<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Ryasson: <pre><p>Did you read the article?</p>
<p>[What article?]</p></pre>myleskilo1: <pre><p>[Hate News]</p></pre>Assassinhedgehog: <pre><p>[Fake News]</p></pre>rytis: <pre><p>[You News It Was Fake News]</p></pre>IM_NOT_CIA: <pre><p>dude what?</p></pre>El_Emperor_Penguin: <pre><p>Yes</p></pre>something45723: <pre><p>Damn, that's actually a good name for that type of stuff. E.g. the sites that tell you about random heinous crimes in Arkansas, like newlyweds being tortured and murdered for $30, so long as it was committed by a black person or immigrants.</p>
<p>I believe they even have explicit sections labeled black crime. I can see no other purpose to such sections other than fomenting hate. Why not have sections labeled white crime or Asian crime or something? What if the person is mixed? Why do people in California need to know about a home invasion and murder in Missouri if a black person committed it but not if a white person committed it? </p>
<p>This is why no news source can ever be truly unbiased. Even if they just report the straight facts about the case, choosing which cases to report and which facts to present offers bias <em>ipso factō</em> (by the fact/ deed itself, by the very fact)</p></pre>JosGibbons: <pre><p>I bet if that happened someone would make a popular browser extension that automatically answers it for you.</p></pre>MrSourceUnknown: <pre><p>If you manage to install a browser plugin to get into a comments section, you are definitely qualified to be there.</p></pre>bootcamp-alt: <pre><p>and here I am with a plugin to disable the comment sections.</p></pre>DuneChild: <pre><p>Well, if positive mental health is your thing...</p></pre>LothartheDestroyer: <pre><p>Hey freindo, we're all positive mental health on this day. </p></pre>RandomRedditor44: <pre><blockquote>
<p>we're ALL positive mental health on this blessed day :)</p>
<p>FTFY</p></pre>mgman640: <pre><p>Speak for yourself.</p></pre>oggthekiller: <pre><p>I'm ALL positive mental health on this blessed day</p></pre>Oh_THAT_Guy_GMD: <pre><p>GOOD point.</p></pre>: <pre><p>[removed]</p></pre>DevilSlayerWizard: <pre><p>really? what's it called?</p></pre>Jabberwocky416: <pre><p>I don't follow. Can you explain what you mean by that?</p></pre>kakanczu: <pre><p>The vast majority of people who comment on news site don't have the technical acumen to install browser add-ins/extensions.</p></pre>throwawaymanege: <pre><p>Yea we're so much better than them because we can click buttons.</p>
<p>Because we're just smarter. Not because we grew up with technology and spend a lot of time online.</p>
<p>Any idiot can figure it out if they want.</p></pre>legobmw99: <pre><p>I mean, I know plenty of 18 year olds who literally struggle to properly use Microsoft PowerPoint. Browser plugins are way out of the question </p></pre>WeirdNeegar: <pre><p>It's common for people to only acquire a skill when it's needed. Said person might not have had the need for browser plugins before.</p></pre>WeirdNeegar: <pre><p>I see these kinds of comments on reddit all the time..</p>
<p>Fuck that guy because he doesn't know how to use [insert something that isn't an everyday tool]</p></pre>endercoaster: <pre><p>Technically, the seven toolbars they have on Internet Explorer are extensions, so checkmate there</p></pre>Kyoopy11: <pre><p>Being able to do those things has little to do with whether or not they've read the article.</p></pre>geodebug: <pre><p>People who mistake minimum technical proficiency for intelligence are part of the problem. A 12 year old can install extension. </p>
