
polaris · 2015-08-21 01:45:42 · 4332 次点击 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    置顶
这是一个创建于 2015-08-21 01:45:42 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Go 1.5 Released: The Sixth Major Stable Release
1.5 makes some key steps forward with the compiler tool chain now entirely written in Go (no C remains), a completely redesigned GC, new ports (including ARM64), and dev tool improvements. The release notes feature a full writeup.

Packet Capture, Injection, and Analysis with Gopacket
The gopacket package provides a Go wrapper for libpcap which lets you capture network traffic live, analyse packets, and even send raw bytes via a network device.

Go 1.6 Garbage Collection Improvements
1.5 features a rewritten GC, but.. “for 1.6, our primary goal with the garbage collector is polish.”

What Editors / IDEs Are You Using with Go?
vim (with vim-go) and Sublime Text seem to be the most popular options here.

main.main on Android
A quick look at how the main function in a Go app is invoked on Android.


Google's In-House Programming Language Now Runs on Phones

Don't Get Bitten by Pointer vs Non-Pointer Method Receivers

Keysort: The Schwartzian Transform in Go

Conditional Compilation in Go
“When developing Go package or application that depends on specific features of the underlying platform or architecture it is often necessary to use a specialised implementation.”

Generate RESTful API Documentation From Annotations in Go code

Billions of Requests Per Day, Meet Go 1.5
“Our 95 percentile garbage collection [time] went down by 96%.”

Graph Showing "Amazing GC pause time improvements in Go 1.5"

go-buildall: A Tool Which Builds Go Packages for Every OS and Architecture

LevelDB: The LevelDB Key-value Database in Go Not yet ready for production.

messagediff: A Library for Doing Diffs of Arbitrary Structs

gotty: Share Your Terminal/CLI Tools As A Web Application

multicache: Caching Library That Supports Multiple Keys and Various Replacement Algorithms


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