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## FEATURED [Performance Without The Event Loop](http://dave.cheney.net/2015/08/08/performance-without-the-event-loop) A look at how Go helps programmers write highly scalable network servers, without having to worry about thread management or blocking I/O. [Dropbox Uses Go For Its Entire Infrastructure Service Layer](https://twitter.com/jamwt/status/629727590782099456) Basically just a string of tweets from a Dropbox engineer showing how much Dropbox uses Go (“10s of thousands of servers running millions of hits per second.”) before encouraging people to go work there. [Using the gdb Debugger with Go](http://blog.codeship.com/using-gdb-debugger-with-go/) The gdb debugger allows you to inspect your compiled binaries, get backtraces on the fly, skip code, add breakpoints, and more. [Gockerize: Packages Static Golang Binaries Into Docker Containers](https://www.aerofs.com/blog/introducing-gockerize/) A tool to automate building statically linked binaries and packaging them into minimal Docker containers. [kala: A Modern Job Scheduler Written in Go](https://github.com/ajvb/kala) Has a simple language agnostic JSON over HTTP API and uses BoltDB as a backend. Currently just an alpha. [accounting: Money and Currency Formatting for Go](https://github.com/leekchan/accounting) Supports different levels of precision, numeric separators, formats, type conversion. ## IN BRIEF [Mutule: A Steam Greenlight Game Written in Go](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498620019) You can’t download it yet but someone’s trying to release a game on Steam that was built in Go using the [Vu 3D engine](https://github.com/gazed/vu). [How to Cross Compile Go Programs using Docker](https://medium.com/iron-io-blog/how-to-cross-compile-go-programs-using-docker-beaa102a316d) [Using Postgres in Go](https://medium.com/namely-labs/postgres-in-go-cf794adc4c52) [How to Vendor Go Dependencies with Docker](https://medium.com/iron-io-blog/how-to-vendor-golang-dependencies-with-docker-no-git-gopath-or-godep-required-537c00da0176) [Goroutines Error Handling](https://www.atatus.com/blog/goroutines-error-handling/) [Embedding A JavaScript-based Polymer App in a Go Binary](http://blog.hackingthought.com/2015/08/putting-polymer-javascript-in-go-binary.html) [How to Securely Provide a Zip Download of a S3 File Bundle](http://engineroom.teamwork.com/how-to-securely-provide-a-zip-download-of-a-s3-file-bundle/) [Real-time Image Resizing as a Service](https://www.imgix.com/) Resize, crop, and process images at scale and in real-time with imgix. Get up to speed quickly with the community-built Go package. [Experiences using Go as a Teaching Language with Young Programmers](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/FIRSDBehb3g/BFiHYVNCwzUJ) [onion: Layer Based Configuration for Go](https://github.com/fzerorubigd/onion) [Leaps: A Collaborative Text Editing Service Written in Go](https://github.com/Jeffail/leaps) Uses operational transforms to ensure zero-collision sync across any number of editing clients. [lambda_proc: Running A Companion Process to An AWS Lambda Function in Go](https://github.com/jasonmoo/lambda_proc)


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