<p>The qualification is for people who read articles and have something intelligent (or at least interesting) to say about it.</p></pre>openess_: <pre><p>not the same, but reminded me of <a href="https://xkcd.com/810/">this xkcd</a>.</p></pre>CaptainFyn: <pre><p>What if the spammers automatically detected their comments and rated them constructive? </p></pre>H4xolotl: <pre><p>The enemy 「S P A M」 is too strong! S-H-I-T</p></pre>kingslayer990: <pre><p>Is that even possible? It will have to be as powerful as Google Assistant or something to make sense of the data and then answer the questions if I'm not wrong.</p></pre>Royklein12: <pre><p>It could just be fed the answers and then know what to answer for the rest of the people.</p></pre>kingslayer990: <pre><p>Oh that makes sense. Thanks. Damn, i'm dumb.</p></pre>Gus_Malzahn: <pre><p>You have been banned from commenting. </p></pre>th3doorMATT: <pre><p>I've been banned from participating in ELI5. I called out the mods for banning topics in an inconsistent manner as the same topic can be both banned and allowed on different occasions. They didn't take it so well xD</p></pre>TheNoseKnight: <pre><p>ELI5 has a terrible mod base. I remember seeing a post asking why the Reddit search engine was so bad and it was removed with the comment "please search before posting."</p></pre>th3doorMATT: <pre><p>Haha. That sounds about right >.<</p></pre>purpmonk16: <pre><p>News companies would have to make all the questions explicit for the unintelligent so it'd be very easy for a computer to fill in the blanks from the article given. </p></pre>CFThrowawayRedditor: <pre><p>It would be funny if it just sent the question <em>to</em> Google Assistant.</p>
<p>Last night I was watching a video and GA came up seemingly out of nowhere. I said the F word out of surprise and it apologized for startling me.</p></pre>ArsonWolf: <pre><p>You mean fuck? Its alright, dude, you can swear here</p></pre>CFThrowawayRedditor: <pre><p>In that case, yeah, I said, "What the fuck?"</p>
<p>I had my headphones in watching Chris Pratt play Alphabeticall and...I'm not sure if because they were in maybe it took the sound coming out as input? He definitely didn't say, "Okay, Google." But the screen flashed, I said my line, GA pops up and says hers, and there was no prompt written out to indicate it thought either he or I said anything.</p>
<p>Creeped me out. If the NSA ever starts/reveals their program for taking pictures through cell phones while people are still using them, that's what it felt like. No idea where she came from.</p></pre>ttt__t: <pre><p>Crowdsourcing. </p></pre>itchy_puss: <pre><p>There would be no comments on Reddit!</p></pre>gyaa123: <pre><p>Apart from that one guy who actually read and understood the article so he quotes and explains it in the comments for lazy shits like me. </p></pre>TheSwimmingCat: <pre><p>Can we at least reply to the explain comment? or do we need another quiz for that one to?</p></pre>Pdb39: <pre><p>It's quizzes all the way down. </p></pre>atwandon: <pre><p>It's turtles all the way down</p></pre>GX2622: <pre><p>A joke is like a turtle. It dies when you dissect it.</p></pre>viditapps: <pre><p>That's weird, so does a turtle.</p></pre>diogenesofthemidwest: <pre><p>Not as true for the four elephants on top of it as, while possible, you're in for quite a bit of cutting.</p></pre>Mock_Womble: <pre><p>I'm telling the patrician you said that. :( </p></pre>chubbyzeus: <pre><p>Si non confectus, non reficiat!</p></pre>wthreye: <pre><p>It's a zero-sum shell game.</p></pre>AnnaDrawl: <pre><p>If it's still alive that's vivisection</p></pre>Job_Precipitation: <pre><p>It'd be already dead.</p></pre>Swurgern: <pre><p>I am already dead.</p></pre>RamenJunkie: <pre><p>"It looks like you want to comment, on the previous comment, you just read, what is happening "all the way down"?</p>
<p>✅ I am not a robot</p></pre>orangey10: <pre><p>It's treason, then.</p></pre>riffdex: <pre><p>Want to reply to a comment? Quiz!
Someone replies to your comment and you want to reply to that? Quiz!
