<p>And lowered it</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>DaCukiMonsta: <pre><p>When serving his presidential term, Donald Trump began to write Mein Covfefe, which translates into, well, we're still not exactly sure. The book initially begins with Trump's background, in which he describes his childhood, early aspirations, and the conflict he felt when he was expected to follow his father's footsteps. He was born in the border between Mexico and the USA, growing up in a household in which his mother described as "full of Lego", as if he had some obsession with creating large flat structures. Meanwhile, Donald's father was a humble man, who was widely reported to disprove of his son's work, but nevertheless gave him <em>small loans</em> to help him achieve his dream. </p>
<p>As a child, Trump didn't feel the motivation in school because he felt a lack of challenge. In terms of a career, at a young age, he was aspiring to become a covfefe of some sort. His father didn't seem to accept this idea and often looked down upon him for it. History soon became a favorite subject of Donald's, in which he learned about German history. He started to see the horrific conditions that Hitler put upon his people in the 1930s and 1940s, and realised that Hitler's plan of getting into government could still work today.</p>
<li>Approach a morally and economically broken country.</li>
<li>Make your own political party, or become rich enough to be made the leader of one.</li>
<li>Give the people hundreds of promises, telling them you will "make our country great again".</li>
<li>Also, generally be a massive dick to everyone and hint at racism in your campaign, although you shouldn't act on this until a few years after you come into office.</li>
<li>Become dictator, assume absolute power</li>
<li>Gain foreign land. Even though you initially said you hated the country immediately south of you, you will eventually invade it, citing national security as your excuse and pretending to be defending both nations from terrorism somehow.</li>
<li>Repeat as required.</li>
<p><strong><em>Side note:</em></strong> Hitler ended up trying to invade the USSR (Russia), but failed miserably. You might want to secretly form agreements with Russia before your campaign to ensure they won't get in the way.</p>
<p>The book continues on to explain how Trump began to meet with Democrats and how he was deeply conflicted with his views of the way others handled politics and his hate for the Mexican continued to grow and grow. He began to associate the two together and wanted to make a more pure country out of the USA, excluding the other types of foreigners, and focusing on the people of America, which is what he believed to be the superior, in which would result later on in the Great Wall of 2020. Those of the American race would be protected and saved. As the novel continues, the subjects can be anything from his educational plans, military plans, and ways to be a savior of the USA. He didn't believe in the mixing of races and greatly pushed the purity of the American people. Indeed, the majority of Mein Covfefe focuses on his hatred of the Mexican race, in which he refers to them as "parasites" and uses words such as "disgust" when referring to them. </p></pre>JohnnyThunders75: <pre><p>This is probably the most effort you've exerted all day. Thanks for the laugh. The real jokes are always in the comments.</p></pre>BulbousErection: <pre><p>The real joke is in office. </p></pre>xhytdr: <pre><p>The real joke is in the white house</p></pre>DaCukiMonsta: <pre><p>Oh it definitely is, no doubt</p></pre>tr4k2: <pre><blockquote>
<p>Mein Covfefe, which translates into, well, we're still not exactly sure.</p>
<p>His <a href="http://esq.h-cdn.co/assets/17/05/640x420/gallery-1486058441-trumpdoc.jpeg">gastroenterologist</a> knows.</p></pre>ballsdeepinasquealer: <pre><p>I'm pretty sure someone coined the term Kovfefe yesterday, in reference to a cross between an Eevee and a Koffing.</p></pre>Tacocatx2: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/CLyqHfb" rel="nofollow">http://imgur.com/CLyqHfb</a></p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p><strong>C</strong>riminally <strong>O</strong>bstructive <strong>V</strong>illain <strong>F</strong>ucks <strong>E</strong>nvironment <strong>F</strong>or <strong>E</strong>veryone</p></pre>Anicha1: <pre><p>This is funny but like not funny. This shit might actually all happen. </p></pre>saviorlito: <pre><p>I don't get it.</p></pre>Tacocatx2: <pre><p><a href="http://imgur.com/nZNW2q8" rel="nofollow">http://imgur.com/nZNW2q8</a>. </p>
