretin: <pre><p>I wouldn&#39;t say anything. I&#39;d just show them <a href="">this</a></p> <p>They cannot proceed without freeing me so that I can claim my punch for anyone who looked. I shall then make my escape.</p></pre>GloriousComments: <pre><p>Unless your plan backfires and the executioner, maintaining eye contact with you the whole time, walks over and breaks it. He&#39;ll have to then free you momentarily in order to claim the three punches he&#39;s entitled to, of which you&#39;ll have no choice but to stand there and take them like a professional.</p> <p>He&#39;ll then strap you back in and give you a Wet Willie just to be an asshole.</p></pre>LukeTheGeek: <pre><p>Abracadabra.</p></pre>madipaddy: <pre><p>The Prestige?</p></pre>ElMachoGrande: <pre><p>&#34;Always look at the bright side of life&#34;</p></pre>AardvarkTuba: <pre><p>Ask the executioner to whistle.</p></pre>noor_gilani: <pre><p>&#34;Let this day be remembered as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!&#34;</p></pre>Opcop: <pre><p>See you space cowboy.</p></pre>TheMightyGoatMan: <pre><p>I&#39;d put on my best Vincent Price impression...</p> <p>&#34;You may think that you have won! But I say, NO! You are fools! For I cannot die! Oh, you may destroy this Earthly form, you may banish me from this plane for some short while, but I shall return! Yes! Return for <em>VENGEANCE!</em> Hold your loved ones close, guard them in the darkness of the night, it shall profit you none! For I shall come for them and draw the life from their weak bodies! HA! HAHAHA! MWAHAHAHAH!&#34;</p></pre>Hewkho: <pre><p>Delete my internet browser history. Thanks.</p></pre>biscuit272: <pre><p>Bite my shiny metal ass!</p></pre>HarryDresdenWizard: <pre><p>Don&#39;t put the hood on Boss, I&#39;s afraid of the dark. </p> <p>They&#39;ll be too busy sobbing to stop me from escaping. That, or I get to fuck with people one last time.</p></pre>duckbombz: <pre><p>I said Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<sup>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<sup>iiiiiiiitch...</sup></sup></p></pre>ATC_Boilermaker: <pre><p>I lost the game.</p></pre>fopumo: <pre><p>Ah fuck, why?</p></pre>mikevanatta: <pre><p>One last act of trolling on a grand scale. </p></pre>ISNT_A_ROBOT: <pre><p>it had been YEARS</p></pre>edmanet: <pre><p>Rosebud</p></pre>jmann217: <pre><p>hashtag blessed</p></pre>MyOhMyPancakes: <pre><p>Whose the real monster, me sitting in this chair, or the people watching a man&#39;s breath be taken from him.</p> <p>Edit: spelling</p></pre>greenmountainboy: <pre><p>Covfefe.</p></pre>k0daa: <pre><p>And how do you pronounce it</p></pre>dylzim: <pre><p>Correctly.</p></pre>JonRosa: <pre><p>The same way you pronounce gif but covfefe</p></pre>DubDubDubAtDubDotCom: <pre><p>&#34;Cov-fefe&#34;</p></pre>johnnymonterry: <pre><p>Pretend you know the true meaning of covfefe and people will wonder about it forever!</p></pre>soomuchcoffee: <pre><p>You&#39;ll have to pry my covfefe out of my cold, dead hands. </p></pre>hansn: <pre><p>Say it three times while touching the glowing orb and a lawyer will appear.</p></pre>node_of_ranvier: <pre><p>&#34;Oh dear god please no I&#39;ll do anything please don&#39;t kill me.&#34; </p> <p>People can pretend they would say something cool or act tough, I would be scared and crying like a baby.</p></pre>treefitty350: <pre><p>You would have a long time to come to terms with it. Decades, probably. Even if you choose not to fight it. By the time your date rolls around, while you might cry, you probably won&#39;t be begging for life.</p></pre>Harmelodic: <pre><p>Death is only the beginning.<br/> Or<br/> WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! SEE YOU IN HELL MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!</p></pre>SorryDarling: <pre><p>“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming &#34;Wow! What a Ride!”</p></pre>faggressive: <pre><p>Ah, the favorite copypasta of middle-age profiles on OKCupid</p></pre>

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