Want to share the article? Quiz!</p></pre>robsmere: <pre><p>And QuizBot was born</p></pre>TheLastTacoBender: <pre><p>Bots would do the quiz for me. </p></pre>Nate_Summers: <pre><p>You mean tldrbot? </p></pre>SandpaperThoughts: <pre><p>That bot is an awesome invention. My phone only has 512mb or RAM, and loading articles usually crashes the app.</p></pre>TurdFerguson416: <pre><p>I like when Morgan Freeman shows up to explain the plot to me.</p></pre>Bigred2989: <pre><p>Sometimes when I post stuff to <a href="/r/news">/r/news</a>, I'll make a small tl;dr right after posting. People will <em>still</em> make assumptions based on the title.</p></pre>Fkin_Degenerate6969: <pre><p>9/10 times it's just someone confirming it's just another bullshit clickbait article. </p></pre>pm_me_4nsfw_haikus: <pre><p>and answers the quiz</p></pre>popeye_sailing: <pre><p>And then ends it with 1990 something something undertaker something mankind something something. </p></pre>RamenJunkie: <pre><p>That's a bot, it would get stuck on the captcha for the quiz.</p></pre>197708156EQUJ5: <pre><p>I didn't read the article and I approve of this comment.</p></pre>somewhereinks: <pre><p>I didn't read it either but I completely disagree with your approval and am willing to back up my stance with an array of completely unrelated facts citing other articles that I didn't read as well. This is Reddit, dammit!</p></pre>Gonzo_Rick: <pre><p>I didn't read your comment and am writing something completely unrelated. I'm only commenting here because it's 18 minutes old, has no child comments at the time of my writing this, and I see an opportunity to drain karma out of this thread before its heat death.</p></pre>msau9: <pre><p>Milk that karma bitch while you still can</p></pre>I_Am_Disagreeing: <pre><p>I didn't read your comment but I want to let everyone know that you're wrong</p></pre>msau9: <pre><p>Username checks out</p></pre>CrackaJacka420: <pre><p>Seriously, we've created a society of headline reading over dramatic babies who don't check their facts and believe everything they see on a meme! </p></pre>Spiderpiggie: <pre><p>I believe you, but only because you say so.</p></pre>Gonzo_Rick: <pre><p>I don't believe you because I have preconceived notions about how the world works and nothing anyone says will change that.</p></pre>topofnewyork: <pre><p>It's not preconceived and it can be changed. Your subconscious is very carefully manipulated by strangers. </p></pre>th3doorMATT: <pre><p>But a Kardashian just got fake boobs! That's really important and integral to the day-to-day operations of my life. The impact it has is astronomical!</p></pre>fellowchild: <pre><p>What size are her new knockers? </p>
<p>A. B cup</p>
<p>B. D cup</p>
<p>C. A cup</p>
<p>D. C cup</p>
<p>E. All of the above</p></pre>WeAreTheSheeple: <pre><p>F. None of the above</p></pre>blisstake: <pre><p>Correct; she got DDD cups</p></pre>Critical_Thinker_: <pre><p>Yep.</p></pre>Granville94: <pre><p>Username checks out</p></pre>rhoran2: <pre><p>Why? What is this post talking about?</p></pre>red_duke: <pre><p>No comments about what? What are you guys talking about?</p></pre>orangey10: <pre><p>I've seen some shit on news sites... They shouldn't even have a comment section.</p></pre>piri_piri_pintade: <pre><p>"What an intelligent and insightful comment at the end of this news article!" Said no one ever. </p></pre>IM_NOT_CIA: <pre><blockquote>
<p>I dunno if you wanted to write <em>said</em> or <em>says</em> but I'm stealing this</p></pre>Finaldzn: <pre><p>The worse is facebook comments about a news article </p></pre>pluckylarva: <pre><p>I'm not on Facebook, is it worse than Youtube? </p></pre>Finaldzn: <pre><p>Yeah beacause youtube is mostly kids, While facebook are grownups making it worse</p></pre>SandpaperThoughts: <pre><p>I never understood why would someone make comments on the internet under their real name.</p></pre>PopesMasseuse: <pre><p>Agreed, my dad did that in the past and I found them when I was randomly Google searching my family and I wish I didn't see his silly comments.</p></pre>Solid_Waste: <pre><p>YouTube seems like children and really old people (relative to Facebook) because everyone acts in a default state of attacking people in the most offensive way possible. Facebook by contrast seems more like teens, young adults, new parents, or desperate aunts, because it's all about attention whoring. </p>
