Quick question. Do you write "Go" or "Golang" on your resume?

polaris · · 982 次点击    
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<p>I don&#39;t wanna commit a major amateur faux-pas by putting down &#34;Golang&#34; instead of &#34;Go&#34;. Just wanted to see if the community has feelings one way or the other.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>hobbified: <pre><p>The name of the language is Go. Look at golang.org and you&#39;ll see at least four things above the fold confirming it. Golang is just a search hack, and even then it&#39;s still short for &#34;the Go programming language&#34;.</p></pre>vorg: <pre><p>Remember there&#39;s two main &#34;products&#34; described on golang.org:</p> <ul> <li><p>the specification for the language syntax / semantics and standard library API</p></li> <li><p>the gc toolchain implementation of that language</p></li> </ul> <p>When <em>The official Go Language specification</em> says &#34;The existing implementations use a traditional compile/link model to generate executable binaries,&#34; it must be talking about the gc and gccgo implementations only, and not the independent (and I believe not quite completed) gopherjs implementation.</p> <p><em>Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs</em> says:</p> <blockquote> <p>Go 1 defines two things: first, the specification of the language; and second, the specification of a set of core APIs, the &#34;standard packages&#34; of the Go library. The Go 1 release includes their implementation in the form of two compiler suites (gc and gccgo), and the core libraries themselves.</p> </blockquote> <p>Although the wording used there doesn&#39;t make clear the name distinction between the two &#34;products&#34; on golang.org, I tend to think of <strong>Golang</strong> as being the language and standard library specification, and <strong>Go</strong> as being the gc implementation of that language.</p></pre>dmikalova: <pre><p>This is incorrect, it is all Go. Golang is not the name of the language and should only be used if you&#39;re having search engine trouble or adding an extra hashtag to a blog post for SEO.</p></pre>vorg: <pre><p>It&#39;s just easier to verbalize in my head the two products on golang.org as &#34;golang&#34; and &#34;go&#34;, rather than &#34;the Go spec&#34; and &#34;G-C&#34;.</p> <p><em>added:</em></p> <p>I type &#34;go&#34; to run the gc implementation, and my brain wants to refer to the spec as something different. People who came to the Go language for the gc implementation rather than the features of the specified language might not think of them as different.</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>If the company is looking for Go developers then they know what Go is. Thus there is no reason to use &#34;golang&#34; which should only used as a search term, tag or metadata.</p></pre>Pythonistic: <pre><p>Go. If I was applying, I&#39;d use the term in the job description. If I was looking for a job now, I&#39;d put both since it is used as a language requirement in some ads through LinkedIn.</p></pre>gopher-octa24: <pre><p><code>Go (golang)</code>.</p></pre>tsdtsdtsd: <pre><p>I did that in the beginning. It felt weird and redundant. </p> <p>Nowadays I write something like <code>&#34;... Go (golang.org) ...&#34;</code> (which is practically the same but, beeing a URL, is additional information instead of redundancy.) when it comes up first and just &#34;Go&#34; later on. So I have both forms in my text without being weird.</p></pre>sidecutmaumee: <pre><p>I second this. Since resumes are read by machines and not just people, it&#39;s important to have keywords that can be read by both. Anyone seeing this who&#39;s familiar with Go won&#39;t have a problem with the term &#39;golang&#39; in the resume.</p></pre>TheMerovius: <pre><p>Go. There are some borderline valid reasons to write Golang sometimes, but they definitely do not apply to resumes.</p></pre>sinatosk: <pre><p>Literally I put &#34;Go&#34; not Go or golang or anything else</p></pre>infinitemiles: <pre><p>ThoughtWorks released a CI server called &#34;Go&#34; a while back to support the Continuous Delivery patterns and practices they coined. They&#39;ve since starting referring to it as &#34;Go.CD&#34; but consider they might use it if you apply at enterprisey Java shop and disambiguate on your resume. Although most places like that use Jenkins or TeamCity.</p> <p>Although personally I would avoid those job listings anyway. :)</p></pre>tlianza: <pre><p>If you&#39;re going to post your resume online and improve the chances of someone searching for Go programmers finds it, you need both. </p> <p>The word &#34;go&#34; is too generic... appears on a ton of resumes for people who don&#39;t write Go, and as a 2-letter word won&#39;t even be indexed on some systems&#39; search engines. I personally think Go (golang) is a fine way to express the fact that you know what the language is called while also getting the keyword on there. </p> <p>If you&#39;ve searched for &#34;Go jobs&#34; in your area you&#39;ve probably already come across this problem in reverse. </p></pre>pinpinbo: <pre><p>I put one &#34;Golang&#34; in as a bait for resume keyword scanner. And the rest is just Go.</p></pre>jimijiim: <pre><p>That language is called Go, not golang, not golang.org . Would you put Rubylang or Javalang or PHPlang on your resumé ? </p></pre>CrawX: <pre><p>While I understand what you&#39;re saying, you&#39;ll have to admit that this is different. After all, this subreddit is also called golang...</p> <p>I&#39;d still use Go for my resume though.</p></pre>jimijiim: <pre><p>and D subreddit is called <a href="/r/dlang">r/dlang</a> ... it&#39;s just to make it easier to search on search engines.</p></pre>CrawX: <pre><p>I get that and D sounds like a more reasonable comparison. Java and PHP simply don&#39;t have the problem Go (or D) have with their names. </p></pre>sneakpeekbot: <pre><p><strong>Here&#39;s a sneak peek of <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dlang" rel="nofollow">/r/dlang</a> using the <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dlang/top/?sort=top&amp;t=year" rel="nofollow">top posts</a> of the year!</strong></p> <p>#1: <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dlang/comments/6b97fq/dlang_is_c_pretty_much/" rel="nofollow">Dlang is C (pretty much)</a><br/> #2: <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dlang/comments/6drf3k/immutable_vs_const/" rel="nofollow">Immutable vs. const?</a><br/> #3: <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/4wmwt8/bchs_is_just_the_beginning/" rel="nofollow">bchs is just the beginning... poshpotdllr ftw.</a> | <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dlang/comments/4wsreb/bchs_is_just_the_beginning_poshpotdllr_ftw/" rel="nofollow">0 comments</a></p> <hr/> <p><sup><sup>I&#39;m</sup></sup> <sup><sup>a</sup></sup> <sup><sup>bot,</sup></sup> <sup><sup>beep</sup></sup> <sup><sup>boop</sup></sup> <sup><sup>|</sup></sup> <sup><sup>Downvote</sup></sup> <sup><sup>to</sup></sup> <sup><sup>remove</sup></sup> <sup><sup>|</sup></sup> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot" rel="nofollow"><sup><sup>Contact</sup></sup> <sup><sup>me</sup></sup></a> <sup><sup>|</sup></sup> <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/" rel="nofollow"><sup><sup>Info</sup></sup></a> <sup><sup>|</sup></sup> <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/" rel="nofollow"><sup><sup>Opt-out</sup></sup></a></p></pre>dmikalova: <pre><p>clang as well.</p></pre>drvd: <pre><p>Like for Java or Ruby: I write them as Javalang and Rubylang. It&#39;s Go.</p></pre>Greymarch: <pre><p>GoLang. Too many managers/HR reps still have no idea what &#34;Go&#34; is in relation to computer programming.</p></pre>

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