What's your "picture you can't see without laughing"?

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<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>abello966: <pre><p>It&#39;s been almost a week and I still laugh at this everyday when do I need to get help?</p> <p><a href="http://memes2.fjcdn.com/pictures/Me+irl_664363_6204621.jpg">http://memes2.fjcdn.com/pictures/Me+irl_664363_6204621.jpg</a></p></pre>Large_Dr_Pepper: <pre><p>That&#39;s great, what a silly feature though. I probably would&#39;ve texted back &#34;STOP&#34; thinking it would cancel the texts. </p></pre>projectb223: <pre><p>So a friend of mine passed away a few years ago, and a couple of months after his passing his girlfriend finally decided to move on and go on a date with someone. She posted to Facebook about it, and apparently someone got my dead friends phone number and it was linked to his Facebook account.</p> <p>All we knew was that she posted something like &#34;finally going to let myself move on, going on a date this weekend.&#34; And his account commented &#34;who&#39;s this&#34;</p> <p>Really fucked with some people.</p></pre>jessumsthecunt: <pre><p>This is so messed up omfg</p></pre>mynamehasnonumbers: <pre><p>Oh my fucking god I did this exact same thing. Why is that even a feature? I feel like they just wanna punish people for being rude to their bot.</p></pre>Onehundredwaffles: <pre><p>for me it will always be <a href="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/imagebuzz/terminal01/2009/1/28/14/man-looks-like-thumb-6325-1233172135-12.jpg">guy who looks like a thumb</a></p></pre>houseQM: <pre><p>The guy in the backwards hat looks like every teenage bully in 90&#39;s sitcoms. He even has that mocking expression. </p></pre>Redbucketpusher: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/toZodYC.jpg">pajama kid</a> Apparently this kid got picture day and pajama day confused. His face makes me chuckle every time I see it.</p></pre>JennLegend3: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/uKwT2Qs.jpg">https://i.imgur.com/uKwT2Qs.jpg</a> after an edit</p></pre>mrsentinel: <pre><p>This one only gets funnier with time. ahahah</p></pre>corn_starch_party: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/fHuhw.jpg">This one</a> cracks me up every time. The dog&#39;s expression, the stupid sign. I love it.</p> <p>Found the <a href="http://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.roosterteeth.com/uploads/images/eeabb04c-33e9-4284-b3ee-4586a82eda4e/md/teh_meatloaf468baa2071274.jpg">original dog picture</a> for people who are interested. Also, you can <a href="http://img02.deviantart.net/50f7/i/2012/106/0/0/have_you_seen_this_dog_by_danelectrot-d4wfxf8.jpg">print your own sign</a>!</p></pre>BobSacramanto: <pre><p>That is the same expression in every 40yr old man&#39;s Facebook profile pic.</p></pre>regularunleaded: <pre><p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/9QZOz46">https://m.imgur.com/gallery/9QZOz46</a></p> <p>Centaur babies </p></pre>lucoin: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/4jYNvbP">The kid that dressed as a clown for a family picture</a></p></pre>I_watch: <pre><p>Laid back</p></pre>tweakalicious: <pre><p>With my mind on my funnies and my funnies on my mind.</p></pre>jonosvision: <pre><p>This one will always be my winner</p> <p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/8hYwgYg.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/8hYwgYg.jpg</a></p></pre>JamieA350: <pre><p>This produced one of my favourite copy-pastas:</p> <blockquote> <p>Listen here cum-slut, I bet you 5 million dollars that you don’t own a bird. But guess what? I own 7. And I can tell you right now that a bird would never just walk into something like a chocolate fountain. They’ll rarely walk directly into water. </p> <p>But say that your idiotic theory is correct.