<p>He's referring to this.</p></pre>MrWhiteVincent: <pre><p>So, Mexicans are Jews and Jesus is Hesus, the gardener?</p>
<p>Great wall is Berlin Wall?</p></pre>Fuckyoumecp2: <pre><p>Someone gild this man</p></pre>bolax: <pre><p>Haha, awesome, should be in <a href="/r/bestof" rel="nofollow">/r/bestof</a>.</p></pre>Lowsow: <pre><p>Well, you could link it there.</p></pre>one_mississippi: <pre><p>Looked for Undertaker references first. Then found an a great story. </p></pre>Database07: <pre><p>Actually cov fe'fe means "I will stand up" in Arabic which I assume he learned on his foreign trip </p></pre>silentjay01: <pre><p>The <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/us/politics/covfefe-trump-arabic.html" rel="nofollow">New York Times</a> disagrees.</p></pre>sushilantern: <pre><p>No it doesn't? Am I missing a joke?</p></pre>bluezxc: <pre><p>Did you try translating cov fe'fe from arabic to english on google translate?</p></pre>AutismEpidemic: <pre><p>Yeah probably </p></pre>funnyflywheel: <pre><blockquote>
<p><a href="https://youtu.be/fwumsVdK1Jw" rel="nofollow">Side note</a></p>
</blockquote></pre>1A4base16: <pre><p>It's all part of his 8D game of chess. Lower the bar so much that doing ordinary, not dickish things will be praised. Highly intelligent, the best.</p></pre>Threeknucklesdeeper: <pre><p>When you are at the bottom, the only way to go is up.</p></pre>Adnan_Targaryen: <pre><p>I always manage to get underground somehow. </p></pre>janspek: <pre><p>Join me friend, I have cookies and cocoa :)</p></pre>Graoutchmeuh: <pre><p>Or you can use a shovel and start digging.</p></pre>rp4187135: <pre><p>Haha, what're you gonna do? Start digging your way to Jynha?? </p></pre>smile1967: <pre><p>"President Trump has let go of his decision to drop 20 000 gallons of sulfuric acid on a packed elementary school today and for this I think he should be praised"</p></pre>carissa0816: <pre><p>Donny had them apple bottom jeans (jeans), boots with the fur (with the fur)</p></pre>S5gamerA: <pre><p>The whole club was looking at the wall (at the wall)</p></pre>justavault: <pre><p>Asks for small glasses, tiny hands, nice hands.</p></pre>The-idiots114: <pre><p>And ordered a covfefe</p></pre>Noyz7: <pre><p>unlike his wall who just got 10 feet higher!</p></pre>ConvertsToMetric: <pre><p><a href="http://fiddle.jshell.net/ConvertsToMetric/xhk4y5h5/show/light/?10%20feet%20=%203.0%20m%0A" title="10 feet = 3.0 m
Post feedback in /r/ToMetric"><sup><strong>Mouseover</strong> or <strong>click</strong> to view the metric conversion for this comment</sup></a></p></pre>Ernesto_Griffin: <pre><p>called it
The bar is set pretty low these days</p>
<p>Kappa</p></pre>InsanelyStupidHorse: <pre><p>covfefe</p></pre>AreebKhan619: <pre><p>walked into a bar and ordered covfefe.</p></pre>dddddddbbbbbbb: <pre><p>if you walk into a bar it makes more sense to raise it, otherwise you'll most likely walk into it again</p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p>This suggests that Trump would learn from his mistakes</p></pre>Rocta_72: <pre><p>Fake Joke! We all know the bar was too low for him to walk under! You can tell by the way he trips over it all the time!</p></pre>garmonthenightmare: <pre><p>Seems like we need James Cameron to raise it up again.</p></pre>6ferretsInATrumpSuit: <pre><p>James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron.<br/>
