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Hi,各位技术大牛,我们目前在为我们的上海Office寻求golang开发工程师,工作地点在上海浦东的世纪大道,目前我们的开发团队有10左右,由来自美国德国还有中国的小伙伴组成,所以对于英语有一定的要求,但不是996企业!!不是996企业!!,下面是详细的JD,如果感兴趣的话可以随时添加我的微信:QMJ142413,请备注平台和姓名,期待你们的回复 Key Qualifications • Strong skills in Go and/or PostgreSQL and relational databases (e.g. MySQL). • Knowledge about Modern SQL, HTTP, TCP/IP, Linux, Git, Web Development, Distributed Systems, etc. • Experience and desire to apply best practices for building reliable software: Automated Testing, Continuous Integration, Code Review, Pair Programming, etc. • Desire to deeply understand the technologies you are using by reading documentation, articles, and the source code of libraries, databases, and operating systems. • Good communication skills in written and spoken English. • Manufacturing experience or exposure is a plus, but not required.


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