</p> <p>Say it did actually walk into it.</p> <p>That animal still probably died.</p> <p>Is that still funny to you? Do you still get your kicks out of knowing that that bird was probably terrified and opening its mouth to scream in that last panel?</p> <p>And if you say yes then you seriously disgust me as a human being.</p> </blockquote></pre>Heknarf: <pre><p>Best bit is that it&#39;s a scene from the Adam Sandler movie &#39;Jack &amp; Jill&#39;.. </p> <p>The scene is less funny than the pic above though, because the bird looks really fake in motion. </p></pre>Bartboy011: <pre><p>I&#39;ve seen this photo a million times and never heard that it&#39;s from Jack &amp; Jill. This, to me, only makes it funnier because it proves just how few people have actually <em>seen</em> Jack &amp; Jill.</p></pre>bakincarrotbiscuits: <pre><p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/iMoy96H">I have died everyday, waiting for you </a> </p></pre>scoobdrew: <pre><p>It&#39;s gypsy!</p> <p>Edit: Nice!</p></pre>rig_baby: <pre><p>Cam bot!</p></pre>Destructimus: <pre><p>Tom Servo!</p></pre>MooseLips_SinkShips: <pre><p>Croooow</p></pre>CraneRiver: <pre><p>If you&#39;re wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts,</p></pre>Dukes159: <pre><p>Just repeat to yourself it&#39;s just a show</p></pre>CodeOfZero: <pre><p>I should really just relax!</p></pre>MondayAssasin: <pre><p>FOR MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000</p></pre>TheHelixSaysLeft: <pre><p>MYYYYYSSSSTTTTTEEEEERRRRRRYYYYY SSSSSSCCCCIIIIIIEEEEEENNNNNCCCCEEEE TTTTHHHHHEEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTEEEEERRR THREEEEEEEE THOOOOOOUUUUUUSAAAAAND</p></pre>StonedPhysicist: <pre><p>*twang*</p> <p>EDIT: Guys, gold train has terminated at this station. Stop attempting to board.</p></pre>MooseLips_SinkShips: <pre><p>La la la</p></pre>strych91: <pre><p>Why are they even open? <a href="http://i.imgur.com/pLWrQ5A.jpeg">http://i.imgur.com/pLWrQ5A.jpeg</a> </p></pre>Xenjael: <pre><p>Corn in hand, that&#39;s hilarious.</p></pre>StarkLX: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/zB4CJXc.jpg">Already won.</a></p></pre>MyLittleLamprey: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/CFFaOTy.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/CFFaOTy.jpg</a></p> <p>Every single time.</p></pre>Bardsly: <pre><p>I&#39;ve been looking for this for so long! Saw it pinned to the wall when I was touring a theatre and managed to get a photo, but it&#39;s all blurred and you can&#39;t see the last two panels. Thank you so much. </p></pre>flounder19: <pre><p>If you&#39;re looking to find something like this in the future, you can usually succeed by googling a unique phrase from the poster like &#34;Apply Capri-sun straw to neck&#34;</p></pre>ArmanDoesStuff: <pre><p>Even searching &#34;funny cpr&#34; will work.</p> <p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/Vq1Bk.jpg">It also yields this</a> which is another version that never fails to make me laugh.</p></pre>pointofgravity: <pre><p>For me, it&#39;s this one. Just the scene it paints in your head after looking at it. <a href="http://m.imgur.com/gallery/L0Je5On">http://m.imgur.com/gallery/L0Je5On</a> </p> <p>Edit: I&#39;m glad I&#39;m in a timezone where it&#39;s night that I posted it but it&#39;s morning where most of you are, so you get to start your day off thinking about terrifying jumping lions </p> <p>Edit 2: my first gold! And it ain&#39;t about butts or something! Whoo!</p></pre>imreadytoreddit: <pre><p>Been looking at this thread for 10 minutes, this is the first one to really make me laugh thanks!