【上海】特斯拉Tesla 招聘高级Golang后端研发工程师

Matthew-Yeee · · 4857 次点击 · 开始浏览    置顶
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**特斯拉 Tesla简介** 特斯拉(Tesla),是一家新能源电动汽车及能源公司,产销新能源电动汽车、太阳能板及储能设备,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州硅谷。 我们是Tesla,设计并制造世界上最先进的纯电动汽车与电动动力系统。每一次创新,都是向着实现和普及可持续性能源迈进一步。我们从新的角度审视一切,我们正在改变世界。我们希望保持高标准,找到有自我驱动能力,时刻展现专业精神,做对的事情的优秀人才。如果你是这样的人,欢迎和我们一起改变世界! 特斯拉的愿景是:『加速世界向可持续能源的转变』 **职位描述** The RoleTesla is currently seeking a highly motivated software engineer to join the Factory software team in Shanghai, Tesla. The candidate is expecting to be specializd in server-side web development that is also comfortable working with the entire stack (front-end and infrastructure). The ideal candidate will have a passion for building world-class software and a track record of success creating highly and scalable software systems. Responsibilities• Participate in requirements gathering, technical specification, and the design and development of complex MOS projects• Contribute to software architecture design, development of software applications, and integration into enterprise systems• Develop enterprise-scale MOS software introduction and subsequent roll-out to future production lines• Work closely with Operations, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality, and Supply Chain teamsInteract with teams of engineers from multiple disciplines **任职条件** Requirements • Bachelor’s degree or higher in CS, CE, EE or the equivalent in experience and evidence of exceptional ability • Minimum 3 years of working experience • Expertise in modern web technologies and frameworks, preferably Go • Excellent interpersonal communication skills • Database experience (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server…) • Excellent interpersonal communication skill • Experience accepting and giving meaningful feedback on technical designs and pull requests • Fluent in English **Desired** • Proven experience with an object-oriented programming language, preferably Go (Java, C++, C# or Python are also acceptable) • Experience with modern front-end JS technologies and frameworks such as: TypeScript, Angular or React • Experience with distributed architectures and systems **Emai:matthew.ye.0724@gmail.com**


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