
polaris · 2016-02-26 03:31:17 · 3991 次点击 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    置顶
这是一个创建于 2016-02-26 03:31:17 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Go Graphics (gg): A 2D Graphics Rendering Library
Easily draw lines, rectangles, ellipses, paths, text, etc. There are lots of examples from which you can learn the simple API.

Gentleman: Plugin-Driven, Middleware-Based HTTP Client Toolkit
Build HTTP clients using a simple, expressive fluent API over the top of the net/http package. Built-in JSON, XML and multipart serialization and parsing. Has some similarities to Ruby’s httparty.

How Uber's Highest Query per Second Service Is Built on Go
A look at how Uber approached building a geofence lookup system in Go and how Go has helped them build and scale it so quickly.

So You Wanna Go Fast?
An extensive look at what it means for code to be ‘fast’ and insights into writing and optimizing high-performance Go code.

How Alan Shreve Built ngrok using Go
ngrok lets you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the Internet.

Ergonomadic: A Complete, Reliable, Go IRC Daemon
Long before Slack, we had IRC for our live chatting needs. Happily, the IRC protocol is still around to be used and this is an ircd written in Go.


Gobot 0.11: Robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) Framework
It now supports the $9 C.H.I.P. computer.

Caddy 0.8.2 Released with On-Demand TLS
Now built on Go 1.6, Caddy is an HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS support.

Course: Learn How To Code in Google Go
Costs (a very little, at time of writing) money but packs in 159 lectures spanning over 20 hours.

Take a REST with HTTP/2, Protobufs, and Swagger

Hashicorp on Go Plugin Architecture

Comparing Erlang and Go Concurrency

goTemplateBenchmark: Comparing The Performance of Template Engines

Skynet 1M Threads Microbenchmark
Go is up against Haskell, Scala, Erlang, .NET and Java.

How To Fix The Go Package Management Problem

How Go Solves So Many Problems for Web Developers

benchls: Go Benchmark Performance Curve Fitting

multicorecsv: A Multicore CSV Reader Library
Boasts 3x faster performance than encoding/csv.

govfx: A Fast Web Animation Library for Go
(Using GopherJS to compile Go to JavaScript for use on the Web.)

Velox: Real-time Go Struct to JS Object Sync Over SSE and WebSockets


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