</p></pre>pointofgravity: <pre><p>No problem, just keep your eyes 36 feet to the fucking sky when you&#39;re next in africa</p></pre>kneaders: <pre><p><a href="http://a.fod4.com/images/user_photos/1163438/rOps7_original.jpeg">http://a.fod4.com/images/user_photos/1163438/rOps7_original.jpeg</a></p></pre>I_Wanna_Be_Sedated: <pre><p>This painting restoration of Jesus by a well meaning church parishioner in Spain had me crying for weeks every time I looked at it </p> <p><a href="http://imgur.com/a/jHT65">http://imgur.com/a/jHT65</a></p></pre>MasterSplicer: <pre><p>But it made her village famous so it&#39;s ok.</p></pre>hfish16: <pre><p>And this meme created off that terrible restoration had me dying.</p> <p><a href="http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ecce-homo-dont-want.jpeg">http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ecce-homo-dont-want.jpeg</a></p></pre>Ua_Tsaug: <pre><p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/nTxrJts">None pizza, left beef</a>.</p></pre>roomandcoke: <pre><p>Every time I see this, I think of the driver taking turns, hearing the sausage clatter around in the box, just thinking &#34;what the fuck, dude!? What a fucking <em>moron</em>.&#34;</p></pre>Ua_Tsaug: <pre><p>I wonder how the staff felt making the damn thing, like they had to have suspected it was some kind of practical joke or something.</p></pre>Nothxm8: <pre><p>Having worked at a fast food pizza chain, there are no jokers when it comes to pizza customers.</p> <p>They are very serious in their bullshit antics</p></pre>EdricStorm: <pre><p>Well then...</p> <p><a href="https://www.etsy.com/listing/241537378/none-pizza-with-left-beef-necklace-pizza">HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU, SIR-OR-MADAM</a></p></pre>genericname__: <pre><p>No fucking way.</p></pre>9inety9ine: <pre><p>Welcome to the internet. Try not to touch the poop.</p></pre>Untitled21: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/V4NiekI.jpg">This one</a>. Something about it just gets me.</p></pre>iwastheone: <pre><p>When hospital food just isn&#39;t enough.</p></pre>SentientDust: <pre><p><a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9e/7c/82/9e7c82d4c44b37bd619a728350a0f77c.jpg">Gets me every single time</a>.</p></pre>michmochw: <pre><p>my favourite part of this is the floating leash</p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>Roxanne1000: <pre><p>Just like Bart</p></pre>girralph: <pre><p>take it to the bank, boys. this one&#39;s just like bart</p></pre>Roxanne1000: <pre><p>Disgraced Simpsons creator Matt Groening retires from The Simpsons; Gives show to Mcelroy Brothers!</p> <p>&#34;They&#39;re better at Bart than I am&#34;</p></pre>Wait_IKnowYou: <pre><p>Toe to tip that&#39;s a Bart.</p></pre>Rekjavik: <pre><p>The thing is though that this really does look just like Bart. </p></pre>SkeetwoodMac: <pre><p>There&#39;s some new Bart men in town! </p></pre>Boulin: <pre><p>I bring egg to Ned Flander</p></pre>G0dlik3Mang0: <pre><p>ONLY EGGS CAN SUSTAIN ME</p></pre>epicdrwhofan: <pre><p>Marge, I have no character arc!</p></pre>KontraKode: <pre><p>THA SERPSERNS!</p></pre>sourdaughter: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/fX9yHhY">this gets me every dang time</a></p></pre>Phito41: <pre><p>+1 armor</p> <p>-10 charisma</p></pre>fudsak: <pre><p>I&#39;ve seen that one with the caption &#34;first helmet you find when starting an RPG&#34;</p></pre>briandeli99: <pre><p>I like this <a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/i1MaODG">one</a> with that caption</p></pre>Tellmeister: <pre><p>That guy has either a small head or a large subway back.</p> <p>Best I could do and I ruined both the bags I just got delivered. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/Uuu2m">http://imgur.com/a/Uuu2m</a>. I just look like a KKK member that couldn&#39;t afford the white hat.