<p>The reason for the differences are mostly due to the fact YouTube is sort of more anonymous, and because YouTube comments are based on reacting to videos whereas Facebook comments are focused on your friends. These are broad generalizations of course but you get the idea. </p></pre>Guitarchim: <pre><p>Imagine that fat white lady in a scooter at Wal-Mart that tells people to get out of her country for speaking spanish or being Arab. That's the commenters on Facebook</p></pre>SolsKing: <pre><p>yeah what infuriates me even more is seeing the new fb 'reactions' to articles and comments.</p></pre>ArtfulDodgerLives: <pre><p>As a journalist I couldn't agree more. </p>
<p>It's almost daily where we post an article and the comment section is full of:</p>
<p>Well when does this happen? </p>
<p>Where did this happen?</p>
<p>How long did they say? </p>
<p>Etc. </p>
<p>We know those are things people want to know, that's why we put them in the article. </p>
<p>People will literally sit there and wait for answers from other commentators instead of just reading the article that has all their answers. </p>
<p>So I just delete any comments that answer their questions. F them. </p></pre>kingslayer990: <pre><p>This is true and it sometimes happens even on YouTube too, where the videos are literally like 3-4 minutes long.</p></pre>skarro-: <pre><p>This is more well deserved though. Fuck youtubers who take two sentences of information and make a 4 minute video</p></pre>Ollvoj: <pre><p>Even worse when they make that video 10 minutes 1 second</p></pre>SinisterPandaML: <pre><p>At around 9:50 I stop the video. The last 10 seconds or so never have anything of value anyways</p></pre>memorysphincter: <pre><p>Yeah, fuckin' story time videos. Need to edit that shit down. Your story's not that long. You just don't know how to tell it well.</p></pre>bullseyed723: <pre><p>No way I'm watching a video that long. </p></pre>ancientkillerX: <pre><p>You are an unsung hero for deleting those comments.</p></pre>welcome2urff: <pre><p>You spiteful bastard. Keep up the good work.</p></pre>CoolStoryMoe: <pre><p>I stopped reading cancerous comments on news sites long, long ago. </p></pre>theSpendlove: <pre><p>I only read em when I'm in one of those "I want to be pissed off and vent for an hour" moods</p></pre>Omni_Entendre: <pre><p>I'll save you the trouble you fucking traitor, you should never have to leave reddit</p></pre>n00ber81: <pre><p>What the hell are you doing on reddit if you don't like cancerous comments?</p></pre>SavvySillybug: <pre><p>Shitposting, I assume.</p></pre>HamsterGutz1: <pre><p>It's treason, then.</p></pre>mrcool581: <pre><p>Yep. </p></pre>KryptoniteDong: <pre><p>Whatchu gonna do?</p></pre>Datigren186: <pre><p>Watchu gonna do?</p></pre>Im_Lightmare: <pre><p>Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?</p></pre>Madwolf28: <pre><p>But what about the droid attack on the Wookies?</p></pre>Kojak95: <pre><p>It is of no concern...</p></pre>jerrygergichsmith: <pre><p>To me, they've been shitposting for centuries </p></pre>MLGCyclone: <pre><p>Can't lock up the sh*tposting</p></pre>redditnathaniel: <pre><p>I <em>am</em> the senate </p></pre>myplacedk: <pre><p>In my experience reddit comments are WAAAY better than comments on mainstream news sites.</p></pre>Aint_not_a_dorkus: <pre><p>They're awesome, I don't even have to read the articles. I just read the comments and then I know how to feel</p></pre>kerrrsmack: <pre><p>The best part is that reddit comments are Fair and Balanced™. </p></pre>cholangiocarcinoma: <pre><p>Just sort comments by controversial and get that Yahoo news experience </p></pre>tepkel: <pre><p>Cocksticles.</p></pre>Vadersays: <pre><p>Case in point.</p></pre>court12b: <pre><p>You've just made me realize that even though I've never seen them, somewhere online I can buy a penis shaped popsicle mold. </p></pre>MelSchlemming: <pre><p>There's a chrome extension called <a href="https://epiverse.co/">Epiverse</a> that displays the Reddit comments for all webpages.</p>
<p>(Disclaimer: It's by me)</p></pre>n00ber81: <pre><p>That in itself is disturbing, most comment threads are a shitshow. </p></pre>ToBeReadOutLoud: <pre><p>Can confirm.</p>
<p>Source: Used to work web for a local TV news station and had to babysit Facebook commenters.</p></pre>Dear_Occupant: <pre><p>Wow, you seem remarkably well-adjusted for someone who has passed through the Thirteenth Circle of the Lightless Abyss.</p></pre>lingolingolingo: <pre><p>Sometimes</p></pre>AldousKing: <pre><p>Same, now I just read cancerous comments on Reddit. </p></pre>Fartmatic: <pre><p>Maybe about once every couple months if I'm in a good mood I open them at the bottom of an article and take a look, thinking that at least it will be funny. But then it's not funny and I get taken out of my good mood.