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## FEATURED [The Cost and Complexity of Cgo](http://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/the-cost-and-complexity-of-cgo/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Cgo](https://blog.golang.org/c-go-cgo) lets Go packages call C code (or code with C bindings) but you need to take care with overheads, memory management, and more. [Go GC: Prioritizing Low Latency and Simplicity](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/go-gc-performance?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Rick Hudson discusses the motivation, performance, and technical challenges of Go’s low latency concurrent garbage collection and why the approach fits Go well. [Are Go Maps Sensitive to Data Races?](http://dave.cheney.net/2015/12/07/are-go-maps-sensitive-to-data-races?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) “[N]o, there is nothing wrong with Go’s map implementation. But if there is nothing wrong with the implementation, why do maps and panic reports commonly find themselves in close proximity?” [Smart Cryptography with Superdog and Vault](https://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2015/superdog/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Superdog is a library for managing strong cryptography in development and test environments. It also includes a wrapper to [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) to manage your keys. [TiDB Alpha: An ACID-Compliant RDBMS Written in Go](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A distributed SQL database with the best features of both traditional RDBMS and NoSQL. It’s compatible with MySQL’s protocols so you can just drop it in. [Integration Testing in Go using Docker](https://divan.github.io/posts/integration_testing/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A look at integration testing by having dependencies (such as MySQL) running in Docker containers. [Dockertest](https://github.com/ory-am/dockertest) will also help you accomplish this. [Go 1.5.2 Released](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-announce/UHWEEFnocxE/VyryslHfAwAJ?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Minor release with [bug fixes](https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.5.2) to the compiler, linker, and the mime/multipart, net, and runtime packages. ## IN BRIEF [GopherCon 2016 Call for Proposals Coming Soon](http://cfp.gophercon.com/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) GopherCon 2016 takes place in Denver, Colorado next July 11-13. The CFP isn’t open till January 1, but there’s a lot of info already for anyone interested. [Gb 0.3.4 Released](https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/gb-0-3-4-released/1648?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Hooking libc using Go Shared Libraries](https://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2015/libc-hooking-go-shared-libraries/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [6 Go Proverbs Illustrated with Code Examples](http://www.gregosuri.com/2015/12/04/go-proverbs-illustrated/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [SSLv2 redux: Patching Go crypto/tls to Work with IE6](https://blog.filippo.io/patching-go-crypto-tls-to-work-with-ie6/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Only do this if you really have to. [Monitoring: Go real-time](http://dtdg.co/1UaT3Wa?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Track any metric via ExpVars, then instantly graph, set alerts, and correlate with perf throughout your stack. [Snap: A Powerful Telemetry Framework from Intel](https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Snap is a plugin-based framework for enabling the gathering of telemetry from systems. [dsv: A Library for Working with Delimited Separated Values (DSV)](https://github.com/shuLhan/dsv?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Rend: An In-Progress Memcached Proxy from Netflix](https://github.com/Netflix/rend?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A memcached proxy that manages data chunking and L1 / L2 caches. [rexdep: Roughly Extract Dependency Relations from Source](https://github.com/itchyny/rexdep?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Not aimed at Go code specifically, but for use with code generically. [Engine: A 2D Game Engine for Linux, Written in Go](https://gitlab.com/xojoc/engine?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)


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