</p></pre>purplepolyglot: <pre><p><a href="https://www.recreoviral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Im%C3%A1genes-que-no-tienen-sentido-13.jpg">put your money where your mouth is</a></p></pre>Bntyhntr: <pre><p>This is <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bjorn_Poonen">Bjorn Poonen</a>, a professor at MIT and generally super smart math dude.</p></pre>Ocho-Ocho-Ocho: <pre><p>One of the best names I&#39;ve ever heard</p></pre>Unidangoofed: <pre><p>He&#39;s been getting the Poonen since the day he was Bjorn.</p></pre>trex005: <pre><p>Maybe he just has a small hand.</p></pre>SquidsStoleMyFace: <pre><p>University.jpg</p></pre>Levema: <pre><p><a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f9/57/80/f957802295d5f9dde6cfba7e1d5fb10a.jpg">That&#39;s right, twas I that set the house ablaze!</a></p></pre>DizzyDecoy: <pre><p>&#34;This cat fully shaved... except for its face&#34;<br/> <a href="https://i.redd.it/zixh85akiwwy.jpg">https://i.redd.it/zixh85akiwwy.jpg</a></p></pre>Parkwaydrive23: <pre><p>lmao, looks like a cartoon that ran into a wall. </p></pre>Pagan-za: <pre><p>Then there is this cat that <a href="http://imgur.com/JZmkZZh">looks like a cartoon bomb went off in its face</a></p></pre>Kritigri: <pre><p>So am I the only person who finds this creepy as shit?</p></pre>1337lolguyman: <pre><p>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask!</p></pre>0verly0ptimistic: <pre><p>Definitely <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/tOaFUQp">this!</a></p></pre>southernSLP: <pre><p>Phteven</p> <p><a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/w94k4VY">https://imgur.com/gallery/w94k4VY</a></p></pre>005cer: <pre><p>You&#39;ll love <a href="http://i.imgur.com/ff0c9i0.jpg">this</a>.</p></pre>shadow-warlock: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/hvW8GFU">The &#34;they took the children&#34; cat.</a></p></pre>kingeryck: <pre><p>Babushka</p></pre>clera_echo: <pre><p>Babushcat</p></pre>Liesmith: <pre><p>Cat Quinciniera: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/cBmQSPo.png">http://i.imgur.com/cBmQSPo.png</a></p></pre>Phorog: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/yxz22Bh.jpg">roasted</a></p></pre>josefugly: <pre><p>Just thinking about <a href="https://i.redd.it/xeuk2qnwgl8y.jpg">this</a> picture makes me giggle. I spent like half an hour talking about it with my boyfriend while crying with laughter. </p></pre>ChallengingJamJars: <pre><p>And which dog looks happier?</p></pre>Aerowulf9: <pre><p>Thats the look of a dog that had a sweaty anus and is now finally relieved to feel the breeze.</p></pre>PM_me_yer_booobies: <pre><p>In all seriousness though that dog had to shit through the equivalent of a pom pom. Wtf</p></pre>BostonConnor11: <pre><p>This comment is funnier than the picture imo </p></pre>Poem_for_your_sprog: <pre><p><em>Have you ever felt the aching,</em><br/> <em>Creeping, crawling, bottom-baking,</em><br/> <em>Haunting itch of heinies heinous?</em> </p> <p>Get yourself a shaven anus.</p></pre>PiranhaBacon: <pre><p>Burma Shave. </p></pre>do-not-react: <pre><p>Wait where are their tails</p></pre>TheNerdWithNoName: <pre><p>Ay first I felt pity...then I saw the dog&#39;s face in the second pic.</p> <p>Who wore it better?</p> <p>I genuinely laughed.</p></pre>kosmatic: <pre><p>This is the only one that&#39;s made me really have to suppress giggles browsing this thread at work - it&#39;s the dog&#39;s gleeful little face that gets me!</p></pre>SluggyChunks: <pre><p>And that&#39;s why I always show my barber a picture of what I want instead of trying to explain it.</p></pre>aphaelion: <pre><p>Only thing I can think about is how nicely it&#39;d fit if you mooshed their butts together.</p></pre>mvdonkey: <pre><p>Where is its tail?