</p></pre>GonnaVote4: <pre><p>I only read them on reddit</p></pre>aybuddy777: <pre><p>Or news sites should stop publishing incredibly misleading titles. </p></pre>ToBeReadOutLoud: <pre><p>They'll stop using sensationalist or misleading headlines when people start actually clicking on informative news posts.</p></pre>SandpaperThoughts: <pre><p>So, never?</p></pre>SuperHornySwoggle: <pre><p>they are, it's not going to help if the mainstream sources don't provide it. </p></pre>kingslayer990: <pre><p>If the quiz thing is implemented, it would actually help the case of reducing misinformation.</p></pre>acidvolt: <pre><p>It would be nice in a perfect world, but journalists can still spread misinformation out mislead readers.</p></pre>straightbutterslug: <pre><p>Annnnd this was a pretty popular news story in March. <a href="https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/nrkbeta-makes-readers-take-a-quiz-before-commenting-2017-3">https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/nrkbeta-makes-readers-take-a-quiz-before-commenting-2017-3</a></p></pre>thomascoopers: <pre><p>Thanks. I wasn't sure if I could be bothered digging up that article.</p></pre>10101010101011111010: <pre><p>Or reading it! Amirite?!</p></pre>doctabu: <pre><p>WHY are they forcing users to comment???? ugh the world today</p></pre>HalloBruce: <pre><p>Exactly!! Based on this title alone, I'm outraged!!</p></pre>TheFrenchTickler1031: <pre><p>Millennials are an ENTITLED generation... EVERYONE has to leave a comment before taking the quiz so THEY can read the article!!!! With millennials it's always ME ME ME... they will NEVER know the sacrifice veterans have made to let them read the article BEFORE taking the quiz!!! </p>
<p>Edit: /s</p></pre>RowdyWrongdoer: <pre><p>That is what every generation before it said about the previous generation. When you start talking about a generation in that tone its when you are crossing over into "everything new sucks and the old stuff was better" territory, careful friend. Its all down hill from there. </p></pre>Callejo: <pre><p>But kenM :(</p></pre>The-idiots114: <pre><p>My thoughts exactly but I'm sure Ken M would be willing to take a small quiz </p></pre>ThisUsernameIsTakend: <pre><p>What are we talking about here?</p></pre>General_Fan: <pre><p>Answering a quiz on the comment section of a news site. So that commenters should have full knowledge of the article before expressing out their thoughts. </p></pre>DogeCatBear: <pre><p>But then people will just skim for the answer and then continue with their cancerous train of thought</p></pre>Telinary: <pre><p>Well with how many people only read the headline skimming would be an improvement. (Though in the actual article comment sections more people have read it than on reddit, probably because they already clicked the link anyway. The problem with article comment section is how toxic they tend to be.)</p></pre>CaptainFyn: <pre><p>Yeah, but maybe while doing so they will realize their fallacies.</p></pre>G00Denough: <pre><p>Norway is experimenting with this idea: <a href="http://www.npr.org/2017/03/06/518858266/norwegian-news-site-experiments-with-new-comments-system">http://www.npr.org/2017/03/06/518858266/norwegian-news-site-experiments-with-new-comments-system</a></p></pre>ErectileDysfuctioner: <pre><p>This would be hilarious for opinion pieces </p></pre>bradleygrieve: <pre><p>Tldr </p></pre>good-grammar-bot: <pre><blockquote>
<p><sup>Beep</sup> <sup>boop,</sup> <sup>I'm</sup> <sup>a</sup> <sup>bot.</sup></p></pre>Zlatan4Ever: <pre><p>Aaaaaand the site realize that noone will bother, visits will shrink and the ads. Game over.</p></pre>BlueCrabDelight: <pre><p>This is why the zoning board should support underground power lines.</p></pre>dmk510: <pre><p>I would just read the TLDR from the person who actually read the article and take a shot at passing the quiz. Fuck the system.</p></pre>erstang: <pre><p>Nrkbeta.no actually tried this out! Niemanlab wrote an article detailing what they did: <a href="http://www.niemanlab.org/2017/03/this-site-is-taking-the-edge-off-rant-mode-by-making-readers-pass-a-quiz-before-commenting/">http://www.niemanlab.org/2017/03/this-site-is-taking-the-edge-off-rant-mode-by-making-readers-pass-a-quiz-before-commenting/</a> (linking to an English article since nrkbeta is in Norwegian;) )</p></pre>RobotPreacher: <pre><p>I disagree. If strawberries could talk, they'd be sentient so we'd need to give them equal protection under our human laws.</p></pre>hawkmoon77: <pre><p>No. They should only have to take a quiz if they want to comment on the article.