INI Parser & Write Library

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[GoINI]( ![logo]( # INI Parser & Write Library ini parser and write library for Golang,easy-use,fast [![Build Status](]( ![version]( # Features * Can be read by []byte * Can be read by file * Supports file monitoring and takes effect in real time without reloading * Unmarshal to Struct * Marshal to Json * Write ini to File # Installation ```shell go get ``` # Example ```go import ( "fmt" "" ) ``` ### GetValue ```go doc := ` [section] k=v [section1] k1=v1 k2=1 k3=3.5 k4= ` v1 := ini.New().Load([]byte(doc)).Section("section1").Get("k1") fmt.Println(v1) ``` Output ``` v1 ``` ```go i := ini.New().Load([]byte(doc)) v1 := i.Section("section1").Get("k1") v2 := i.GetInt("k2") v3 := i.GetFloat64("k3") v4 := i.Get("k4") v5 := i.GetIntDef("keyint", 10) v6 := i.GetDef("keys", "defualt") fmt.Printf("v1:%v v2:%v v3:%v v4:%v v5:%v v6:%v\n", v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) ``` Output ``` v1:v1 v2:1 v3:3.5 v4: v5:10 v6:defualt ``` ### Marshal2Json ```go fmt.Println(string(i.Marshal2Json())) ``` Output ```json {"section":{"k":"v"},"section1":{"k1":"v1","k2":"1","k3":"3.5","k4":""}} ``` ### Unmarshal Struct ```go type TestConfig struct { K string `ini:"k" json:"k,omitempty"` K1 int `ini:"k1" json:"k1,omitempty"` K2 float64 `ini:"k2"` K3 int64 `ini:"k3"` User User `ini:"user"` } type User struct { Name string `ini:"name"` Age int `ini:"age"` } ``` ```go doc := ` k=v k1=2 k2=2.2 k3=3 [user] name=tom age=-23 ` cfg := TestConfig{} ini.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), &cfg) fmt.Println("cfg:", cfg) ``` Output ``` cfg: {v 2 2.2 3 {tom -23}} ``` ### Parse File ini file ```ini ; this is comment ; author levene ; date 2021-8-1 a='23'34?::'<>,.' c=d [s1] k=67676 k1 =fdasf k2= sdafj3490&@)34 34w2 # comment # [s2] k=3 k2=945 k3=-435 k4= k5= k7=~/.path.txt k8=./34/34/uh.txt k9=234@!@#$%^&*()324 k10='23'34?::'<>,.' ``` ```go file := "./test.ini" ini.New().LoadFile(file).Section("s2").Get("k2") fmt.Println(string(ini.Marshal2Json())) ``` Output ``` 945 ``` ### Watch File ```go file := "./test.ini" idoc := ini.New().WatchFile(file) v := idoc.Section("s2").Get("k1") fmt.Println("v:", v1) // modify k1=v1 ==> k1=v2 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) v = idoc.Section("s2").Get("k1") fmt.Println("v:", v1) ``` Output ``` v: v1 v: v2 ``` Print file with json ```go file := "./test.ini" fmt.Println(string(ini.New().LoadFile(file).Marshal2Json())) ``` Output ```json { "a": "'23'34?::'<>,.'", "c": "d", "s1": { "k": "67676", "k2": "34w2" }, "s2": { "k": "3", "k10": "'23'34?::'<>,.'", "k2": "945", "k3": "-435", "k4": "", "k5": "", "k6": "", "k7": "~/.path.txt", "k8": "./34/34/uh.txt", "k9": "234@!@#$%^&*()324" } } ``` ### Set Ini ```go doc := ` k =v [section] a=b c=d ` ini := New().Load([]byte(doc)).Section("section") fmt.Println("--------------------------------") ini.Dump() fmt.Println("--------------------------------") ini.Set("a", 11).Set("c", 12.3).Section("").Set("k", "SET") ini.Dump() v := ini.Section("section").GetInt("a") if v != 11 { t.Errorf("Error: %d", v) } v1 := ini.GetFloat64("c") if v1 != 12.3 { t.Errorf("Error: %f", v1) } v2 := ini.Section("").Get("k") if v2 != "SET" { t.Errorf("Error: %s", v2) } ``` ### Wirte Ini ```go filename := "./save.ini" ini := New().Set("a1", 1) ini.Save(filename) fmt.Println(ini.Err()) ini2 := New().Set("a1", 1).Section("s1").Set("a2", "v2") ini2.Save(filename) fmt.Println(ini2.Err()) ``` ### Dump AST struct ``` INIDocNode { CommentNode { Comment: ; this is comment Line: 0 } CommentNode { Comment: ; author levene Line: 1 } CommentNode { Comment: ; date 2021-8-1 Line: 2 } KVNode { Key: a Value: '23'34?::'<>,.' Line: 5 } KVNode { Key: c Value: d Line: 6 } Section { Section: [s1] Line: 8 KVNode { Value: 67676 Line: 9 Key: k } KVNode { Key: k1 Value: fdasf Line: 10 } KVNode { Value: 4w2 Line: 11 Key: k2 } } CommentNode { Comment: # comment Line: 13 } CommentNode { Line: 14 Comment: # } Section { Section: [s2] Line: 15 KVNode { Value: 3 Line: 17 Key: k } KVNode { Value: 945 Line: 20 Key: k2 } KVNode { Key: k3 Value: -435 Line: 21 } KVNode { Line: 22 Key: k4 Value: } KVNode { Line: 24 Key: k5 Value: } KVNode { Key: k6 Value: Line: 25 } KVNode { Key: k7 Value: ~/.path.txt Line: 27 } KVNode { Line: 28 Key: k8 Value: ./34/34/uh.txt } KVNode { Key: k9 Value: 234@!@#$%^&*()324 Line: 30 } KVNode { Key: k10 Value: '23'34?::'<>,.' Line: 31 } } } ``` ## Contributors ## License [MIT](


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