
polaris · 2015-12-18 09:33:24 · 3765 次点击 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    置顶
这是一个创建于 2015-12-18 09:33:24 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Gizmo: A Microservice Toolkit from The New York Times
Provides packages to put together server and pubsub daemons with standardized configuration and logging, health check endpoints, graceful shutdowns, useful metrics, and more.

Caddy 0.8: Automatic HTTPS for Your Sites / Apps
A pure Go web server that serves sites over HTTPS for free, automatically, using Let’s Encrypt.

Announcing GopherCon 2016
GopherCon 2016 will take place at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado on July 11th through July 13th, 2016. Lots of details here.

gorump: Go Running on a Unikernel
A proof of concept of Go running on the Rumprun unikernel. With this, you can run Go apps directly on the hypervisor of your choice, no Linux necessary.

Functional Go?
At dotGo 2015, Francesc Campoy Flores looked at the feasibility and practicality of functional programming in Go and how far you can go with it.

Unofficial Go 1.5.2 Linux/ARM Tarballs Available
Only ARMv6 builds are available but they are upwardly compatible with ARMv7 and compatible with all Raspberry Pi models.

Monitoring Virtual Sports
A look at how a betting and gaming company uses Go to monitor its video streams and ensure they’re working properly.


Gb 0.3.5 Released

test2doc: Generate Your API Docs

Go Will Dominate In 2016

How to Complain About Go

gocd: Change Directory to a Go Package

migr8: A Concurrent Redis Migration Utility, Written in Go

asmfmt: Go Assembler Formatter (Like gofmt for x86)

Gopher: The Go Gopher as a Windows Desktop Mascot
A bit silly, but it’s Christmas!

TiDB Alpha: An ACID-Compliant RDBMS Written in Go

v8eval: Multi-Language Bindings to the V8 JavaScript Engine
Create an instance of V8 and run code on it, all from Go.

git-appraise: Distributed Code Review System for Git Repos

Restruct: Rich Binary Serialization Library for Go 1.3+

ytdl: YouTube Download Library and CLI
YouTube download library and CLI written in Go

Lego: Let's Encrypt Client and ACME Library Written in Go
There's a thorough article about its use too.


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