James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron.</p></pre>our_best_friend: <pre><p>Class</p></pre>MartinRouter: <pre><p>Captain?</p></pre>Rotten__: <pre><p>We need James Cameron.</p></pre>Choreeeeeeeeeezo: <pre><p>And CNN's headline was "Alcoholic President drinks Russian vodka."</p></pre>elheber: <pre><p>When Obama won in 2008, it taught us that anyone could be president. But when Trump won in 2016 it taught us that, "no really, goddamn fucking <strong>anyone</strong> can be president."</p></pre>Lazarusfagmonton: <pre><p>Well said</p></pre>pmeconfessions: <pre><p>Burn</p></pre>Deshawkv: <pre><p>Bill Clinton is a rapist </p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p>The real hypocrisy is always in the comments</p></pre>easterncanuckhunter: <pre><p>It bowed.</p></pre>Wise2TheLies: <pre><p>Careful with all that edge there, snowflakey</p></pre>rubiklogic: <pre><p>I'm not sure either of those buzzwords really work in this situation</p></pre>AthleticNerd_: <pre><p>FYI, the stick up your ass is considered a preexisting condition under trumpcare. </p></pre>Theclown37: <pre><p>Wow, you are a sassy lil turd burgled aren't ya?</p></pre>standbehind: <pre><p>You get offended over a joke but sure, he's the snowflake.</p></pre>LakeButter: <pre><p>Obama drone strikes a bar. </p>
<p>Covfefe. </p></pre>pmeconfessions: <pre><p>What? It sounds funny but what?</p></pre>Jostreator: <pre><p>Care to explain?</p></pre>NothingButFlowers_: <pre><p>Donald Trump is doing such a terrible job as President, he is "lowering the bar" for future politicians. "Lowering the bar" is an idiom for reducing the standards of excellence. A standard joke format relies on the subject entering a pub and humor happening at the drinking hole. This joke subverts the real drinking establishment by having the subject interact with the idiomatic bar explained above, creating humor as the joke betrays the standard format while adhering to a similar script.</p>
<p>Things are funny when we think they are going to be or happen one way but then something unexpected occurs.</p></pre>Jostreator: <pre><p>I don't think hes doing a terrible job. A quite bad joke, i must say.</p></pre>NothingButFlowers_: <pre><p>Well, according to most polls, a majority of Americans disagree with you. So do our foreign allies. But hey, what do millions of people know?</p></pre>SpermicidalLubricant: <pre><p>Nothing. People are dumb as fuck l.</p></pre>sushilantern: <pre><p><a href="/u/jostreator" rel="nofollow">/u/jostreator</a> makes a comment, and lowers the bar </p></pre>garmonthenightmare: <pre><p>Oh, he is doing a good job fucking everything up, if that is what you mean.</p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p>You don't have to agree in order to get the joke. That being said, he has the lowest approval ratings of any president and hasn't gotten much done in terms of accomplishing his goals or "making America great again."</p></pre>why-this: <pre><p>Bill Clinton had a lower approval rating at this point in his presidency.</p></pre>NothingButFlowers_: <pre><p>But... But... <a href="/u/el-toro-loco" rel="nofollow">/u/el-toro-loco</a> <em>buttery males!!</em></p></pre>burnett631: <pre><p>I've never approved of a president more, and America is starting to feel pretty great already! I love this,....what do they call it, WINNING!?</p></pre>NothingButFlowers_: <pre><p>What legislation has passed that makes you feel like you're winning?</p></pre>lilapit: <pre><p>... and everyone else ducked</p></pre>Thegoalie79: <pre><p>And every liberals head exploded. </p></pre>Mjr2031: <pre><p>Donald Trump walked into a bar... and stole your wife you fucking cucks</p></pre>robbycakes: <pre><p>Perfect! now someone say "Killary!"</p></pre>Lostinstereo28: <pre><p>God, you can just feel the desperation oozing from this comment. </p></pre>DoubleCyclone: <pre><p>No, he just bought another one from Eastern Europe.</p></pre>xhytdr: <pre><p>If your wife is a mail order prostitute from Bulgaria then he might steal her </p></pre>rageofheaven: <pre><p>Lol....</p>
<p>Give me ten minutes with Melania, she'll be on her knees begging. I promise...</p></pre>Shafqatbabloo: <pre><p>Seems like we need Halliry Clinton to raise it up </p></pre>pikasauce: <pre><p>Maybe I'm just stupid but I think this joke goes 2 levels deep. First roasting Trump for "lowering the bar" and then also taking a jab at Obama for setting the bar low enough to run into.</p></pre>TheMadTemplar: <pre><p>Hmm, no. It's just you. </p></pre>el-toro-loco: <pre><p>Trump started his term with a record low approval rating. He lowered the bar just by getting elected.</p></pre>ak-uk-17: <pre><p>Because he's 'uge?</p></pre>MustLoveMudkips: <pre><p>Swing and a miss </p></pre>MisterFizzster: <pre><p>I could of seen that punchline coming</p></pre>
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