[Padding is Hard](http://dave.cheney.net/2015/10/09/padding-is-hard?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
Core team member Dave Cheney shares a story about speeding up the Go compiler with a look at alignment and padding of memory structures.
[Go Fragments: Short, Annotated Go Programs to Learn From](http://www.gofragments.net/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
65 (so far) simple, idiomatic examples of doing certain things or using certain functions in Go.
[Using Go with AWS Lambda](https://medium.com/@shift8creative/go-amazon-lambda-7e95a147cec8?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
Amazon’s Lambda service lets you run code in the cloud without spinning up a specific server. It supports Node, Java and Python out of the box but it’s possible to call Go code via Node too.
[Understanding Memory Allocation in Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjoieOpy5hE&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
In 30 minutes, Dean Elbaz covers the essentials from the differences between values and references, how built-in datatypes work with memory, and how Go’s garbage collector works.
[Fragmenta: A Go Content Management System](http://fragmenta.eu/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
Lets you get started quickly, has an admin system, user support, etc. but also lets you customize, tweak and recode to your own requirements.
[Selling a Go Game at Comiket](https://go-talks.appspot.com/github.com/guregu/slides/comiket/comiket.slide?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email#1)
A slide-based tale of how a developer built a game and sold copies of it at a Japanese comic market.
[Siberite: A Simple LevelDB-backed Message Queue](https://github.com/bogdanovich/siberite?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
A durable message queue server that can handle queues larger than what can be held in RAM, with all messages kept out of process for low memory use.
[Whispered Secrets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViBRx-F4Z2U=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
A fun talk from Eleanor McHugh about security in app design and some demos of cryptography and security work in Go.
[On Golang tip, HTTP/2 now enabled by default with net/http](https://twitter.com/bradfitz/status/654437821382455296?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[Golang Tripping Hazards](https://github.com/monsooncommerce/golang-tripping-hazards?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
“I always end up finding things that I really wish someone had told me at the beginning.”
[A Look at Go Lexer/Scanner Packages](https://medium.com/@farslan/a-look-at-go-scanner-packages-11710c2655fc?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[What Packages/Libraries Do We Need in Go Today?](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/3omh0f/what_packageslibraries_do_we_need_in_go_today/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
Currently top is “Anything GUI related which will stay alive.”
[Debugging Go Programs with godebug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQi0N0nA5RA&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
A tight 5 minute screencast.
[Complex Concurrency Patterns with Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HOO5gIgyMg&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[Everything You've Wanted to Know About Go Web Apps (But Were Afraid to Ask)](https://vimeo.com/115940590?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[Programming in Go with Michael Van Sickle](http://www.dotnetrocks.com/?show=1203&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[An Async Read-Ahead Package for Go](https://blog.klauspost.com/an-async-read-ahead-package-for-go/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
Allows you to add readhead to any Go reader.
[Mention: Twitter-like Mention and #hashtags Parser for Go](https://github.com/gernest/mention?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[Stats: Commonly Used Statistics Functions](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
From sum and simple mean through to percentiles, covariance, quartiles, and harmonic mean.
[Clarifai Library for Go](https://github.com/samuelcouch/clarifai?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)
[Clarifai](http://www.clarifai.com/) is a visual recognition service.