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```go package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func main() { f := "D:\\cron" fmt.Println(os.Stat(f)) fmt.Println(os.Open(f)) f = "D:\\con" fmt.Println(os.Stat(f)) fmt.Println(os.Open(f)) } 结果如下: <nil> CreateFile D:\cron: The system cannot find the file specified. <nil> open D:\cron: The system cannot find the file specified. <nil> CreateFile D:\con: The parameter is incorrect. &{0xc000086a00} <nil> ``` 我就是想读取一个文件,我觉得os.Open()应该在文件不存在时返回错误,这样我就可以不多调一次os.Stat() 然而不知为啥会碰到上面这个问,搞不懂“D:\\con”这个为啥会是参数错误,而且os.Open竟然返回正常。


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