</p></pre>tehnibi: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/vXchS.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/vXchS.jpg</a> </p> <p>This one... I just laugh every time i look at it</p></pre>Pretagonist: <pre><p><a href="http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/199/475/de9">Paint a picture</a>. Gets me every tiem =)</p></pre>PM-SOME-TITS: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/C0sL61V.jpg"><em>Mein</em>er confusion</a></p></pre>demoncloset: <pre><p>My first saved link, <a href="http://i.imgur.com/0j9NH.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/0j9NH.jpg</a></p></pre>PM-SOME-TITS: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/zUlYEub.jpg">Here I come</a></p></pre>Nothammer: <pre><p>&#39;And I said, she&#39;s good at the piano, but she sucks on the organ!&#39;</p></pre>SteelKeeper: <pre><p>&#34;Did someone say Colombian hookers?!?&#34;</p> <p>I believe this was taken around the time of a scandal about secret service having parties in Colombia with prostitutes. Best caption ever </p></pre>strikt9: <pre><p>I remember it as &#34;Did somebody say Binders full of women?&#34;</p></pre>-----BroAway-----: <pre><p>Is the guy behind Bill a younger, happier Sean Spicer?</p></pre>MisterCheaps: <pre><p>Kind of! Same job. He was Obama&#39;s first Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs. </p></pre>enrivio: <pre><p>What&#39;s the actual context of this photo?</p></pre>sidebar_horizontal: <pre><blockquote> <p>On December 23rd, 2010, photographer Drew Angerer[9] published a blog post titled “Obama and the Lame Duck Congress”[2], which featured a photo of President Obama and former President Clinton making a surprise joint appearance in the White House briefing room to discuss a tax bill compromise.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/inappropriate-timing-bill-clinton">http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/inappropriate-timing-bill-clinton</a></p></pre>explodedsun: <pre><p>Reporter: Mr. President, what does the bill say?</p> <p>Clinton (interrupting, still in &#34;surprise!&#34; stance): I&#39;ve got this, Barry! The bill doesn&#39;t say anything, it&#39;s the rest of the duck that quacks! (Jumps up, lands back in &#34;surprise!&#34; stance)</p></pre>Trehnt: <pre><p>Obama was mid-scratching his face I&#39;m pretty sure. There&#39;s a YouTube video of this. </p></pre>SolidusTengu: <pre><p>This one everytime <a href="http://imgur.com/R0l0ZRE">http://imgur.com/R0l0ZRE</a></p></pre>LiterallyASunBear: <pre><p>This <a href="http://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChGVWQgUcAATHUY.jpg:large">shaved husky</a> gets a giggle out of me every time.</p></pre>Amelaclya1: <pre><p>It&#39;s so stupid looking but still so cute. </p></pre>lolmops140: <pre><p>He is still a good boy.</p></pre>dad_chaser: <pre><p>looks like my aunt linda </p></pre>brsmith77: <pre><p>For some bizarre reason it reminds me of JD from Scrubs. I cannot explain this...</p></pre>uselessnamemango: <pre><p>People shouldn&#39;t shave huskies </p></pre>chapingu: <pre><p>Sometimes may be necessary to help find a paralysis tick </p></pre>gotbannedfornothing: <pre><p>I&#39;m assuming there was a medical reason they shaved the husky instead of.</p> <p>&#34;Ya know what would make our husky look cool? If we just shaved him all over but the head so he looked like a big furry lollipop!&#34;</p></pre>stevesy17: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/a/0K1TI">The look on his face SCREAMS it</a></p></pre>popularscroll52: <pre><p><a href="http://funnyand.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Drunk-at-a-party.jpg">Gets</a> me every time</p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>Tom_Fool_Ery: <pre><p>Once in a while I come across something on the internet that I will most definitely think of and laugh about during inappropriate situations and this picture has now been added to that collection. 