</p></pre>iiamthepalmtree: <pre><p>I disagree. The quiz that one has to take should only be required if the reader wanted to subsequently leave a comment. </p></pre>cjsolx: <pre><p>Ridiculous. The article is what has the information the public needs to be informed. Whatever test is implemented should only be done if and when said educated person would like to make his or her informed opinion known. </p></pre>skycake23: <pre><p>Someone will prolly post all the answers to the quiz in the comments every time</p></pre>TheLegendMomo: <pre><p>That's literally what the title says.</p></pre>MrSourceUnknown: <pre><p>I think this is a case of * <em>whoosh</em> *.</p></pre>surlysmiles: <pre><p>Or a joke</p></pre>1900grs: <pre><p>Who said anything about a quiz?</p></pre>PillowTalk420: <pre><p>Sure, but I also think the news outlets themselves should have a quiz to make sure all the facts in the article are accurate before they're allowed to post it.</p></pre>GimmeYourFries: <pre><p>Working journalist here: it's not at all uncommon for people to ask me questions about stories when the information they're asking about is in the headline or lede.</p>
<p>I've just come to accept it as a source of amusement, sorta like watching people trip or walk into things. </p></pre>Magold86: <pre><p>Or you could just not read the comments....</p></pre>Logabomber: <pre><p><a href="http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39137193">This is already a thing</a></p></pre>soccerburn55: <pre><p>Didn't ars technica try that. If you read the article comment banana?</p></pre>Fungusoverlord: <pre><p>I like the idea. Although reddit would get pretty quiet.</p></pre>marcuschookt: <pre><p>And heavily alienate a big portion of their readership and traffic?</p></pre>ArtfulDodgerLives: <pre><p>Might help traffic. Half this commenting happens on Facebook. If they only read headlines, there is a good chance they never even clicked on the link for the news site. </p></pre>ice_cream_sandwiches: <pre><p>Why would you make me take a quiz?! I don't need more questions in my life. Turn all news sites into buzz feed? What would be the purpose of a quiz?! F that. </p></pre>BlueTeamTV: <pre><p>Or just don't read the comment section? </p></pre>elaerna: <pre><p>Yeah... no one's gonna do that </p></pre>_MessyJesse_: <pre><p>Can somebody tell me what this is about, I didn't read the title...</p></pre>inszuszinak: <pre><p>That's actually a decent use case for machine learning and NLP.</p></pre>fukier: <pre><p>but how else am i going to tell people about this great new job i got on the internet from home and am making mad cash?</p></pre>Always-Offended: <pre><p>But that would have to mean the news sites start making honest news from unbiased sources.... Oh and they also need to learn to spell and use punctuation.. Ya know... Journalism stuff. </p></pre>thatQQQ: <pre><p>That gives too much power to the article/author. Sometimes I'll go straight to the comments to find out if it's BS or clickbait </p></pre>yssuPekiLI: <pre><p>If you haven't bothered to read it then you're not qualified to say if it's clickbait/BS.</p></pre>GonnaVote4: <pre><p>I check the comments on reddit for <a href="/r/news">r/news</a> </p>
<p>Usually find the real story long before reading the article </p>
<p>Hell it is what got me hooked on reddit</p></pre>redgarrett: <pre><p>I used to be like you, but I learned not to trust reddit. The comments are too often predictable and uninformed. I found myself reading the articles just to resolve some dumb argument in the comments that wouldn't even be happening if either party read the article. The articles aren't even that long.</p>
<p>I used to think I could be better informed by reading the comments. Turns out I get better informed by reading the articles. Who knew.</p></pre>doorbellguy: <pre><p>><a href="/r/news">r/news</a></p>
<p>>find the real story</p>
<p>bruh</p></pre>ceribus: <pre><p>I believe the point is to keep you from <em>posting</em> in the comment section, not from viewing it.</p></pre>Daddy-Kruel: <pre><p>What if every news site had to post an unbiased article with both left and right sides viewpoints, and all parties were represented within each story fairly...</p></pre>kingslayer990: <pre><p>Ok you're asking for too much...</p></pre>HarlyQ: <pre><p>We should require people to take a quiz before being allowed on the internet to. But that infringes on free speech.</p></pre>oldmrdeebs: <pre><p>Reddit should make people prove that they read it before they post it with some weird ass headline too. </p></pre>crackpolystyreneman: <pre><p>sounds like <a href="/r/crazyideas" rel="nofollow">/r/crazyideas</a></p></pre>
News sites should make people take a short quiz if they want to comment on an article so only the people who have read the article will be able to comment
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