10/10</p></pre>BrahptimusPrime: <pre><p>My friend sent me this some months back, I was out in public at the time, at the gym actually. I&#39;m in between sets so I check my phone, saw this picture for the first time and I lost it. I was in tears, laughing hysterically by myself, probably looked like a psycho. I&#39;d gain my composure and then think about it again and lose it. Kept trying to do a set and would just start laughing again. Went and sat in the locker room for about 10 minutes, couldn&#39;t stop. Ended up having to leave the gym and go home because I couldn&#39;t get it together. Can&#39;t remember the last time I&#39;ve laughed that hard when I was alone. </p></pre>Tom_Fool_Ery: <pre><p>That is a funny story because here I am thinking of the picture and imagining you losing your sh*t to it and im also laughing. To make you feel better, I don&#39;t think I could compose myself either! I look forward to the many more laughs I will have because of this picture.</p></pre>cbi8: <pre><ul> <li>- PRRRT -</li> </ul></pre>dustiero: <pre><p>I think about <a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/7toKyRQ">butthole shoulder man</a> periodically and lose my shit every time NSFW</p></pre>Hariot_the_care_bear: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/Vct4C81.png">https://i.imgur.com/Vct4C81.png</a> Basically the best.</p></pre>Bangersss: <pre><p>Ah shit I read it from the bottom upwards.</p> <p>&#39;That&#39;s a pretty dumb question... oh... that&#39;s really dumb.&#39;</p></pre>Titan897: <pre><p><a href="http://m.imgur.com/gallery/K1bPO">http://m.imgur.com/gallery/K1bPO</a></p></pre>Crisis_Averted: <pre><p>Including the reactions to a joke in the screenshot is the laughingtrack of our time.</p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>Kerblammo: <pre><p>Reminds me of the <a href="http://i.imgur.com/SLBtegR.gifv">one with the headsets</a>.</p></pre>Larrygiggles: <pre><p>I can&#39;t find it right now but there&#39;s a gif of Kristen Stewart on a red carpet, after cutting her hair super short, and she&#39;s just constantly going to adjust her hair that isn&#39;t there anymore.</p></pre>loetou: <pre><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/H6JoLEVUhAkTK/html5">is this it?</a></p></pre>quietlikeblood: <pre><p>This is amazing</p></pre>Dgdgoblin: <pre><p>Best. Day. Ever. Cracks me up everytime.</p> <p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/r/aww/qXaeJoU">https://m.imgur.com/r/aww/qXaeJoU</a></p></pre>joshisonfire_11: <pre><p>Gets me every time</p> <p><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/3l1hbb/my_brother_turned_his_head_during_a_panoramic_shot/">derp </a> </p></pre>EpicDonutDude: <pre><p><a href="https://www.google.nl/search?biw=1440&amp;bih=708&amp;tbm=isch&amp;q=harold+stock+photo&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwj90tm4_57UAhUMZ1AKHTONB_YQhyYIJQ">Harold</a> always gets a smile out of me, his face is just too perfect for those stock images</p></pre>Vmmon: <pre><p>It has to be <a href="https://68.media.tumblr.com/6336814ec897b11667ea13721d891209/tumblr_obexlkhfQM1tj1uzko1_1280.jpg">Obama not being able to keep it together when seeing a baby dressed as the pope</a></p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>practicalbatman: <pre><p>That kid&#39;s first words: &#34;I tell ya I get no respect. No respect at all.&#34;</p></pre>i_pee_printer_ink: <pre><p>Come on, ALL babies are beautiful. Except the majority that aren&#39;t.</p></pre>gruffi: <pre><blockquote> <p>Ion kno u</p> </blockquote></pre>triface1: <pre><p>Usually I&#39;d be mad at messaging lingo, but God damn am I impressed somebody came up with that.</p></pre>GourangaPlusPlus: <pre><p>Obviously she got <a href="http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/This+guy+professional+football+player+has+buscemi+eyes+_34ceb5a8ac1ee8be12280c38c5b2bc55.jpg">Mesut Ozil&#39;s</a> number wrong</p></pre>Osafune2: <pre><p>MESUT OZIL, HIS EYES ARE OFFSIDE!</p></pre>Thy_Lubej: <pre><p>This one had me crying, thank you for this.</p></pre>Dustyftphilosopher24: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/hH8kHI6.jpg">Euthanasia</a></p></pre>maggotbrownie: <pre><p><a href="https://pics.onsizzle.com/hit-him-with-yourcrossbow-steve-magic-the-gathering-rocksmy-world-4307867.png">Classic Steve.</a></p></pre>Campusliquor: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/oij7Nw7.png">http://i.imgur.com/oij7Nw7.png</a> </p> <p>Love this one haha</p></pre>0vl223: <pre><p><a href="http://explosm.net/comics/2243/">http://explosm.net/comics/2243/</a> </p> <p>Is my favorite C&amp;H. </p></pre>my_house_sploded: <pre><p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/Mzbb0?r">https://m.imgur.com/Mzbb0?r</a></p></pre>smhandstuff: <pre><p><a href="https://imgur.com/g4QIAr7">This gives me a good chuckle</a></p></pre>MortusX: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/C0pqFED.jpg">Hrnk</a></p></pre>EPIKNICE: <pre><p><a href="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/020/777/meat3am.JPG">This right here</a></p></pre>JKristine35: <pre><p>There are 3 that get me every time.</p> <p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Etr2xjn">https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Etr2xjn</a></p> <p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/l7yUr">https://m.imgur.com/l7yUr</a></p> <p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/gallery/o2f16a9">https://m.imgur.com/gallery/o2f16a9</a></p></pre>MannyTostado18: <pre><p>Third one got me good.</p></pre>IanicRR: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/9kwV3.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/9kwV3.jpg</a></p> <p>Radical Larry kills me every time. </p></pre>BabbyHands: <pre><p>Do gifs count?</p> <p><a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/JpWsECN">http://imgur.com/gallery/JpWsECN</a></p></pre>pantallica_51: <pre><p>When the customer asks to see the manager and its me.</p></pre>Lampmonster1: <pre><p>Woman complaining about nothing at a table next to me asked the waitress to speak to her manager. &#34;Well I can call her, but I&#39;m the owner I gave her the day off.&#34; </p></pre>thatguy9921: <pre><p>MASK ON. FUCK IT MASK OFF</p></pre>persetuur: <pre><p>Dat smile</p></pre>DarkMSTie: <pre><p>My all time favorite</p> <p><a href="http://imgur.com/a/aAuFA">http://imgur.com/a/aAuFA</a></p></pre>njseoane: <pre><p>Melon Collie</p> <p><a href="http://imgur.com/iee14DM">http://imgur.com/iee14DM</a></p></pre>maybejane: <pre><p><a href="https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/cropped-seal-photobombing.jpg?w=640&amp;h=625">OMG THIS SEAL</a> </p></pre>YoungsterJoey99: <pre><p><a href="https://reinspired.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/daniel-radcliffe-with-an-off-centred-face.jpg">This</a> will never fail to make me laugh. It&#39;s funny enough on it&#39;s own, but one day I realised that it looked exactly alike one of my old school teachers, and now every time I see it, it puts me in a good mood for the whole day.</p></pre>ShinyDisc0Balls: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/i8ZWihe.jpg">Who is this? </a></p></pre>Mclovinlover69: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/MQquokx">http://imgur.com/MQquokx</a></p> <p>I had tears rolling down my face when I first saw this, and when I look at it for the tenth time. </p></pre>-----BroAway-----: <pre><p>MQquokx, truly the stuff of nightmares.</p></pre>Salt-Pile: <pre><p>Have to admit, though it&#39;s very cool, I am memorizing that url now so I can avoid ever seeing it again.</p></pre>poopellar: <pre><p>Ruh Roh</p></pre>ExoticsForYou: <pre><p>Curt&#39;s New Hat. I&#39;ll see if I can&#39;t find it.</p> <p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/hGM5897.jpg">Found it.</a></p></pre>MoroseOverdose: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/Q5aL6fw">http://imgur.com/Q5aL6fw</a></p></pre>buttfantasies: <pre><p>Gotta love <a href="https://m.imgur.com/4fRWhOP">Clifford</a></p></pre>maxim6194: <pre><p>You son of a bitch</p> <p><a href="https://m.imgur.com/xqVa39O">https://m.imgur.com/xqVa39O</a></p></pre>RaunoRepomies: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/QXgqk2F.jpg">He&#39;s behind me making that fucking face again. I don&#39;t even have to turn around to know it. God damn it. I hate that goddamned stupid face he makes. God fucking dammit.</a></p></pre>plastic-superhero: <pre><p>Or <a href="http://i.imgur.com/3SdtQAz.jpg">this one</a></p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p>Ah, there it is. Disappointed that I had to scroll this far down, only to see it as a reply to another comment.</p></pre>MegaGoomy: <pre><p>reminds me of this one <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CxDo_5GWEAE0r7F.jpg">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CxDo_5GWEAE0r7F.jpg</a></p></pre>MekuDeadly: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/1gtkm2a">http://imgur.com/1gtkm2a</a></p> <p>Edit: backstory Found it right after I had surgery so I couldn&#39;t laugh or it would hurt so I saved it for later to look at and well, haven&#39;t gotten over it.</p></pre>gorocz: <pre><p><a href="http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2013/08/lol-duck.gif">This one always makes me crack up</a> (as well as being a great reaction to this thread).</p></pre>Lil_Lemon: <pre><p>It&#39;s a toss up between <a href="http://i.imgur.com/KO4aW.jpg">this one</a> and <a href="http://i.imgur.com/MU8xz.png">this (if text counts).</a> Laughed so hard, I cried.</p></pre>wheresmypurplekitten: <pre><p>I don&#39;t even know why the second one is making me laugh so hard</p></pre>Newspaper_Edtior: <pre><p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/iEhVSIE.jpg">Self checkout</a></p> <p>Can&#39;t go to the grocery store without thinking about this nor can I see this without laughing</p> <p>Semi-related anecdote time! Back in college I had a fake ID that was given to me by a friend who either used to use it himself or just found it at a bar and wanted to pawn it off to someone. It was a real license originally belonging to some kid I had neither met nor seen before, but he beared a striking resemblance to me. Consequently this ID worked everywhere given our resemblance to one another, and because it was a valid VA driver&#39;s license (which are impossible to duplicate). At one point I was curious who this kid was so I looked him up on Facebook. Sure enough the first thing I noticed on his Facebook is his cover photo ... which was this comic. Thought that was absolutely hilarious and spooky.</p></pre>solorfainiel: <pre><p><a href="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BKc_yCwAK6c/TYjnZJIy5UI/AAAAAAAAA_Y/PQQCw5Mes5A/s1600/what+if+your+wife+orbits+my+dick.jpg">this</a></p> <p>Edit: super fancy formatting </p></pre>PM-SOME-TITS: <pre><p><a href="https://i.imgur.com/ga4FhPX.jpg">:D</a></p></pre>Live_Ore_Die: <pre><p>I can&#39;t tell you how many fucking times I tried to click this on my phone. Jesus.</p></pre>JacobeyWitness: <pre><p>Dude same. I actually had to act like my mom and use my index finger. </p></pre>

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